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The Gim are a species mistakenly uplifted, but as a result of said uplifting put on airs to mask their more hideous natures. They're tall and long with several bestial attributes to their forms.

Abilities Shortlist

  • Sharp teeth, sharp claws
  • Enjoys viscera and often eats meat raw.
  • Able to use both magic and psionics, neither very refined.
  • catlike features
  • black blooded

Gim are a placental viviparous species, meaning they give birth similar to humans. Unlike humans, however, an individual Gimi is born capable of walking and theoretically capable of taking care of themselves.

  • Six month gestation period of one embryo at a time. Twins are HIGHLY uncommon.
  • Childhood is 5 years, pubescence is 1-2 more.
  • Gim can get up to 80 years old without any form of magical or technological life extension.

Body Type

General shape and size of the body, impression a general member of the species leaves on the viewer.

Seemingly human at first glance from afar, but the closer one gets the more obvious that a Gim is not human. practically wendigo levels of lankiness.


Gim limbs are elongated and thick, but comparatively for their height simply look thing.

Average Height and Weight

Gim are between 6' to 8' in height, and weight of an adult ranges from 180lbs to 275lbs.


Due to their black blood, their skin often takes a darker tinge more often than not. Their skin tones often take many similar tones to humans, with the blood provision in mind. Their skin is very smooth in appearance but is rough (but not coarse) on closer inspection. Their hands/forearms and their feet/shins take grayer hues as the skin there is thicker and denser in nature.


hair/fur, where it grows, what it is like

Eyes, ears, nose Scalp, forehead, and nose all the way down to the tip are usually a darker tone compared to the rest of their skin. Their ears are triangular, but their length begins just above where the jawline does and extends up above their heads in a point, which then goes down partways onto their head. The ears are finely furred, matching hair colour.


Sight, Colour of eyes/receptors,


Teeth, tongue, etc.





Two separate hearts, both on the right side of the body but one located in the ribcage and another closer to the hips.


Where it is, what it's like, how big it is, whether it splatters nicely.


What they eat, how fast they digest it, how well its digested.





With strangers
With Familiar


Gim magic has the potential to be quite powerful, but due to its incredibly undeveloped nature it tends to be very wild and unreliable.


Gim psionics, much like magic, is a very rough and undeveloped art. They are capable of small acts, but they are not a psionically heavy species.

  • species/gim.1517535717.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2018/02/01 20:41
  • by moogle