
Transportation throughout known space is achieved in a variety of different ways, depending on the distances, territories

Infrastructure transport or public transport involves systems that move along predefined paths to predefined destinations art high speed, low cost and low investment and are ideal for the majority of transportation.

  • Mass driver - A device which throws an object a great distance - often from a planet into space or out of a gravitational pull without the need of rocketry or military grade engines.
  • Warp Rail - A path through space which accelerates craft to near luminal velocity along a predefined route. The rail is bidirection and craft may join or leave at any point, making it an ideal way to move around many parts of a solar system. It is notable for having 'keys' which may change the direction a craft travels in allowing for a curved or shape changing orbital path.
  • Wormhole - Either a natural or artificial three dimensional hole in spacetime with an entry and exit point which could potentially lead anywhere over enormous distances.
  • Subspace Node - An area of space which is destabilized - and when a subspace drive is used, a ship will emerge a destination similar to a wormhole though over much shorter distances. They are usually artificial and require special frequency information to access making them very secure.
  • Space Gate - A permanent structure around a jumpnode or wormhole for the purpose of docking and resupplying that can often be compared to the old sea towns or dry-docks where vessels are often made and custom is often exchanged.
  • guide/transportation.txt
  • Last modified: 2016/11/26 01:39
  • by osakanone