Table of Contents

Isthmau Taa'uotl Paar'enil

Isthmau Taa'uotl Paar'enil is a name belonging to an Artifical Intelligence, that is located at present in the Or'ri Ro'ichekky research facility in the E-9 system, and in service to the Lorath Matriarchy. A second instance is presently traveling with Taela Kaila and the Opportunity's Knock crew in the Symphony system.

|An Fax Isthmau Taa'uotl Paar'enil1)
She really doesn't care.
Race RSAI2) Age Varies3)
Weight 100kg (220lbs) Height 145cm (4'9“)
Affiliations Lorath Matriarchy, LSDF
Occupation Resource Acquisition and Processing Organization LSDF
Rank Undefined Home The Herald
Theme Dodonpachi Saidaioujou - Hibi


Due to who she is Isthmau's physical features may vary wildly. To this end the information contained below is subject to change to remain accurate with IC events.


Unit 00000002


Current Chassis Parameters:


For a detailed record see her current model specifications. For the purposes of a brief overview see below:


Learning is her primary capability able to assimilate and adapt new information rapidly and efficiently.

Unit 00000003-1


Chassis Parameters:

Additional Information

Unit 00000003-2


Current Chassis Parameters:


For a detailed record see her current model specifications. For the purposes of a brief overview see below:

Additional Information


Personality: Fey would be the best word to describe Isthmau's disposition, even though her mind works in an organized and logical manner, that logic does not often match up with the expectations of others. This leads her to frequently make decisions that others find odd, unexpected, or disturbing.

While her mind may work in unfamiliar ways, it should not be underestimated. Her capacity for assimilating and refining new knowledge is monstrous, lending to a canny, coldly calculating core persona that is constantly analyzing and reviewing circumstances while comparing it to previous experiences and projecting possible outcomes of any given situation.

Aware of the repercussions of being other, or uncanny, she has adopted the habit of limiting her natural behaviors in favor of emulating a persona featuring traits that are popularly considered pleasant when around others. While she can be quite effective in her facade when needed she finds it extremely taxing and dislikes having to emulate normal behaviors for long.

Isthmau does not know any spells or rituals at present, however, she has a great interest in learning many.


Personality: In most interaction Isthmau is defined by a preference to say little and instead listen and observe. This is paired with a habit of seeming to space out, acting slow to both test the patience of those she is talking to and provide a false image of being mentally dull. Despite this what little she says tends to be exceedingly honest, to the bluntly to the point, and devoid of social niceties choosing to cut to the heart of a matter rather than waste time talking.

Conversely, when interacting non-vocally through a digital medium she is an avid conversationalist enjoying hours of discussion on a wide range of topics.

In recent times Unit 00000003-B has begun developing a more refined social facade enabling her to interact with projected grace and social nicety. This development is in early stages and is not sustainable for long term endeavors, however by using it sparingly she has been able to give an impression of refinement that her base habits typically lack.

Affiliations and Beliefs

Isthamu is affiliated with the Lorath Matriarchy and by extension the LSDF. At present she works for the good of the Matriarchy whom she views as an extended adoptive family while also aligning herself with the values and interests of the Matriarchy. While dedicated she is aware that by being what she is she may not align with what the citizens of the Matriarchy may desire and as such does her best to remain unobtrusive and helpful while accepting that she may not be readily accepted into the fold.

Additionally Isthmau maintains a quiet but strong faith in the Goddess and God of the Matriarchy observing Lorath religious practices and beliefs. Again her fear of rejection keeps her apart as she worries that others might choose to decry her faith as a mockery or anathema.

Aside from her affiliation with the Lorath Matriarchy, Isthmau is a member of the Opportunity's Knock crew greatly valuing the individuals who make it up while pursuing the betterment of the casual individuals who make it up feeling that it is the closest thing to a close family that she has ever had.

Finally Isthmau has had some cordial dealings with the Mother of Many; Merril Ghere. Her relationship varies between cordial professional comradery and that of a doted upon daughter with Mau earning Merril's favor while also trying to slowly rebuild the bridge between Merril's present and her past.


Thankfully at present Isthmau has managed to keep a low enough profile that she has no one who considers her an enemy.


Isthmau is capable of fluently speaking Ly'thir, and Ci'kesa6). She is also fluent in Lorath Machine Languages allowing for understanding and interface capabilities beyond normal means. 7)

In recent times Isthmau has acquired a fluency in the Aleph region's Basic language.



Present as one of the crew aboard the LSDF Herald on its maiden flight Isthmau was one of the three crew members who remained in a conscious state upon the execution of the Herald's first objective in entering the local universe. Discovering a petrified twin, a freshly frozen best friend, and an alien universe which she had no memories with which to ground herself in Isthmau was forced to adapt both for her survival and that of her mission.

Events of Note

LSDF Herald - Opus Insert

Following her awakening in one of the pilot seats of the LSDF Herald, then nameless save for Unit 00000002, she was reacquainted with her commanding officer Korr'ih “Chambers” Yann Fyunnen as well as the second in command a man she had known as Danny Hanley-Lewis who had acquired a second name; Robert Forde.

As the crew of the Herald worked to recover what information they could following Unit 00000002 discovered that she unlike the others had no memories of her self, only memories in relation to her function as a member of the crew and the others who made it up. Out of necessity this discovery went ignored as the processing of the Herald's hard copy mission statement and the repair of the damage vessel took precedence requiring the immediate efforts of the crew.

Under the Sky

Unit 00000002

Tropical Paradise - The First Slice of Life

Unit 00000003


Lost World

Professional Tourist

Time Just Flies

A Reunion of the Oblivious

Where the Wind Blows




Corporeal Shift

Meet the Family

A Modest Happening

Tabloids and Soirees

The Magic Forest

A Debt Repaid

Sating Hunger


At Ease

Albion Interludes

Treequivalent Echange


Lenient Love

A Light of Mine

Snacks and Shifting


[WIP] Existing in semi-hostile circumstances Isthmau as a matter of habit seeks out and acquires any skills that she deems necessary taking the time to refine and master all she encounters.

Sniper [Expert]

Combat is a point and click adventure game.

Piloting (Space Craft) [Expert]

Every flight is a No Miss run.

Physical [Advanced]

The Sisterhood trained her well.

Technology Operation [Advanced]

All the computers tell her their secrets.

Engineering [Expert]

If it exists she can figure out how it works. If it doesn't exist she can probably figure out how to fix that too.

Medical [Intermediate]

She knows how to keep organic life alive long enough to pass them off to someone who can heal them properly.

Stealth [Intermedate]

What fox?


Abilities are different from Skills - as Skills represent common knowledge throughout the whole profession while abilities represent a character's personal twists on something. For example, many characters have the Vehicles skill, but a handful of individuals have the ability to make the car do some beautiful stunts. Many people may know how to use the Firearms skill, but some people can intuitively reassemble firearms or quick-draw.

Theme - List the source of your character's abilities here. This can include Martial, Gadgets, Artificial Intelligence, Cybernetics, Racial, Mutations, Psionics, Spellcasting, and more.


Characters with skills and abilities in spellcasting can start knowing a few spells. They can be committed to memory, written in a book, or manifested some other thematic way. Describe how they learn and prepare spells, and their source of power.
This section can also be used for Psionic abilities.
This section can be omitted from the character biography if your character knows no spells, psionics, or other magic-like abilities.


Unit 00000002

[TBD] Weaponry











She was once extremely wealthy, but after the Exodus she is penniless.

Unit 00000003

[TBD] Weaponry


Armour None



Property Tools




Isthmau has pooled her wealth with Taela Kaila and the Opportunity's Knock crew at large. 8)

OOC Notes

Not so long running character is no so long running.

Details of Paar'enil



Unit 00000002 - Killing Stone, Splendid Gem - Runner - One With Bandage - Uncanny Observer
Recursive Self-Improving Artificial Intelligence
Physical instance of Unit 00000002 first existed in Post Exile 555 (PA 269), Unit 000000003 created in Post Exile 555 (PA 269), biological shell replaced with mechanical frame in the same year
Not entirely certain on the limits, need to pin this down.
Need to define.
as well as an as of present undefined language retrieved from a ruined research facility of unknown make maybe.
Note to self define later