
Four legged amphibious species with a prehensile tail that has a hand at the end. They are about 1.5m tall and 1.5m long excluding the tail.

Cleoms can use their tail hand for manipulating and grasping objects. They also have antennae which help them communicate telepathically with other cleom. Cleoms can use telepathic thought translaters which are devices resembling watches that they wear on their necks to communicate with other species. Cleoms breathe air using their lungs however they can stay underwater for long periods of time. Cleom are normally some shade of grey, turquoise, lavender or pink. Cleom are generally friendly and non aggressive.

The cleom home planet is a marshy planet slightly larger than earth. Most cleom living on the planet unified under a planet wide confederation. The cleom were able to create space age technology on their own.

Cygleans can live on most earth like planets although they have trouble adapting to drier or less temperate climates. Otherwise, cygleans are commonly seen wearing spacesuits.

Some cleom have founded a faction called the cyglean faction. Members of this faction remove their brains from their bodies and place them in robotic squid like bodies. The cyglean philosophy is they want to become a superior organism by replacing their body with machines, however in the early days of the faction's founding, their life support system was unable to properly replicate all their biological processes, making them more cold hearted and stoic in nature. The flaw became a feature in the cyglean cybernetics as the cyglean leadership favoured their newer state of mind in their members.

  • species/cleom.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/08/05 04:37
  • by reubenbio97_gmail.com