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Lorath Fyunnen Caste

One of the four castes of the Lorath. The Fyunnen have traditionally served as the Lorath Matriarchy's first and last line of defense forming the bulk of the Matriarchy's historical and modern military force. They are characterized by their devout faith to the Lorath Goddess, their military focused social structure, and heightened physical capabilities.

Ingrained into the culture and genetics of the Fyunnen Caste is their role as the Lorath Matriarch's defenders working to ensure that the Matriarchy is defended from both external as well as internal threats. The Fyunnen are synonymous with the Matriarchy's military arm supplying the bulk of the Matriarchy's lorath fighting forces while also providing much of the logistical support for the Matriarchy's traditional military as well as the LSDF. The Fyunnen civilian population is almost universally involved in either manufacture, distribution, clerical occupations which ensure that the Matriarchy's military needs are satisfied as well as improved upon when flaws are identified.

  • Soldiers for the Matriarchy
  • Provide active and passive defense of the Matriarchy
  • Dominant female social structure
  • Both females and males perform the same jobs professionally with different expectations present in a domestic setting
  • Faithful zeal, internalized, despite their devotion fyunnen are not prone to preaching or evangelism
  • Military focused
  • Non-soldier occupations largely centered around providing for and maintaining a military
  • Practical minded
  • Traditionally minded, will use modern technology for work but typically eschew it during personal time
  • Hot blooded individuals are treated with scorn
  • Family units between monogamous pairs as well as poly-amorous groups dwell together in barracks style homes
  • Heavily involved in the lives of family supporting and working as a cohesive team
  • Importance on mentors and providing a good example for the youth, misbehavior in front of younger individuals is looked down upon
  • Have traditional rituals and events for greeting new people, bidding farewell to departing soldiers, as well as more regular daily events like asking for luck, or giving thanks
  • Designed and conditioned to be the soldiers of the Matriarchy
  • Feature denser and more efficient muscle mass
    • Sleek athletic body types are much more common than muscular bodybuilder style builds
  • Dense, reinforced bone structure
  • Greater capacity to deal with fatigue
  • Organs are highly efficient and are resistant to chemical and microbial damage
  • Tend to be among the tallest of the Lorath, with the caste average higher than any other
    • Height is due to a traditional focus on melee combat


  • Cybernetic enhancement ranging from muscular and interface augments to full skeletal replacement depending on what has been earned
  • Braincases are common especially if entering LSDF service
  • Chemical augments using a variety of combat drugs
  • Duty and faith driven
  • High dedication stat
  • Socially minded, seek to work for the betterment of the community and society as a whole
  • Prefer directly addressing problems even if the solution is not straightforward in execution

This section covers the current affiliations and involvements of the Fyunnen caste both internally and externally to the Lorath Matriarchy.

Fyunnen Centric Products and Equipment

A summary of observations and statements, do's and do not's.


  • Caste Title: The Fyunnen (lit. The Warrior)
  • Caste Color: Red
  • Caste Symbol: A sword, axe, and spear laid in a star formation over a shield
  • Caste Purpose: Lorath Matriarchy defence, specialist combat force
  • Leader:
  • Caste Political Standing: Military Matriarchy
  • Population: 6.8 billion, 3:1 female to male gender ratio

The Fyunnen caste is recognized and honored as the defender of the Lorath Matriarchy. When the Matriarchy faces a threat the Fyunnen are first to lay down their lives in defense of the Matriarchy and are the last to remain should a withdrawal or evacuation be necessary. Outside of their primary role as the warriors in service to the Matriarchy, the Fyunnen are well respected for their diligence and dedication in any activity they pursue as well as their devotion to the Goddess.

Typically members of this caste are easily recognized due to the pride with which they wear the caste color, red as the blood they shed, as well as their larger than average physiques being the the majority of the tallest lorath. Of practical mind the Fyunnen are most often found in clothing which reflects their outlook, rugged, functional, and with little decoration ensuring that the individual can perform to the best of their abilities.

The Fyunnen caste is the most obviously female dominated of the lorath castes with the males traditionally being tethered to domestic tasks of the home. This is reflected by traditional male Lorath attire which is designed to restrict the stride length of the men's trousers. The caste's female emphasis is further emphasized by the ratio of sexes within the fyunnen caste balancing at around three females per male reducing the apparent male presence in the Fyunnen caste even further.

A caste of warriors the Fyunnen's tradition and values are clearly seen in almost every aspect of their daily lives from barracks style housing, to the clear chain of command which is developed in professional settings with clear indications of each individual's position and duties. A core pillar of the Fyunnen way of life is the devout Goddess worship which is adhered to almost universally, providing guidance and encouraging pursuits of self-cultivation of virtues such as wisdom, temperance, zeal, and justice in order to improve the individual to better contribute to the whole.

Fyunnen are zealously faithful but are not much for preaching or evangelism keeping their faith to themselves rather than trying to spread it openly.

The past influences much of Fyunnen life providing a wealth of inspiration as well as lessons provided both in the observation of tradition as well as the experience of those who have proven their merit valued by the community for their wisdom and experience which is passed on to younger generations. Some of these traditions govern social interactions such as ritual combat when greeting those who are unfamiliar and bonding over spilled blood, or the Farewell ceremony held to honor the warriors who depart to fulfill their duty to protect the Matiarchy. Other smaller rituals and traditions find their way into daily life of the members of the Fyunnen caste to ward off unfavorable conditions in their personal and professional lives and encourage success or to give thanks for a lesson in folly or humility.

Fyunnen may choose settle conflict through duels which may or may not prove fatal.

Fyunnen occupations mainly consist of; production employees, craftsmen, soldiers, and other practical jobs. These occupations are typically those which are useful for supporting a military, keeping it fed, housed, and equipped. Trade, merchantile, and sales occupations in general are exceedingly rare for fyunnen.

Practicality is a cornerstone of the Fyunnen

The Fyunnen military and civilian sectors heavily overlap leaving little division between the two, in addition the majority of Fyunnen are associated with the Matriarchy government or military in some way (80-88% depending on the community)

Out of tradition the Fyunnen maintain a dedicated military force however the many of those serving in this organization also serve in the LSDF.

While Fyunnen accept modern technological advancement for work or convenience, they lean towards traditionalism in both home and social life eschewing many modern conventions.

The Fyunnen are a strictly militaristic society and life is reflected in that every female of the entire caste is required to serve a term of military service of a minimum of ten years before they are considered to be a productive member of the caste. After they serve their minimum tour, they are given a choice of continuing, which many agree to do, or discharging to civilian life. Of the three castes the Fyunnen are the most superstitious, generally preforming small rituals to ward off bad luck and unfavourable conditions just preceding, or following battle.

Social Traits

Females are dominant within Fyunnen society, however both females and males perform much of the same duties professionally. In private settings there is some bias towards males in domestic roles.(?)

High value for practical displays of competence and little tolerance for posturing.

Fyunnen women tend to be collected Fyunnen men are more prone to passions

Fyunnen interaction is intensive. Mated pairs1) heavily involve themselves in each others lives, working to support each other, and function as a cohesive 'team' to deal with hardships and responsibilities. Parents tend to strive for a 'firm but fair' approach to raising their offspring, with heavy emphasis on mentoring.

Scorn for acting poorly in front of children.

Fyunnen often encourage their young to figure out their careers young, to become craftsmen, soldiers, or some other practical form of employment that is not as whimsical as being a real estate sales person or something. Practicality is the cornerstone of Fyunnen upbringing.

Generally positive attitudes to the other castes, may poke fun at Occhestians in particular for having inferior physical capability.

Family Traits

Fyunnen families allow for some polygamy, in interest of maximizing growth of the population. Family units do tend to involve an average of four to eight children over the course of a pair's optimal mating duration, granted this is the 'average' not the maximum.

Each member of a Fyunnen household knows their responsibilities and is encouraged to perform them with efficiency and dedication supporting the entire social unit.

Fyunnen encourage their young to figure out their careers early and help them along the path to fulfilling their goal.

For general physiological details see: Lorath Physiology

Fyunnen possess higher muscle density, stronger bones, higher endurance.

Fyunnen are not predisposed toward bulky musculature instead typically being sleek and athletic

Males are masculine not femme.

If one was told that Bigger was better, then that person would be a Fyunnen. Through selective breeding and careful genetic manipulation, the Fyunnen caste boasts the largest and strongest specimens of the entire Lorath genus. General female range from six feet to upwards of eight and a half feet tall and between two hundred and four hundred pound. While the males are smaller, due to their lesser standing then the females, they are still substantially taller and bulkier then your standard human, standing between five foot nine and seven feet tall, and between one hundred and eighty to three hundred pounds. The general Fyunnen hair style is either elaborate braids and ponytails, or short cropped styles with small “tails” and are dyed with the caste's color of red.

  • See Lorath for general information on Fyunnen physiology.

Fyunnen individuals are the most notable in their biological advantage. With strong immune systems suited for overcoming a wide range of pathogens, organs that are capable of enduring substantial punishment through chemical imbalances due to poison or infection, and musculature which provides significant advantages over most humanoid species. This places Fyunnen at a distinctive physical advantage. However, they still have skin that can be cut into, they can still bleed out, and Fyunnen which do focus too much on physical bulk are notably less nimble than Fyunnen which focus on working out for the purpose of producing lean muscle.

Unlike the Lorath Tur'lista Caste, the Lorath Lmanel Caste, or the Occhestians, The Fyunnen have little in their genome structure that directly sets them on the same field as Shape shifting, telepathy, or the ruling castes general superior genetic construction. In their need to prove they're just as strong as their fellow castes, Fyunnen scientists and medical professionals have designed and implemented several forms of cybernetics and combat drugs that have allowed them to keep a professional edge in the realm of combat and medicine. Nearly all combat worthy Fyunnen soldiers have been augmented with various forms of cybernetic components ranging from simple tissue augmentation, to full skeletal replacement depending on what the individual has earned.

or groups in poly-amorous set-ups
  • lorath_matriarchy/culture/fyunnen.1529551437.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2018/06/20 23:23
  • by eistheid