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Sayril Relatir of the Silent Vigil

Sayril Relatir of the Silent Vigil is a Raiken, working for the Raiconian Alliance as a bodyguard. She is charged with protecting Garim Delrasu Oathbinder and is stationed with him in Aeras Daramai, in the Imvia'roshya star system.

Species Raiken Age 42
Weight 2562lbs Height 8'9“
Affiliations Raiconian Alliance
Occupation Bodyguard Organisation Protectors Of The Alliance
Rank Rolas Dradai (RF-5) Home Ranil'inas




Psychology - Sayril is what most outsiders believe the Raiken are. She is brutish, unforgiving, and stoic. She doesn't tolerate inaction and weakness, and doesn't believe in solving conflicts through words. Her hostile nature brought the Silent Vigil upon her as a punishment and learning experience, but the frozen wastes and unforgiving cold did little to dampen her temper.

Sayril doesn't like that the Alliance is considering diplomacy rather than conquering with the new nations and is even more enraged that she has been assigned to guard the person carrying out the negotiations. Despite this, she grits her teeth and deals with it, like she believes Rela would.

Affiliations and Beliefs


Nulsaa Vi Raiken + Basic (Accented)