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Ranil'inas is the homeworld of the Raiken and the capital of the Raiconian Alliance.

Type: Tidally Locked Terrestrial
System: Crias'roshya
Stellar Radius: 0.88 AU's from the star
Surface Gravity: 12.14m/s'2
Length of Day: No Day/Night Cycle
Length of Year: 314
Population: 5.4 Billion (100% Raiken)
Satellites: 2 Moons, Rel and Ral
Orbital Stations: 4 (2 Defense, 1 Orbital Shipyard, 1 Spaceport)
Affiliation: Raiconian Alliance

Ranil'inas is the homeworld for the Raiken and a hellish homeworld it is. It is tidally locked, meaning one side of the planet always faces the sun, leaving the other side in complete darkness. The middle band of the planet is the most habitable, left in eternal dusk/dawn.

'Bands' of Ranil'inas


Band Description
1 Uninhabitable Environment, Either too Hot or Cold
2 Barely Habitable, Not Recommended to Live In
3 Moderately Uncomfortable, Inhabited by Certain Ethnic groups
4 Habitable, Very Earth-like for the most part
5 High-Speed Winds and Endless Rain, A Band of Endless Storms
Band 1

The areas within the first band are completely inhospitable.

One side of the planet is scorched by the hot sun endlessly, reaching temperatures high enough to melt lead. Water is non-existent, boiling and evaporating extremely quickly. No Raiken has ever set foot anywhere near this pole of the planet.

The other side of the planet has never seen the light of day. Any liquid freezes within seconds and any unprotected flesh will be frostbitten in seconds, with death soon following. Any attempts to reach this pole by ground and air transport have been foiled, the extreme temperature quickly freezing fuel or coolant.

Band 2

The areas within the second band are technically habitable, though the temperatures are extremely hostile. It isn't recommended to stay long if an individual visits these bands.

Like Band 1, both of these areas are extremely hot or cold, respectively.

Band 3

These areas are somewhat uncomfortable, but they are inhabited by certain ethnic groups of Raiken.

On the hotter side of the planet, Slevexa call these burning deserts their home. Oasis's dot the surface of the desert, though the sandy dunes remain mostly barren. The average temperature for the deserts is around 60C (140F). The Slevexa clan keep and its surrounding mini-city are centered around a particularly large oasis.

On the cooler side of the planet, Relatir call the frozen wastes their home. Bare rock and ice make up most of the landscape, though some exposed lava flows produce enough heat to allow liquid water. The average temperature for the frozen wastes is around -34C (-30F). The Relatir clan keep is nestled against a long-dormant volcano though small lava flows from the side provide some natural heating and liquid water.

Band 4

This band is the most habitable, feeling very earth-like. The majority of Raiken live in this band.

On the cooler side, it is always dusk, the sun isn't visible but its light still brightens the sky. The mountainous regions of Ormroth dominate the western side of the band. The average temperature is around 10C (50F). This mountainous region features small lava flows, rockslides, massive waterfalls, and rugged plant and animal life. These mountains are a very popular place to hunt. The Ormroth keep is cut into the Fymord veca Nekiru vuras Aeras, (The Pillar that Holds the Sky), the largest mountain on Ranil'inas, its peak easily reaching 10,000m (32,800Ft).

Towards the fifth band on both sides of the fourth, the Rakavasu call the tropical jungles home. Stray storms from the Kalil vi S'aeruz (Band of Storms) provide plenty of rainfall, allowing lush plant-life. Multitudes of predators prowl through these jungles, plants and animals alike. The average temperature on the cooler side is around 21C (70F). The warmer side is around 32C (90F). The Rakavasu keep is nestled in a deep gorge with a fast running river at the bottom.

On the warmer side, it is always dawn, the sun is always visible on the horizon. The volcanic plains of Delrasu take up most of the eastern side of this band. The average temperature is around 43C (110F). The region is characterized by rivers made of lava lacing across the surface and small geysers that spew up more molten rock. To navigate the volcanic plains, extreme caution is necessary and more than a handful of cartographers perished while mapping safe routes. The air around the volcanic geysers is slightly toxic from volcanic ash. The area around Delrasu's keep is riddled with lava rivers, though the plain-dwellers carefully selected grounds that were firm and wouldn't be disturbed by the volcanic landscape around them. On a side note, the volcanic ash makes a great fertilizer.

Band 5

The central band of Ranil'inas is a constant, raging, thunderstorm. The winds are fast enough to keep small rocks suspended in mid-air, whipping them along the 'current'. Lightning crackles in the sky and rain pours down, though most of the droplets are kept in the wind, hitting with the force of small bullets if anything gets in the way.

Every month, there is a lull in the storm, usually when the both moons are directly overhead the band. Though the storm does not completely disappear, the wind does slow down enough to allow actual exploration and crossing of the band on the surface. No Raiken live here permanently.

(Make a Map!)

There are five very distinct areas on Ranil'inas. The frozen wasteland of Relatir, the mountainous regions of Ormroth, the dense tropical jungles of Rakavasu, the volcanic plains of Delrasu, and the burning deserts of Slevexa. The clans that originated from these areas named the areas after their own clan. The elder clan keeps are so large that cities have sprung up around them.

Darami Relatir

The Relatir keep is nestled into the base of a dormant volcano, Esir Tun, with its surrounding city encircling the volcano. Several small lava flows provide heating to the city and allow liquid water to stand. Technological innovation have made it much easier for the Relatir, providing more efficient ways to heat their homes and produce food.

The structures of the city are not very tall, the chill of the air discourages tall structures. Instead, the Relatir have grown around the volcano and in many cases, up and into it. Essential buildings are built inside the volcano itself, carefully constructed to not disturb the various lava flows. While it is frighteningly cold out in the wastes, it is rather cozy inside the structures within Esir Tun.

Terraces have been built up the sides of the volcano, going as far as to have a terrace at the very top, overlooking the magma pit below. Structures tend to be built out of stone, rather than metal.

Darami Ormroth

The Ormroth keep is built very high up, where the air is quite thin. The Ormroth are used to thin air, though it takes some getting used to for visitors. From the outside, the Ormroth keep doesn't look like much, although it is extremely beautiful, ornate statues and carvings adorn the sides of the mountain, depicting everything from battles from long ago to religious art.

Most of the keep and the city is built inside of the mountain. Vast halls and chasms where the bottoms are lost in darkness are a common feature in this mountain city. Glowing rocks provide most of the lighting in Darami Ormroth. Darami Ormroth is like one massive art museum, with beautiful sculptures and engravings everywhere.

Higher up the mountain city are the monasteries of the mountain sages. In these elite places of learning and personal reflection, the wisest of all Raiken reside. As a student masters the teachings, they are slowly moved up the mountain until they reach the final monastery at the mountain's peak. Here, the sages explore the deepest recesses of the mind. Even the opportunity to visit this place of learning is an amazing honor.

Darami Rakavasu

The Rakavasu live along the cliffs of the Arri Siasu, a fast flowing river at the bottom of a deep gorge. Their keep is built near the bottom of the gorge, at the head of a tall waterfall, where it spans bank to bank. Multiple bridges span the river near the keep, many more bridges span the gorge further up the river. When viewed from above, one can see the beautiful and meticulously kept garden at the center of the keep. The Rakavasu have constructed a mechanism that slows the rivers flow before it enters the garden, creating an enchanting garden full of flora.

Along the banks heading into the city, tunnels open to the riverside have been created, with the history of Rakavasu carved onto the rock. Battles, heroes, discoveries, and landscapes are all immortalized in stone. On the cliff face where the water plummets, huge viewing areas provide an astounding view of the jungle below and the much wider river as it flows on.

Further up the river, the city begins. Structures are built from the bank of the river all the way to the top of the gorge. Farmlands take up the flat areas around the top Arri Siasu, producing plenty of exotic fruits. Bridges and walkways criss-cross the gorge every which way, connecting everything to everything else.

Darami Delrasu

The Delrasu live on an peninsula surrounded by lava flows. From their keep atop the slowly rising peninsula, the Delrasu can see the volcanic terrain around them for miles. It provides an awe-inspiring view, but also provides the advantage to see any approaching forces. Small paths lead down the cliff to a viewing and sparring platform that juts out over the lava. The banks of the cliff are thick with volcanic ash, paths dug into the cliffside lead down to the banks for collecting this natural fertilizer.

Terraces dot the cliffside, structures and farmland clinging onto the rock. Water flows from the top of the cliffs, filling irrigation canals with ice cold water. By the time it reaches the crops, the heat from the lava has heated the water to a suitable temperature.

The peninsula itself has a tiered city, every few rows of structures divided by a might stone wall with fortifications atop it. By the time the city reaches the base of the peninsula, it is a sprawling metropolis, with hundreds of acres of carefully placed farmlands. Sections of the city have free standing magma pools, where ornate shrines to the gods stand. The most impressive structure in the city is a hundred foot-tall obelisk made of solid onyx. Engraved on the sides, from bottom to top, is the entire Raiken book of faith.

Darami Slevexa

The Slevexa keep is located deep in the scorching desert. In the old days, one wouldn't realize that they had arrived at the keep until they actually got there. A plateau made of solid sandstone, shaped like a crescent moon, encompasses the Raiken city, providing much needed shade. At its very center is a lush oasis, its water the brightest blue. The keep is built on the largest shore of the oasis, where irrigation canals direct the water to the farmlands nearby. The keep itself is made of sandstone, although it is not connected to the plateau. Behind the keep is a massive staircase, clearly visible from the other side of the city. This staircase is almost 20 meters wide and contains thousands of steps. The sides of the steps have a small creek running down from the top. At the top, where it meets the plateau, there is a shrine to the Roshya. This miniature paradise is a lush garden of brightly polished onyx rocks, with small creeks of water flowing through.

The actual city is built around the far bank, where multitudes of irrigation canals bring water into the city, supplying the inhabitants with fresh water. The structures are relatively short and fill in the massive space offered by the sandstone plateau. Where the two tips of the crescent end, Slevexa have constructed a wall about half as tall as the plateau itself, guarding this paradise from all who would dare take it.


Sial'roshya is one of the only Raiken cities that does not feature a central keep of a clan because it is the capital of the Raiconian Alliance. At the center of this megalopolis is an artificial flat-topped conical structure. Perched on this platform is the seat of Alliance power. Although Sial'roshya does not technically have a keep within its limits, the center of Raiken government certainly looks like one. Its formidable walls obscure the ongoings within from prying eyes. Four large houses spaced evenly around the courtyard hold each Nacur Shai. The house to the north is considerably bigger however, as it must contain far more members. Around the Nacur Shai meeting halls are well-kept gardens and grounds. The walls around the complex are fortified with multiple AA batteries and defense turrets, though they are kept hidden until they are needed.

Around the government keep are the many, many, embassies of all the Raiken clans. The largest and most well adorned ones are from the Resa Sarhi, the five elder clans. These embassies are guarded with the clan's own guards, instead of Alliance soldiers.

Past the embassies are the living and commercial areas of the city. This part of the megalopolis is spans for miles, though there are swathes of green everywhere. Many minor clans set up their keeps here, unable to sustain themselves in the wilds.

On the fringes of the city are spaceports, factories, and massive farms.

  • Tilye Tril vi Roshya - This is the most sacred place in existence for the Raiken. It is here, in the center of the Kalil vi S'aeruz, the Roshya passed their knowledge onto the Raiken, by engraving it upon six obelisks of onyx. The grounds are guarded by warriors appointed by the Nacur Shai vi Cheryn. Their appointed duty is to allow no damage or desecration to come to these sacred grounds, even if it takes their life.
  • Kela vi vuras Oscha - This is the final monastery on the Fymord veca Nekiru vuras Aeras, where the wisest of all Raiken meet. Being invited here is one of the highest honors any individual may receive. In addition to being the seat of wisdom, this monastery contains the most extensive scholarly library ever known, containing hundreds of thousands of volumes ranging across all subjects. It is also a simply astounding structure, built in ancient times and modified very little since then.
  • Delser vi S'irtai - Here, at the base of Darami Rakavasu's falls, giant depictions of the great heroes are shown battling. The Roshya: Vexa, Delras, Rakava, Ormak, Rela, and the Unknown Warrior are shown in what the Raiken to believe 'scale'. Each statue is at least twenty feet tall. The story behind their construction claims that each statue took a lifetime to build, ensuring that every tiny detail was right. At their deathbed, the sculptor gave their child the task of constructing the next statue. This continued until all six were constructed.
  • Rari Atha - On the opposite side of the Delrasu's keep, a massive lava river empties into the 'ocean' of lava below. These falls span several hundred feet, split by rocks.
  • Alliance Shipyards - A ways off from Sial'roshya, the Alliance has set up a very large shipyard complex. This is where most of the first starships were created. However, with Orbital Shipyards in play, these shipyards see limited use, but use none the less.

The Raiken have an extensive road, tunnel, and bridge system stretching across their world, though they are careful to preserve the beauty of their planet, respectful of its power. Most Raiken abide by an age old tradition of riding a predator animal. This tradition typically only applies to personal transport. These animals are hardy, usually fast, and immensely dangerous to anyone the rider does not like. Mechanized transport is used for commercial, industrial, and military travel however.

Air and Water travel are very uncommon. Air travel is unsafe with the Kalil vi S'aeruz raging and there isn't enough rivers crossing the planet to make water travel effective. Raiken also do not like flying and are deathly afraid of deep water, which also discourages these methods of travel.

  • Ranil'inas Planet Art is used under Creative Commons
  • planet/ranil_inas.1498490476.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/06/26 11:21
  • by sham