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Aeras Daramai is a city situated atop a chain of large 'floating isles', as well as the area beneath those isles. It is the capital of Emkal'roshya, the central hub of the Imvia'roshya star system. It is controlled by the Raiconian Alliance. Currently, it acts as the diplomatic hub for the Alliance, where other nations and races are permitted to visit and speak to Alliance diplomats.

Aeras Daramai's construction began approximately a decade ago under the order of the Alliance upon the discovery of other interstellar nations, intending it to be a meeting place to speak with other empires. Only recently has the Alliance deemed it necessary to finally open communications, and Aeras Daramai, with other nations, abandoning their previous policy of total isolation.

Emkal'roshya is a lush, tropical garden world, mimicking the jungles of Rakavasu on Ranil'inas, but it does have some unique characteristics. A particularly strong magnetosphere has resulted in long chains of 'floating islands', that hover at varying altitudes from five hundred meters to a few kilometers. Aeras Daramai has been constructed on and below the largest of these chains.

Records of the city and its inhabitants are kept within the main Alliance headquarters on the island known as 'Keep'.

Aeras Daramai is mostly made up of Raiken and their respective vassal races. However, other races are permitted to live within the city with proper permits.

Despite the city's appearance and supposed diplomatic function, a sense of Alliance superiority pervades the glamour. It is made well-known that the Alliance is in control by the bountiful military presence, rich statuary, and the segregation of the city itself.

Notable People/Groups

  • Politicians
    • Garim Delrasu Oathbinder - An elderly Raiken Oathbinder who works as the Head of Diplomatic Relations for the Raiconian Alliance. Stocky, maroon scaled, and more than capable of handling himself despite using a walking stick, Garim fervently believes that agreements like the Tiam vi Raiken can be made with other races; an opinion not shared by many of his kin. When he's not working, he is frequently found amongst his kin, partaking in drink and song.

“We been fightin' for as long as anyone can remember and I did my fair share, so don't think me soft. But you damned younglings, scales bright and fists tight, thinkin' that's what it means to be Raiken, That's all wrong. Roshya and Surrai, praised as they are, taught us better than that. So yeah, I think this whole 'talking' thing can work out. And if it doesn't? So be it! Another fight for the storytellers!”

  • Sayril Relatir of the Silent Vigil - Stoic and scornful, Sayril is Garim's assigned bodyguard, despite her objections to the matter. She doesn't care for outsiders or potential peace with them, like most of the staunch traditionalists within the Alliance. She can be found at Garim's side most of the time, a hand always on her weapon.
  • (Alliance System Council)
  • (Commander of local Alliance Forces)
  • Business People - While the Raiken do not have a currency, business is still prevalent, primarily on the shadier end.
  • (Trade Master)
  • Izik - A dirty yellow-scaled Dralu in charge of the Black Market on Riverside. Perpetually drunk, generally unpleasant, and far from polite, Izik is still the man to see to get anything under the sun for a cost. Oddly enough, he owes just about everyone some amount of money from gambling debt.

“Yous didn't come lookin fers ol' Izik with pouches o' gold fer nuthin. So, tells me straight, whats you wants?”

  • Celebrities
    • (Storyteller at Amphitheatre)
    • (Pair of Actors)
  • Groups
    • Resa Sarhi
    • Crystal Collective
    • Far Sun Hive






Isles of the Clans


Hive District

  • location/aeras_daramai.1545448631.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2018/12/21 22:17
  • by sham