
Aleph Gamma System

Aleph Gamma is a single-habitable planet system in the Aleph cluster. Locals to Aleph Gamma also call the system Symphony to distance itself from the Tyrant naming scheme. Compared to both Null and Alpha, Gamma saw 'The Old War' from a somewhat aloof perspective. Their bordering of the The Red Tide made them untenable as an outpost for the Tyrants, but at the same time their status as a magical nexus made them a very valuable asset - not to mention it was a path for the Tyrants via a stabilized wormhole to use as a direct route to their staging grounds of Alpha. In the later years of the war, once Rococo's residents had realized that the formerly-Beta colony of Null was spearheading the efforts, the mages of the planet set a massive pact-ritual into place that permanently destabilized the wormhole, forcing it out of existence and cutting off a major Tyrant supply line. Since then, the residents of Symphony have enjoyed a relatively prosperous existence thanks to the rise of Hekate and the benefits of a magical nexus bringing in many visitors and adventurers.

The following planets, satellites, and other notable sectors of local space are present:

Rococo is the only habitable planet in Aleph Gamma and is host to many major cities along its mass. Rococo as a centralized government is heavily magic focused, and serves as an effective magical exporter to its nearby sister systems of the Aleph Cluster. The planet itself is a nexus of magical energy, with a strong connection to the Weald and many mysterious regions and floating landmasses.

Baroque Caverns

Simply put, Baroque an underground cavern and oasis below scorchingly hot, dry plains. It is a mecca for all that can make a trek, but particularly for artists, musicians and craftsmen. It is also notable for wizards and witches of all shapes and sizes, especially because of the magically-conductive crystals that grow amongst the caverns. However, at some points in its history, it was ravaged by a terrible disease – ironically linked to the very crystals that help so many.

Baroque Caverns is built into three main caverns, each with its own district. All three caverns are connected by a series of tunnels, making the move from one and another quite easy. The first is the Residential district. As named, it houses the occupants of the Caverns. Second, there is the Government District. This is easily the smallest of the three spaces, and houses the oligarchal government that runs day-to-day business within the Baroque and with the outside world. The largest cavern belongs to the Market district, which is laid out in a circular shape with a central square in the middle, and then roads branching out from that. Each main road is dedicated to a particular craft or trade. I.E. The Arms Lane, which provides weaponry, the Apparel Lane, which provides clothing and accessories, the Knowledge Lane, which runs anything from books to prophets to secrets traders, and so on.

In order to reach the outside world or to get inside from aboveground, one has several options. There is a primary “Gate”, which is a road that leads straight into the Market District. Then, there is the Lift, which lowers passengers down into the residential district. Finally, there are numerous small tower-like buildings located topside, many of which appear to be the top belfry of some massive church, which lead down into various tunnels of the Baroque Caverns.

Cel Tonna

Cel Tonna is the largest city on Rococo located and spanning the multi-tiered edge of one of the larger floating landmasses of the planet, but is also the biggest proponent in sapient species consumption. Residents have ID cards similar to organ donors that denote their preference for being a “useful citizen” or “abstained” on death. Cel Tonna is a hot spot for “exotic sapient cuisine” with lots of high end clubs and restaurants catering to that desire. Of course, there is also a thriving black market with hits on specific examples of “high value meat”.

The city's history and relationship with sapient consumption is recent (on the larger scale of things), coinciding with the beginning and fall of the Old War due to a food shortage. It began with various forms of indiscriminate lottery, but with the Old War ending the peoples reasoned that there was no reason to end the trend as it served a very valuable need in the community.

In absence of traditional technological cloning (it's too slow) to fulfill the larger dietary needs of the high-end populace, many restaurants resort to transmutation-cloning, which involves taking livestock meats as a base material and copying a target species or individual down to the molecular level. This is more accessible than directly harvesting, and as such is cheaper and more prevalent in the city.

Xaimni,The Path Sublime


Reliquary is the corporate HQ and company town of Hekate. Located on a heavily industrialized floating landform over one of the oceans of Rococo, this is where Hekate does most of their corporate research and product testing to roll out to all subsidiary systems across the cosmos.

It should also be noted that this is the most heavily fortified area on the planet, due to the high level of magical experimentation going on. It's a precaution against hostile outsiders and potentially dangerous experiments from within.

The dominant station in the Aleph Gamma system, Hekate sponsors and keeps the station maintained while the government on Rococo uses it as a checkpoint for incoming and outgoing vessels. The admission procedures aren't nearly as stringent as The Balance Coalition, but there are the customary checks to make sure invasive species and diseases aren't brought in or out of the system.

  • territories/aleph_gamma.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/03/11 18:50
  • by moogle