Luca Pavone is a Greaseheart Badass, working for the Phoenix Team as their leader and Captain, and formerly of the United Defence Directive's Emergency Assault Division. He came from a mountain town in Nonna, and lived in Sargasso for his adult life, and currently resides there permanently.
![]() | Captain Luca Pavone (AKA: Codename: Phoenix, The Man in Red) | ||
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Race | Human Greaseheart | Age | Mid-20s |
Weight | 80kg (176lb) | Height | 183cm (6'0“) |
Affiliations | Unity Protocol, Phoenix Team | ||
Occupation | Badass | Organisation | Phoenix Team |
Rank | Captain | Home | Sargasso |
Theme | Lazerhawk - King of the Streets |
Psychology: His thought process can be described as procedural without appearing chaotic. Sometimes, he forgets to state his intentions and acts on his impulses, a carryover from having to make snap-decisions under duress on the field. His way of tactical thinking1) proved to be his brightest asset when he left the United Defence Directive to lead the Phoenix Team, setting it above the local competition.
Further analysis by the UDD and the Units showed he had the aptitude to become a low level psionic, but he refused to take the treatments, implants, or training necessary. Some people suspect that this latent talent is responsible for his instinctual affinity towards firearms, toughness, charisma, and his ability to stay calm under pressure. Others believe it was his upbringing in a rural-agrarian society, and a very pragmatic and practical thought process. Though, his allies reckon its his diet of action movies during downtime and a penchant for mischief and hard headedness. Recently, his psionics were shocked awake by the sight and spell of an unspeakable thing, and he's in the midst of processing what this means for his future.
Luca does not know any spells or rituals, and has no interest in learning any.
Personality: In casual conversation, Luca is noticeably straightforward, observant, and very dry if irritated. He's known to incorporate loanwords2) from the different species he works alongside. He also has a strong sense of justice - though people like it to an archetypal action hero's personality, except played with enough self awareness to remain personable, and even goofy. He finds himself drawn to fights and fighting, and will eagerly suggest a fight if a conversation looks to be heading that way and the targets are some manner of trouble.
Luca was formerly affiliated with the Unity Protocol's Emergency Assault Division, and later split off on good terms to found his own group to deal with problems abroad: the Phoenix Team. During his time in the UDD, he encountered with a wide variety of different species on peaceful occasions, giving him a broad spread of who's who around the Unity Protocol, even with some questions and visits from the Unit Avatars.
His role in the repel of the Hostile Polygons on Sargasso's Ferros Block tower earned him the nickname of a superhero around Sargasso for a while. Now living in Sargasso, he is a local celebrity and they don't mind the Phoenix Team's presence. He is a citizen of Sargasso.
Luca is enemies with a splinter group of former agents and staff of the Emergency Assault Division, after surviving their betrayal when the scandals of the organisation's wrongdoing broke loose. On the one hand, Luca was on the side which helped put an end to the use of EAD as a political tool, shaking up the foundation by exposing the wrongdoers.
On the other, all of the naked corruption laid out caused an uproar in the news media and throughout councils in the Unity Protocol, and extensive collateral damage and swathe of trials and reviews soured the Protocol's palette for letting nonstandard soldiers into the UDD with so much free reign. Luca himself showed up in a handful of illicit operations, but was vindicated by his actions. He knows the murkier elements of his past missions will catch up to him eventually, and recent violent actions of former EAD's have put the topic back in the spotlight.
Some elements of Sargasso's media and political elite - especially anti-vigilante politician Dianne Proctor - think the actions of Phoenix Team is an irresponsible way of ensuring peace. Proctor is quick to point out Luca's chequered past with the EAD. Luca doesn't worry over it - it's just hot air.
He has also made an enemy of Yttrium's debtors and former employers, a medical corporation called Gruppen Tanhauss from Noir. The ethically unsound company made plans to move its business machinations into Sargasso; but now now that they have not one, but two lucrative bounties residing there.
Luca initially considered the attention of the company a nuisance when they beat him up in a parking lot, but when they ramped up with a hit squad, all bets were off. This emboldened Luca to hit back at the company and figure out what was worth killing over - and it turned out to be something more sinister than he imagined. What better than to bust it wide open with his friends, just like old times?
Luca speaks Basic, and a local dialect in his previous hometown on Nonna. He otherwise understands bits and pieces of local alien languages - particularly signals and directions, numbers, and combat orders.
Luca was born in an icy village up on the colony of Nonna. He spent his formative years working as a farmhand for his family and the village. Living a sheltered and homogeneous existence, he rarely saw aliens or other species come by his village, except during the tourist seasons. Luca made efforts to try and learn more, but his home's resources were limited.
When he came of age, he made the effort of organising himself. He got on his motorcycle and left his home, enlisting himself with the United Defence Directive, since it'd give him the quickest access to a spaceship, and to see the world as the advertisements said. What he got was to see more of the planet he lived on, and a lot more people, starting at academy and boot camp. After passing, he proceeded onto the Directive proper. There, his skills were much further advanced, displaying practicality and a cool head in changing situations.
Most of Luca's time in the UDD consisted of resolving small fights between members of Councils, fending off pirate raids, investigating unknown arrivals to the system, and repelling invaders alongside the Units. Some of his exploits through improvisation and combat tactics bought him a bit of notoriety as a tough nut and loose cannon in his usual post of the City of Sargasso. His rise to fame was involved in a first-contact with a hostile sect of Polygons, who had engulfed Ferros Block with non-euclidean geometry. Of the first-response squad he was assigned to, he and three other UDD Soldiers managed to break through the barriers and destroy the core, sapping the Polygons of a leyline and allowing the UDD reinforcements repel the threat.
Following recovery and a very thorough debriefing by both Units and UDD Brass, Luca was assigned to UDD's upcoming Emergency Assault Division - a team responsible for dealing with the more serious problems which beset Unity Metropolis from beyond Traveller, and the Aleph Cluster. His initial thoughts on the unit drew parallels to 'superheroes', but the Units thought that was only a bit of a stretch - they were just a special forces cell. That said, EAD was responsible for routinely dealing with large threats, including counter-terrorism, repelling monstrous alien invasion, space pirate fleet raids, and taking out external threats to Unity Protocol. Luca didn't like how showy the image seemed, but he settled in.
In time, Luca stood out in the Emergency Assault Division for not standing out on first glance. He wasn't an obvious cyborg, mage, psion, ki user, or supersoldier; Nor did he display any extraordinary abilities - he didn't appear to bring any advantage to the team over his peers initially, and he was met with disdain and derision. The opinion changed when it manifested in battlefield experience, backed up with gadgets and cutting edge weaponry, making him a formidable combatant and nothing but that, able to outgun and outwit mages, psions, and most frequently monstrous aliens.
Then, someone turned on him from within. During a routine defence against a pirate fleet invading a Unity commercial space station, his squad was cut off and stranded inside by a treacherous squad member who was sold over to the pirate's cause. It didn't stop there though - Luca pursued the traitor's source, and discovered it to be high-ranking Council Members of Unity Prime, whose requests begun to look like politically motivated attacks, eliminating political rivals in the crossfire. EAD's political moles turned on Luca, and he fought back using every trick in the book, while having to explain everything to the Units who were trying to make sense of the friendly fire.
After this incident Luca quit EAD out of disgust. He was offered an honourable discharge by the UDD and commended for attempting to stamp out corruption, but never felt rewarded by it. Using resources, knowledge, and connections he'd picked up through the years in Sargasso, as well as his hazard pay, he pooled his resources to create his own group, renting a warehouse in Sargasso's Barrier Island. He had a wellspring of initial support from Sargasso, but he now has to find something to do with their goodwill and make a difference.
He has so far managed to find himself more chaos and mayhem after rescuing a crude gynoid called Yttrium from her debtors. Shortly afterwards, he was contacted by Sargasso's mayor to investigate and clean up the local sport of Drill Tanks. However, a large explosion caused by Yttrium derailed the operation, and her debtors moved in on Sargasso to apprehend her and Luca after they took the man responsible for messing up the Drill Tanks back to the warehouse for interrogation. After bringing in extra assistance since Yttrium was incapacitated, the mechanic's phone would be decrypted by an expert bought in by the mayor, and Luca called the mechanic's bluff that he had friends who used to be in the UDD, dropping him off in the middle of Witchwood with a sack over his head.
Since then, Luca has realised with Yttrium's debtors here to stay, he will have an ongoing source of trouble to deal with around town with his own two hands, instead of taking orders from the mayor.
Having been bought up in the country, honed in the city, then tempered in space and abroad, Luca's skills put him head and shoulders above the average soldier in a battlefield.
Any vaguely firearm-like device and any tactics and skills required to use them effectively are second nature to Luca. He has a preference for revolvers, shotguns, laser pistols, and launched explosives in particular.
He knows boxing, judo, and wrestling. Luca greatly enjoys punching things with the aid of the Grapple Stunner, and countering his opponent's attacks. He prefers to get his fights over and done with quickly - no tactic or move is too underhanded so long as he walks away. The Phoenix Punch is its own beast, and requires a hard read!
Physical fitness throughout life and within the Defence Directive's ranks and beyond keep Luca agile, durable, and strong. He maintains this through a eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and having plenty of opportunities to put his physique to the test.
He can call in a favour from a friend easily, and lead people. In addition, he can figure out the strengths of people under his command by watching them, and utilise them effectively to lead combined attacks.
Luca enjoys riding dual-sport motorcycles, dirtbikes, and similar two-wheeled transports. He can perform stunts, keep up in a car chase, and maintain or modify bikes in a garage. He also has a good understanding of four wheeled vehicles.
Able to look after his gadgets and use them to their maximum effectiveness involves some technical know-how, quick wits, an understanding of their limitations, and a bit of imagination. In particular, he knows how to get results from hardlight projection systems, and cord/cable reels.
Though he's not known for his subtlety, Luca has a rounded understanding of staying hidden in hostile territory, eliminating targets quietly and discreetly, setting up ambushes, and using misdirection to divert enemy attention.
Theme: Martial, Gadgets, PSI
Property and Spaceships
Luca currently lives comfortably with a payout from the United Defence Directive. The money needed to keep the Phoenix running day to day comes from itself by task payouts. He usually has Johnny manage the strategic finance decisions.
Long running character is very long running.