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Locations are famous landmarks or points of interest.

  • Aleph Cluster - The system itself is a very strange place. It is thought to be moving.
  • Pastel Shoal - encircled in every direction by red copper infused tundra, the Pastel Shoal is a strange metalloid infused matte mudflat desert encroached on the pink sea. Sometimes called the “pink sea” or “pastel shoal”, it its surface is composed of many pastel colors. Most every structure moves at right angles relative to the others, forming large caverns and tall wall-like structures which while tall about their middle, even and level out about the exterior which past a set level is covered by liquid water, complete with tide - known as the 'pink sea' due to its high concentrations of salt.
  • processus_megastructure - An enormous subterranean structure with little internal logic or coherence, the processus megastructure is composed of an organic mineral. Through means are little understood, it has has been artificially limited to just under a 1000 kilometer radius and about as far underground, in a spherical form. Its interior, bizarrely, has complete life support yet is close to sterile as its interior arrangement is constantly being changed.
  • Located in the Hanuo provence of Lor are the Reik'i ice caves - a spectacle of icefalls, icicles and ice stallagmites. These caves are thought to be half a billion years old and while many caves like this do exist, this particular cave remains frozen at all times. While the temperature outside is desert-like, the layout of the cave's arrangement means the cave is always kept to a breezy -12 degrees thanks to thermal convection and the shape of the cavern. Laid into it are steps carved from naturally occuring diamond and carved shapes in what is ultimately one of Lor's oldest monasteries. Stretching thousands of feet down, the first 300 feet are open to the public, connected by stairs, bridges and other winding labrynth like structures. It was established as a national park and staged with ambient lighting which glitters through the ice. Exactly what is at the bottom remains unknown as the air towards the bottom is close to unbreathable due to its low oxygen content and is visited only by monks and preists in feats known as 'dives'.
  • guide/locations.1481274853.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/12/09 04:14
  • by osakanone