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Lorath Lmanel Caste

On of the four castes of the Lorath, the Lmanel traditionally serve as spiritual advisors, wardens to the natural world, and slavers within the Lorath Matriarchy. Their bestial nature and inspiration from the natural world are the most prominently visible aspects of the caste present in their animal companions and the minor shape-shifting which which results from their bond.

Serving primarily as spiritual advisors and mediators for the Matriarchy, the Lmanel cast draws upon a wealth of experience and inspiration derived from the natural world to aid their fellow lorath both in times of need as well as day to day life. Intrinsically linked to Lor's natural world the Lmanel serve as caretakers for the natural world working with the other castes to ensure that the needs of the planet's biosphere are not ignored when a need of the lorath people is to be addressed. Expanding upon their duty as caretakers and wardens the Lmanel oversee the Helashio and slave populations within the Matriarchy attending to the myriad of tasks which are required to upkeep the indentured populations and prevent abuses of the systems.

  • Flexible and varied
  • Take inspiration from the social structures of Lor's wildlife
  • Tends to be structured in clans?
  • Lmanel family structure and mating habits are heavily impacted by the aspectations of the individuals.

Inspired by the ecology of Lor the Lmanel caste seeks to emulate the strength and versatility of nature embracing the unique strengths and adaptations of the individual resulting in the diversity of the Lmanel way of life. By and far the most apparent trait of the caste the cultivation of the individual to benefit the whole begins at an early age as every Lmanel is encouraged experiment to find that which they excel at, urged to pursue their passions and talents and find what they can best offer to the community. This journey is taken both personally as well as with the influence of family and mentor figures who serve as guides and advisors providing the wisdom of experience to help each Lmanel pursue the path which is right for them. This journey eventually results in the Lmanel being introduced to several species compatible to their disposition in preparation for the selection and bonding which takes place during the aspectation ritual where in the Lmanel will take upon some of the traits of their chosen partner and provide a small boon of intelligence to the chosen animal.

This choice of aspectation is one of the greatest influences on Lmanel life dictating the needs, behaviors, and choices of an individual to varying extents depending on their dedication to their chosen animal. As a result of this at the most basic level Lmanel housing tends to be eclectic in design due to the need at times to address differing needs of aspectations resulting in homes which may have either open brightly lit floor plans or warren-like sub-terrain dwellings or a mixture of both. These living conditions and life philosophies are often in flux adapted to suit the needs of new generations as well as new social connections existing between families.

Family struture within the Lmanel caste varies with some existing as small nuclear families while others collect into large clans all choosing to live together influenced by the individuals involved and the aspectations chosen.

While the Lmanel worship the Goddess as do all lorath the Lmanel caste's method of worship consists of many shamanistic rituals observing many events in nature as well as giving thanks to the Goddess for the natural world and for the bounties it has provided.


  • Mutual bonding with a selected animal typically of a different species.
  • Mutually beneficial. Lmanel gains capacity to emulated physical features of the animal and the animal gains a small boost in intelligence.
  • Extremely close bond. Life long best friends.
  • Requires the cultivation of a psychological-physiological connection.
  • Self mastery.
  • Able to modify own genetic material to rapidly develop traits present in aspected animal.
  • Limited without magical addition.
  • Maybe used to a minor extent for cosmetic reasons.
  • Moderate
  • Strong connection to natural world
  • Instinctive
  • Spiritual leaning
  • In touch with base urges.

Current affiliations and involvements blah blah

Lmanel Centric Products and Equipment

A summary of observations and statements, do's and do not's.

  • Caste Title: The Lmanel (lit. The Shaman)
  • Caste Colour: Green
  • Caste Symbol:
  • Caste Purpose: Lorath Matriarchy spiritual and domestic guides
  • Leader: -
  • Caste Political Standing: Shamanistic Matriarchy
  • Population: 6.3 billion. 2:1 female to male ratio

House Lmanel, or the Lmanel Caste is a mixed house. No one sex rules it, which opens up opportunities for any to rule. The Lmanel house is seen as the odd house of the three main houses. They work the closest with the slave class, or the previously surface ruling race. They are also the house which watches over and guides in issues dealing with the environment, including animals and natural weather effects. The Lmanel are the Spiritual advisors of the race, often helping when any spiritual question arises. The Lmanel attitudes are dependent heavily upon what animal they bond with, aggressive if the animal is, and tranquil if the animal is tranquil. Their bodies are the same, all dependent on the animal they bond with. Their skill specialties lay within the realm of Minor shape shifting.

The Lmanel aren't like the other houses due to their shapeshifting abilities, they tend to have more subtle and flexible bodies but their individual builds vary widely depending upon their bonded or 'aspected' animal. Internally, the Lmanel are the same as any other humanoid species, just they are more resilient to damage and regenerate themselves after shapeshifting (to suit the new anatomy.) They all have elongated, swept back ears with three small points on the dorsal side of the ear near the tip. Like all Lorath, the are born with stark white or pale yellow hair, and their styles are generally kept long (males tend to more coarse, heavy hair, females to softer or even feathered hair). Most (About 90%) dye their hair to match either their bonded animal's fur/feather/scale color or pattern or a shade of green, which is the official symbol color of the house.

Some lmanel are born with green rings around their neck that look like tattoos or ribbons, the reason for this is unknown. It's thought that in the past it was engineered into their DNA to set them apart from others, but who or what did it was lost in the moonfall incident.

Not to be confused with shape-shifting, aspectation specifically addresses the religious ceremony affirming the shapeshifting abilities of a Lmanel and their chosen animal and is seen as a rite of passage. It is broken into reform (which needs only a blood sample) and orthodox which often either demands the Lmanel copulate with the animal in question or in more severe cases track it down in the wild.


The unique aspect of the Lmanel caste, no other house of the Lorath possesses such abilities, not even the Tur'Lista possess the same level of skill. Through their close bond with the natural world around them and a single species of their own choice and intense training, any adult Lmanel can shift parts of their bodies into facets of their bonded species. But only one Lmanel so far can transform their entire body into that of their bonded species: that is the Leader of the House: Notan and such secrets to training to such a level are passed on between each new leader as a symbol of their power and status.

However, this ability is not entirely painless as the body is shifting it's muscles, breaking bones and lengthening tendons and other parts of the body. In the training stages, medical observation is required to prevent any permanent mistakes. If mistakes are made without observation, one may end up shifting their internal structure into a form which would be harmful to the user's internal organs or the function of their physiology. However, once the intensive training is finished, it becomes second nature and simple, partial transformations can be undertaken with minor risk; more intensive transformations produce greater pain depending on the degree of alteration of the physical structure.

The Lmanel are both like and unlike the other castes, being the house that maintains and spreads the religious principles of the Lorath. They are alike the others in the fact that they DO share the same beliefs the rest of them do. But the Lmanel are unlike them in the fact they take it quite personally and regularly take private “pilgrimages” through the wilderness to reaffirm their deep connection to nature. On their own, the Lmanel are usually shamanistic and have traditions involving natural events such as the summer and winter solstices, spring and fall equinoxes and other natural events. But since moving to Nyli and the system, they have yet to reinstate these as they have not studied the lunar cycles of their new homeworld.

Social Traits

Lmanel are primarily impacted by their aspectation in their social habbits however in general the Lmanel are a social people very driven to work as a community with no trepidation about nosing into each other's affairs. This leads to the Lmanel functioning in close knit 'clans' of familiy units which intermingle heavily and work together for mutual prosperity.

Some of these clans follow traditional habits which have been passed down for generations lending toward generational habits and practices which play a large portion in the day to day lives of the Lmanel.

Family Traits

Due to the way in which Lmanel family size varies sharply by aspectation, a concise explanation of Lmanel family life is impossible. Each Lmanel family takes after the traits of the animals to which the individuals are aspected to and this behavioural framework dictates the manner in which the individuals in the family will operate. To this end family structure and mating habits are heavily impacted by the aspectation animal of choice.

  • lorath_matriarchy/culture/lmanel.1536988533.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2018/09/15 01:15
  • by eistheid