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Items within the setting necessary to accomplish a task or for a particular purpose, equipment may be brought and sold among the setting's many vendors. Importantly, the availability of differing equipment for reasons of supply, production, distribution and legality mean not all equipment within the setting is available to all.

Quantex Gear

No longer in production, Quantex provided for the United Defense Directive in the days before its many divisions: In the era of the Ranger. The Ranger was all they could be, born of trial-by-fire: Bounty-hunter, soldier, peace-keeper and of course, judge, jury and executioner all rolled into one lone package. Enforcers of the time, Rangers held law on new expansions of the Unity Protocol in their own flavor, rather than strictly going by the book.

Now, over fifty years on, Quantex is a classic example of “they don't make em like they used to” and is considered the gold standard of personal equipment. Those to come into possession of Quantex Gear do so not through purchase but through inheritance or rare discovery on someone stopped cold before their passage of legacy.

Handcrafted Models

In the universe, it's often a reassurance to have something made specifically for you by your side, something you know intimately and can be assured of what failings it has. This section is for designs people make themselves, but have become popular enough to warrant it.

  • guide/equipment.1485812809.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/01/30 16:46
  • by moogle