Known for their love of life and their rashness, Greasehearts always live in the moment wherever they go in the universe. Descended from space's first pioneers and serving as the base for the groups which would arise, Greasehearts grew into their own niche of humanity within the changing and expanding world around them.

Their affinity for travel, engineering, and firearms push them towards soldiering or transportation jobs, such as couriers or privateers. They also get along with the other human-derived groups, acting as the glue between them and bridging the gaps with technology.

Greasehearts have but one drive, and that is to keep going - even when they probably should have stopped. Whether its finding new horizons, new means of doing so, or simply living another day. They wear the fact they were direct descendants of space's first pioneers with pride, and strive to do their legacies proud by continuing to seek the horizon. However, this quality gives them a hard-headed temperament, making them difficult to dissuade when they set their minds towards something. One way or the other, they'll do it - and it if it can't be done in their lifetime, they'll make a group to carry the ideas forward to the next generation.

The family unit of a Greaseheart is typical with a husband, wife, children, aunts and uncles, and grandparents. They will usually stay in contact with each other, and children are expected to move out of the house once they come of age around 18 or 20, often dipping into their savings to give them an assist if necessary. Many Greaseheart parents will dote on the children for a few weeks after moving out, but once they demonstrate independence, they'll lay off. In less wealthy areas or where housing is scarce, a family will often stay together in one large property, building new room themselves.

In casual speech, Greasehearts incorporate profanities playfully with their peers; Even with a volume of insults flying between two speakers, they can still be friends - as its easy for them to recognise when a jab is not meant in jest. Around strangers, they will limit their profanities, use minced oaths, grumble, or have no filter and keep on anyway.

Greasehearts are renowned for playing tough or and cool, using glowing charm or a macho persona1) to get what they want. Ranging from cultivating a gritty and aloof appearance to remaining cool headed and slick. They rarely apologise for how they carry themselves in civilised company or amongst strangers, and value the consequences of their actions more.


The way to be fashionable is to look cool. Hard-wearing materials such as denim, canvas, flannel, and leather are common materials, worn as jeans or jackets. In addition, their clothing incorporates alongside metal or shiny fabrics for accents and decoration. Piloting and racing suits are also considered proper good looking attire, covered with embroidered patterns and patches from spaceports all over the galaxy. Above all else in Greaseheart looks, colours must be bold. Pastels, tertiaries, and gentle shades are rare, but neon gradients are frequent, especially if they contrast.

For accessories, Greasehearts always have a nice pair of shades on them, and often wear them indoors. Earrings and fingerless gloves are also common, as are tattoos depicting the things they love. Simple jewellery is also worn, but removed if they need to do some hard yakka. Two reasons: One, for practicality and safety; Two, so it doesn't get dirty.

Men often wear hair in slick quiffs, mullets, perms, and straight and long while facial hair can range from clean shaven, trimmed into shape, or a bushy beard. Women usually let their hair grow long, frizzy, curly, or so heavy you'd think it needs a neck brace to stay upright. Men do not wear makeup, while women can be subtle about how it is applied, or go all out to get a rise out of their friends or the neighbours.

Architecture & Aesthetics

There are two things above all else that matter to a Greaseheart's house: Their garage, and their workbench. Occupying the same space, many Greaseheart households are built around storing vehicles. Most of their houses are often built from prefabricated and artificial materials. Commercial properties are often graced with neon lights in their windows or on their exterior signs and billboards. This approach to their businesses gives them a distinctly gaudy vibe, reminiscent of Googie_architecture.

In less wealthy areas, Greasehearts are known to live out of the hulls of wrecked starships and spacecraft, building in and around them while reactivating the ship's systems to the best of their ability. Their urge to recycle technology makes them highly resourceful in this regard, even if more civilised folks turn their noses upwards at the results.

“Let 'er rip, boys!”

Greaseheart made items are easy to spot: They have metallic paints or coatings, contrasting racing stripes, chequered patterns, or painted pin-up artworks when possible. Equipment omits unnecessary features, and operation is fairly straightforward. Handheld items are often heavy and hefty feeling, put power over subtlety, and are built to outlast and survive the competition. Its also likely for items to make noises for user feedback, even if they're meant to be quiet.

Tech Focus

“If its moving and it shouldn't, stick some repair tape on. If it isn't moving and it should, apply solvent.”

In general, Greasehearts are drawn to finding new ways to go fast or do things faster: They enjoy using combustion engines where possible, but are not impartial to using antimatter or plasma. Their love of all things mechanical also extends into designing ballistic and energy weapons, and powered armour suits. In addition, Greasehearts are responsible for pushing aerospace and spaceflight research and development into new horizons.

In general, they enjoy coming up with solutions to practical problems, and are renowned for trying to improvise repairs whenever they come across something broken. Even if they don't succeed, its a learning experience for next time.


Greaseheart spellcasters do not occupy any particular bracket above or below their peers, as its seen as another means of expression. So long as it gets the job done, people aren't too worried. Mages often focus on magic spells which assist with agility, aid movement, provide psychometry for objects, and creating magitek. In elemental manipulation, Greasehearts often have affinity with fire, oil, smoke, thunder, and lightning.

Given the Greaseheart hard-on for noise, thunder, and technology, it isn't uncommon to see magical devices made by Greasehearts incorporate things like chainsaw engines to boost their spell's output; The evoked image being a wizened tradesman with a bushy beard, a belt full of tools, and carrying a stave with an engine on the head. The engine feeds a ball of fire he can manipulate or use as a spell focus.


Greaseheart Psions are uncommon, but highly valued for their instinctual understanding of complex mechanics and the mathematics involved. Greaseheart psions who specialise in mechanics and engineering are often nicknamed blackfingers, and often find gainful employment in mechanics and machinists' shops across the galaxy. However, their changed perspective on how they view the world makes interacting with them difficult, and talking to them about subjects beyond how things work or what interests them often bores them.

Plying themselves further into the artificial side of living than the natural, Greasehearts are generally inclined away from working with the land and animals. To a lot of onlookers, what they see in Greaseheart agriculture is an understanding of all the technology and design necessary for making effective and productive gardening, but not having the intuition or fixation to make a garden grow strong and healthy.

Exceptions are present however, as people who yearn towards farming and nature are willing to go the whole hog - designing sprawling hydroponics solutions for growing food and materials in highly unlikely places. In addition, Greasehearts are fiercely loyal towards their domesticated pets, particularly dogs.


“I don't understand. I improved the water flow, got more nutrients, and addressed that nitrogen deficiency… ugh, stupid plant.”

Greasehearts may prefer artificial environments, but they understand the principles and benefits of technologies like hydroponic irrigation and drainage, and how to properly devise and array a garden. They do see the value of having some greenery in their homes - there will at least a few potted plants spotted here and there. Gardens and lawns will be set up to water themselves with timed sprinklers, and mowing the lawn - one way or another - is considered a good way to spend a sunny afternoon.


“Who's a good boy?”

There's nothing quite like having a canine companion to a Greaseheart. They have a love for dogs of medium-sized breeds and upwards, and are fiercely protective of their friends, even if they are perfectly capable of handling themselves in a fight. The roles of a dog in a Greaseheart household swivel between companionship, guard duty, emotional support, and walkies.

It isn't uncommon to see at least one or two dogs present on a construction site managed by Greasehearts, sitting in the back of a ute and watching the workers do their things.


Practically an aptonym, Greaseheart cooking specialises in frying things up. Their most common staple dish is a hamburger, fries, and a sugary drink - all the food groups contained between two lightly toasted buns, with some chips and soda to wash it down. In addition, they flock towards cooking savoury baked goods, such as pies, pizza, jaffles2), sausage rolls, pasties, or scrolls/rolls. For sweets, they love their varieties of soft drinks, chocolate, doughnuts, and ice cream.

On the healthier end of the scale Greasehearts are fond of the 'meat and two veggies' dish: a medium-rare cut of meat with a bone in it, a starch vegetable like potatoes or corn, some salad greens, and a sauce to go on the steak to round out the flavour. They often barbecue their meats and don't cook their steaks anywhere near well done. Serving a Greaseheart a well done steak is sure to raise their ire.

The typical diet appears quite unhealthy, but it rarely seems to have ill signs given the amount of physical activity most Greasehearts ply themselves toward. Of course, people who stay sedentary will have the worst aspects of the diet catch up to them in middle age.

“Engines roar, bones break, glory's forever, and chicks dig scars. All the while, the great wheel keeps on turnin'.”

There are a small number of Gods in Greaseheart culture, the most famous of them being the Velocian, Lady of Acceleration, a Goddess of travel, achieving ludicrous speeds, and the patron of mechanics and machinists throughout the galaxy. It isn't uncommon to see her likeliness on the wall of a reputable mechanic's shop in the form of an elaborate mural, or the cut out centrefold of a racy magazine portraying a model in her image.

Alongside the Lady of Acceleration is the Din, God of Noise and Light, patron of musicians and revheads alike. They are also called the 'get out of the way' god, as an abundance of noise and light is usually a signal to run. Din takes the form of a headless man with a ball of blindingly bright light where his head should be. He is often depicted carrying or standing alongside musical instruments, revving engines, firearms, or other noisy items.

In addition, mechanical troubles are usually blamed on Gremlins, mischievous little imp-like creatures responsible for messing up projects by moving tools around and damaging mechanical parts at inopportune moments. Greasehearts who don't pay the superstitions any mind usually attribute gremlins to a lack of rigorous maintenance and carelessness on the mechanic's part.

Core Tenets

One of the major ideas of Greaseheart religion and beliefs is The Great Wheel. It is treated as a heavenly locale where their gods and cryptids reside, occasionally coming down. It is taught that no matter what happens in a Greaseheart's life and their lot, the wheel will keep on spinning, and so too should the person. This belief instils and canonises the typical hard-headedness of a Greaseheart on a mission.


Are there any sort of rituals the culture goes through to celebrate the advancement of one through life and religion?
What are common traditions the culture holds? Is it annual, or based on some celestial alignment, or based on weather conditions, and so on.

Birth and Death

How do they celebrate birth? Do they mourn the dead? Etc.

Female Greasehearts also take this on!
Australian word for Toasted Sandwich. See here for more.
  • culture/greasehearts.txt
  • Last modified: 2017/06/16 05:46
  • by luca