Fyunnen Creation Guide
The Fyunnen are the proud warrior caste within the Lorath Matriarchy and the primary demographic within the LSDF, raised from birth to have a sense of duty, Fyunnen are attracted physical performance and martial prowess. A fyunnen character is expected to be active and extremely fit.
Essential Elements
All lorath are indoctrinated from birth into the state religion of the Goddess and her representative in mortal form, the Xiaah. Knowing at least the outlaying knowledge of this religion is important as state functions as both nation and church.
The Caste system within the matriarchy is absolute, and mere fraternization outside of caste is enough to attract suspicion from fellow lorath, procreation between castes is punishable by summary execution of both parents and progeny.
Include sample names, name architecture (I.E. “first, last”, “First, childofFather/mother”, etc) and common vowel/consonant combinations/sounds
Common Upbringings
Barracks Creche Fyunnen from strictly military households are often raised in a communal creche with others of their caste which often acts as an informal military academy, with children expected to join into the LSDF as they reach maturity.
LSDF Grooming Households less stringently militant will often still groom their children in military culture and ideals, however a less strict regimen, and being aware of civilian concerns gives these Fyunnen a somewhat more worldly view.
Fyunnen, like all lorath, nominally appear human with some unique features, such as having longer, triangular ears, naturally white hair, almost universally paler skin coloration, and a pair of small black vestigial wings on their backs.
Fyunnen are often the tallest of lorath, excepting some exceptional individuals from other castes. Females within the Fyunnen House are typically quite large, with none existing below 175cm (5'10“) and a maximum of 270cm (9') having been regularly observed with the average sitting around 210cm (7'). Males are typically shorter though they maintain the caste minimum of 175cm (5'10”) however they rarely reach 240cm (8') in height with the caste average for men sitting around 188cm (6'3).
Fyunnen hair is a natural white or platinum blonde, like all other lorath. Fyunnen dye their hair red to signify their allegiance to their caste, and hair length is often roughly amalgamous to the individuals sense of importance within their society. Eyes, like all lorath, tend towards amber colors. Fyunnen take great pride in their musculature, and so often leave their muscles on display when out of uniform, depending on the individual.
Common/racial Skills/Talents
Fyunnen are not known for having any magical or psionic talent as they have not been bred for it, nor does their culture cultivate such within them, as those are the realms of the L'manel and Occhestian castes respectively.
Fyunnen are often extremely physically conditioned and martially skilled, taking a Physical or Combat skill for any starter character is acceptable.
Below are some boilerplate minimum skill sections for you to copy paste to your character sheet. Remember, it is recommended that most new characters start with skill levels resembling the following:
- Up to 1 Skill may be assigned as Expert
- Up to 2 Skills may be assigned as Advanced
- Up to 3 Skills may be assigned as Intermediate
- Up to 4 Skills may be assigned as Basic
LSDF Female Minimum Skillplate
=== Archaic Weapons [Intermediate minimum] === === Hand-To-Hand [Intermediate minimum] === === Firearms [Intermediate minimum] === === Power Armor [Intermediate minimum] === === Fitness [Intermediate minimum] === === Survival [Intermediate minimum] ===
Almost every fyunnen female is expected to join the LSDF at some point in their life in some capacity, even non-combat. This stat block represents the basics of LSDF combatant training, currently two of the current skills will need to be upgraded to at least Advanced, while 4 Basic and an Expert slot are availabe. This template is still in development, and is subject to change as it is currently not as flexible as staff would like.
Civilian Female Minimum Skillplate
=== Archaic Weapons [Basic minimum] === === Hand-To-Hand [Basic minimum] === === Firearms [Basic minimum] === === Fitness [Basic minimum] ===
This skill plate represents a typical upbringing for lorath women, either before their entry into the LSDF, or working in non-combat roles. This template can be changed and any of these skills can be upgraded to add another Basic slot or to specialize in one area.
LSDF Male Minimum Skillplate
=== Archaic Weapons [Intermediate minimum] === === Hand-To-Hand [Intermediate minimum] === === Firearms [Intermediate minimum] === === Power Armor [Basic minimum] === === Fitness [Basic minimum] === === Survival [Intermediate minimum] === === Domestic [Intermediate minimum] ===
Male fyunnen are not as pressured to join the LSDF, particularly in combat roles, but many will do so at some point in their lives. Often as support or specialist personnel, although combatant males are not uncommon.
Civilian Male Minimum Skillplate
=== Archaic Weapons [Basic minimum] === === Hand-To-Hand [Basic minimum] === === Firearms [Basic minimum] === === Domestic [Basic minimum] ===
Civilian males are often the homemakers of lorath society, and most fyunnen men will join the armed forces in their lifetime, but before their enlistment, or after their retirement, this skill plate will represent their socially expected skillset quite well.
Historical Factors
For a general overview of Lorath history refer to the Lorath guide and their history article, Fyunnen tend to emphasis battle and so their history classes reflect such.
In particular, the Fyunnen caste has been bred for strength, and hand-to-hand fighting ability. Typical efficient lorath eugenics pruning the fyunnen gene pool to a variety of sizes, from near baseline human, up to the potent “Amazon” gene, which breeds far larger and powerfully built females.