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Concord Park is an interstellar theme park owned an operated by Cloverpaw and is their primary manufacturing house for their Man's Best Friends line of products.


Width20km (20.5 on the center ring, otherwise spheroid)
Non-MBF Employees50000
MBF Population150000

Concord Park is shaped like a burger with an overly large patty. The outer-ring of the “patty” is the railway that takes guests of the park to wherever they need to go. The top “bun” of the park is the arrivals area for local shuttles and parking for others, as well as the four hotels and some housing for the employees. The main meat of the burger is where the 8 primary zones of the park are located, as well as the central “core” where the CEO of cloverpaw resides. The bottom bun houses all the necessary components to keep the station functioning, including life support, hydroponics, and engineering facilities. It also houses the primary MBF production facility as well as manufacturing stations for whatever else Cloverpaw might need in operation or research for their products.


Concord Park provides a special set of transforming clothes (using a structol base) to all patrons, free of charge. These clothes have 3 primary settings - plain, automatic (Appearance changes in each zone based on a questionnaire filled out), or custom (appearance can be altered in hotel room or at a convenient terminal located throughout the park.

Four Hotels

  • Waterfall It combines the aesthetics of Fantasia and Indigo Palace, creating a luxurious, fantastical aquatic palace.
  • Colonial It combines the aesthetics of Galaxia and Outlands, creating a rugged adventurer's haven.
  • Midnight It combines the aesthetics of Grimvale and Nightlane, creating a dark, foreboding lair perfect for any nighttime enthusiast.
  • Overgrowth It combines the aesthetics of Everwood and Lost Kingdom, creating a veritable ancient garden paradise to reside in.

Hero Mode

Hero Mode is a special feature by the park to give patrons a more adventurous experience. Hero Mode varies from zone to zone, but is available free of charge. Every guest of the park that participates in hero mode get a special visor to feed them hero-mode necessary data and a holographic baton that transforms into whatever zone-appropriate tool it needs to.

Fantasia is a Neo-Futuristic wonderland with fountains, colourful -but not garish- lighting, and a warm atmosphere throughout. It is the daytime to Nightlane's everlasting night.

Rides throughout this area

Hero Mode

Indigo Palace is a combination of artificial beaches, underwater glass tunnels, and beautiful temple-esque pavilions under an artificial sea. This is where most of the park's swimsuit-necessary rides are, including wave pools, tubing rides, boat droppers, deep sea exploration, and more. Indigo Palace opens up with a section of beaches, and then connects to the underwater portions through two very wide glass tunnels. As the inner segment reaches the Core, it turns into another beach.

Hero Mode

Hero Mode in indigo palace grants

Hero Mode
Hero Mode
Hero Mode
Hero Mode
Hero Mode
Hero Mode
  • location/concord_park.1492984270.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/04/23 17:51
  • by moogle