
There are many terms which translate easily across all languages, having a universal meaning that can be thought of as loan-words or short-hands for other terms.

  • Gynoid - A slang term given to Crude Sourcia wearing armor plating over their limbs but not their body, due to their behavioral pattern of replicating the feminine form for reason of it being “the form which disarms humanoids emotionally the best” – similar to the way certain animals will assume forms of camouflage or some aliens will take on certain characteristics to become more likable.
  • Genuflection - Classically, to lower one's body briefly by bending one knee to the ground, typically in worship or as a sign of respect. In this sense, it means to alter one's appearance, form or body to appear more like the species they are speaking to for the sake of becoming more relatable. Genuflection of aliens to appear more humanoid is very common and often a worrying and unethical practice due to the health risks involved. The same is also true of some humans, who become ambassadors.
  • Loomer - A classification of fightercraft which instead of using an engine to throw itself forward, alters gravity in order to fall along a flight path - in much the same way some starships’s subluminal maneuvering engines do. They are often ideal for personal use due to their long range, portability and high defensibly.

Many names of things cannot be remembered due to Physics: Detranslation phenomena. As such, they are given new names based on their remembered attributes, even if clear and specific memetic facts (such as events and identities) are unavailable. It is widely believed that speaking of the detranslated (particularly the empire) as incredibly bad luck - and as such is regarded as taboo: Typically only those who professionally deal with travellers who emerge from Elsewhere or Neverwhere are expected to know these terms.

Neverwhere Terms

  • “Successor” - A classification of Genus Sourcia ("Sourcian") which has departed Herewhere and returned. Their exact nature is not known, only that Sourcia fear them and do not wish to speak of them.

Elsewhere Terms

Elsewhere is known to be an incredibly violent and young universe full of bloodshed, greed and corruption on a scale scarcely imaginable. Those who emerge from Elsewhere are generally not to be trusted until proven otherwise.

  • “The Blue Empire” - A term used to describe a vast multisolar empire several hundred lightyears across which originated in elsewhere_universe_one which is purported to have performed many atrocities. They existed in a nightmarish utopia which had escaped death where even the thoughts of its citizens were property of the state. They wielded weapons which harmed spacetime itself causing several mass genocides, the destruction of entire star-systems and used an energy source which leeched energy from the Neverwhere, resulting in its stillbirth of an entire universe.
  • “The Mythos” - an engineered species with forms resembling an octopus, a dragon and a caricature of human form of radical horror. They were known for their remarkably predatory behavior and incredibly advanced technology. They were developed by the Blue Empire by The Irresponsible in a race to develop a warrior species to defeat an unidentified and undisclosed threat.
  • “The Katze” - Thought of as a “second version” of The Mythos, they are a super warrior species developed purely for war. Scarcely older than children but filling the vast navy of The Blue Empire, they are predominantly female and were sometimes described akin to war-maidens.
  • “He Who Resisted” - Not a man, but an entire people who refused to move forward as part of The Blue Empire, protecting their own identity and their own sense of self. They were known for being loud, brash and their vast love of fire-arms.
  • guide/terminology.txt
  • Last modified: 2016/11/28 02:17
  • by osakanone