Entropy Bias

Entropy Bias is a phenomenon in which a unique or one-off version of something with noteworthy characteristics but otherwise identical performance has a statistical higher probability of survivability or success in its actions.

On some level, magic fictionally speaking has always culturally been considered a way of giving the individual the power to change history and in narrative, to take control of destiny: To become and empowered. The people who read stories of magic envy these characteristics — of control and importance. So fitting is it then, that for discourse with the universe to happen in reality, that the universe must know who it is speaking to and in a fight, the universe must know who it is betting on.

Equipment used with magic in mind naturally tends to have these characteristics which lend themselves to this effect.

Equipment needing to be adapted especially for its user based on intuition and character with design elements which either channel, amplify or compensate for the behavior and will of its user. Alternatively, equipment can have its own “stake” by giving it character - with many one-offs having a specialty appearance and identity. Generally, the two meet in the middle with a compromise with rare exception.

For this reason, equipment used which leverages magic tends to be unique and specialty in its design and production and is not cost-effective to mass-produce.

  • physics/entropy_bias.txt
  • Last modified: 2016/12/01 07:48
  • by osakanone