Tough Puppy 6x6 Light Transport

The Tough Puppy is a six-wheeled flat-bed light transport with a plethora of sub-variants and styles that can be modded into almost anything the owner desires, even light armor. The vehicle is available for civilian sale.

  • Tough
  • Eager
  • Easy to maintain
  • Built for hard knocks
  • Adorable
Mass 2,300kg
Beam 5m
Height 2.3m
Width 2m

The Tough Puppy is the vehicle of choice for many chelti armies and militias, coming in an eclectic myriad of variants fulfilling a dizzying array of roles and missions across the galaxy.

Known varieties of Tough Puppies include (but not limited to): Light transport - Fire team sized transport and light support weapon Troop Movement - Flatbed converted into bench seating. Fire Support - Flatbed converted into weapons bay for fire support weapons such as mortars, rocket launchers, light anti-air weapons systems. Anything that needs more than a tripod but less than a tank to carry. Sensor - Carrying a large set sensor pod and control system to interface with other units and sensor trucks.

Originally built as a military only vehicle just on the cusp of widescale space exploration, the Tough Puppy was designed as a versatile, cost-effective frontier vehicle adaptable to a variety of power plant types, from internal combustion, to electric and others. Soon copies of the design were spreading all over the galaxy as chelti took their technology with them to the stars and the type became so common it became routine to see rugged living civilians in possession of a small fleet of them for their transport needs out among the colonies.

As a military vehicle the Tough Puppy quickly found itself being adapted to fill any roll capable of a light truck, and then a few that required light armor instead of a tank. As such, military Tough Puppies can be anything from a completely open people mover, to a light armored vehicle equipped with a fully powered turret system.

Civilian models are usually customized to user needs, often featuring hardened cages to ward of attacks from native fauna, shade and cooling devices, often along with various survival equipment as these trucks are often used in rugged areas that require such hardy vehicles.

When equipped with a standard petrochemical-fired combustion to electric powerplant, the Tough Puppy has a top speed of over 150kmph in perfect conditions, but is much more realistically going to be driving up to 120kmph on most available highways. Not recommended in version without windshields.

Acceleration can be hampered by the large loads these vehicles routinely carry, such such expected acceleration is 20m/s initially and ramping up to 45m/s until max speed.


Travel Type Capability Notes
High Speed Yes
Evasive Action Yes
Hover No


As a base model, the Tough Puppy has four seats, room for one ring turret. One driver, three passengers, plus standing room in the turret. The flatbed in the back makes space in the back for gear or more, rather less comfortable passengers.


A general overview of the ships weapons and active defenses, a sub-heading for each system along with a brief description. Links to weapons pages are optional if you have a boiler-plate weapons article ready.
Weapon System
Name and description, a heading for each type of weapon along with the numbers on board.

Protective Equipment

The ships armor, secondary protection, damage control measures, and anti-boarding measures, a sub-header for each.
Optional out of character notes for players and


Optional admission of where you stole your ideas from. -_-
  • vehicles/tough_puppy.txt
  • Last modified: 2018/09/20 03:08
  • by jimmy