Super secret WIP character hurr
Naudue Nadeau (NPC)
Naudue is a successor Sourcian. Its reason for appearing and motives are unknown. It is played by an assortment of players as an antagonist in the ongoing Lazarus Consortium sub-plot.
Naudue Nadeau | |
Apply Rebeka proportions, get comission k Osaka? |
Species: | Successor |
Gender: | Unknown |
Age: | Unknown |
Height: | 7'8“ |
Weight: | Variable |
Organization: | None |
Occupation: | None |
Rank: | None |
Current Location: | None |
Naudue Soundtrack
Side A - "Eros"
Side B - "Thanatos"
Physical Characteristics
Build and Skin Color
Aesthetically, everything about Naudue is a compromise between appearing aesthetically comparable to Rebeka to infer kinship (including musculature, skeleton, height, proportion and other features) while also taking on features of her template imprint, Lalah.
Naudue's build is super-model like by Yamataian standards: Not an ounce of wasted effort visible across any point on her body with thin waif-like joints wrapped in toned musculature including marbled abs (typical of Lorath) yet paradoxically smooth shoulders, hips and legs.
Her skintone is a compromise between Rebeka's paleness and Lalah's dark deep hue, resulting in a honey tone.
Naudue does not wear clothes. Instead, she alters her skin to become cloth-like.
Her chosen default is an orange and brown ensemble of an unknown material which sticks to her body. It begins as a tabard, topped by a turtle-neck and terminating after clinging to her breasts (impossibly in ways fabric cannot) and her mound of venus out into a rectangular sheet similar to that of a knight's banner. This is matched with arm-length gloves with bridal gauntlets and long-stockings ending seamlessly in boots.
The ensemble is wrapped in a combination of advanced structol resembling a branching leafless creeper-vine of living flexible glass in dark brown and bright feathered elements of hard-light resembling fur which move like flame yet are cold to the touch.
In combat, they are known to sweep and laminate, forming a protective armor.
Eyes and Facial Features
Naudue's eyes were ripped from Lalah's eye-sockets forcibly in order to see surface light and texture as humanoids do, allowing Naudue to read. She has chosen to dope the iris to appear Ruby though up close, the golden undertones can be seen. Just like Lalah, Naudue has “eurasian” features like those of a yamataian (including the beginnigns of an epithantic fold) characteristic of northern Lorath, complete with a slim jaw, high cheek-bones and features subtle and soft enough to resemble a Nepleslian girl. In her own way however, Naudue has chosen to appear less child-like.
Like Rebeka, Naudue has very long canted ears, longer than those of a Nekovalkyjra. They are prehensile and react to a combination of emotional state and can move to search for sounds. She wears a chain of marbled yellow sapphire and gold running from the beginning of her left ear to its outermost edge: an aspectation ornament stolen from Lalah.
Though not technically ears, Naudue can also hear ultra-low sonic frequencies and static electricity through her pronounced dragon-like horns which were ripped clean from Lalah's skull, nearly killing her.
Hair Color and Style
Naudue's hair is darker than Lalah's and has a texture resembling yellowed sheep-skin met with the mane of a lion. It is swept to one side and bristles brightly, framing her features while revealing two of her five forehead eyes, “copied” from samples ripped from the body of Rebeka Retana. Unbraided lengths join together like a necklace, tied together in her clevage while the rest runs down her back to the back of her knees.
Even more hair branches from a thick tail like that of Lalah, resembling that of a ginger squirrel in the color and texture to that of a long haired ginger coon.
All of Naudue's hair is massive, perfectly positioned, prehensile at aill and seemingly weightless, sometimes used as a means of storing objects. Moving like flame, all of Naudue's hair is an illusion of hard-light.
Distinguishing Features
Stressed, the pigment materials covering Naudue's eyes fail, revealing the natural amber color of Lalah's own eyes – though unfortunately damaged by the process of adapting them for Naudue's own use with pupils stained bright red. A third eyelid or nictitating membrane is also capable of sliding over the eye, rendering it glossy but rendering the sclara (whites of the eyes) oily black.
While Naudue can blush, she isn't entirely proficient: If angered for example, she will instead exhibit what resembles pinkish bruising from infection or inflammation. If she is not pretending to be person-like, she often forgets to maintain the “proper” illusion of a lower face, revealing her tiered jaw and frightening teeth. Each functions like a beak with a top and bottom half and can chew and mash without requiring the jaw to be closed, allowing Naudue to rind and destroy flesh with relative ease.
In addition, Naudue's palms contain replicated maesus-eyes, taken from Rebeka: One each to be used for sighting weapons or looking. Like Rebeka, Naudue's hands are also symmetrical, with a single middle-finger, two index and thumb with her feet being more hand-like if they are ever revealed.
Psychological Characteristics
Forward: A word on Sourcian psychology
Defining Naudue's psychology is especially difficult in that she works almost unlike any known species in all of known space. The first mistake immediately for example is assuming that because Naudue is a living creature, that she is a person or even who she represents herself as. While she can be incredibly convincing, the identity that Naudue assumes is a total fabrication.
Instead, Naudue's higher intelligence cannot conceive of our world in the same terms we do: Ideas like space, time, energy, matter, logic and probability are utterly alien concepts. Similarly, many fundamental truths about the universe that humanoids are only now beginning to grasp even on an entirely theoretical level are the fundamental truths of Naudue's own psychology.
To deal with the “real world” from a standpoint of our perception, Naudue has to create a mask known as an imprint. An imprint can be thought of as a psychological depression in her character, formed from the mental “shape” of a real living person. This imprint is complete with perception, feelings, opinions and memories as a near perfect copy of the source template. The imprint then serves the role of negotiator between Naudue's own mind and the physical world, changing based on Naudue's own tastes and self-expression over time to become its own unique character.
While this is common in most Sourcians, Naudue's other-dimensional nature makes her utterly dependent on this technique. Importantly, while this technique works with most cognitive intelligence, the humanoid capacity for empathy, introspection, jealousy pride and even humiliation comes with grave and potentially disastrous consequences.
The only other known Sourcian for example, rejected its imprint and decided the slow road to learning on its own after its imprint developed a relationship and even started a family that it could not be a part of despite a feeling of entitlement (in their own mind being the same person in all but body and name).
In practice
If additional clarity is needed, it helps to think of Naudue as a person with severe schizophrenia: The imprint being the “surface person” we see (who can be friendly, affectionate, whimsical and even child-like) and the delusions or commanding executive higher mind being the delusions which drive this person toward their actions and setting their goals, generally with very little to no friction between the two.
The flaw in this explanation however is that the surface-character is the delusion.
Behavioral Characteristics
Like Lalah, Naudue is well mannered, carefully spoken, verbose, literate and highly poised and perhaps even elegant. She is slow to action, careful and especially considerate of the consequences of her own actions even if she does not understand their meanings or how culturally unacceptable they are. While knowledgable of a vast esoteric assortment of information with recall boarding on savant-hood (the sum of all of Lalah's entire experiences and knowledge and all of her own experiences therein), Naudue has intense troubles correlating ideas, memories and information into conclusions or meaning and as such can appear remarkably naive.
Particularly, Naudue struggles to conceive of ideas like location, time, life, death, pain and currency and struggles to comprehend how meat (organics) can not only be sentient but also assemble complex machines. While she understands what they are, they are entirely abstract to her and connotations of what they mean against one another are fundamentally meaningless to her, making her difficult to communicate and negotiate sometimes while in others, removing urgency from a crisis through distraction or something as simple as a conversation.
Particularly, Naudue does not understand death. She cannot concieve of death on any level: that death being forever, that something destroyed cannot be restored, that entire lives cannot simply be repaired vexes her greatly. For this reason, Naudue has no survival instinct as her origins seem to begin in a universe of mutual cooperation, rather than survival of the fittest.
In spite of all this, Naudue finds experiencing the universe through humanoid cognitive perspective and personal subjective reasoning to be an utterly fascinating experience: She is literally a child and is wowed very easily by anything and everything around her. She particularly seeks out intense, delicate and nuanced experiences, being especially interested in what things feel, smell or taste like.
She is also fascinated by patterns and has a great enthusiasm for predicting the next step in a sequence boardering on obsession. Her other worldly perception can allow her to study innate objects some how linked with her goals through complex incomprehensible entangulation phenomena: Something as simple as the way birds move or the pattern of tiles in the floor whispering secrets of the universe to her humanoids cannot begin to imagine.
To this end, Naudue has an intense and passionate love in music, believing it to be “the highest artform” (closely followed by theater and film): though her tastes are troubling: adoring catchy bubblegum pop with memorable motif and reprise over anything that could be considered truly meaningful music.
Like Lalah, Naudue has a keen interest in the humanoid pretense of presentation and can often be caught in introspective thought. She can be surprisingly whimsical and often doesn't understand the connotations of her words, much like Rebeka.
All of these things however are just the surface of Naudue. Her thoughts, feelings, desires and true goals are unknown and can only be experienced through Naudue's imprint.
- Likes: Eating, pop-music, mathamatics, high-explosives, fire, theater, film, floor-tiles, stars, talking, tasting, touching, snow
- Dislikes: Raw foods, power-lines, children (particularly babies), computers, transportation
- Goals: Unknown
To give some context, a Sourcian is normally made of three things: The soft (a gelatinous amber gel that can become nerves, fibres, muscle, skin, hair and cartilage), structol (a semi-organic alloy capable of making micromachines and complex materials) and the maesus (a living crystal brain of polymers, meta-materials, nickel and titanium). This information however, all predates what is thought to be a “modern” Sourcian by thousands, maybe even millions of years.
Naudue, a modern specimen is composed of a solid maesus that is brain, hard-light projector and aetheric tap. It forms a projected body of hard-light containing water for weight and defense and is capable of incorporating organic tissue and machinery: Most noticeably the eyes, tongue, nose, components of her sinuses, genitals, hands, vocal-cords and horns ripped and torn from the living body of laal_lalah_ioru_lmanel along with brain tissue, 70% of her spinal fluid and around 40% of her blood. Miraculously thanks to modern medicine, Lalah survived.
Any object Naudue experiences prolonged physical contact with (the duration varying based on its complexity) can be replicated. Objects with higher energy densities (metals, complex high energy machines like computers or weapons) take much longer than objects with lower energy densities (organics, liquids, structol) and during the replication process, Naudue must be stationary, remaining vulnerable. As such, Naudue's preference is to take what is needed from others rather than form it.
Any object Naudue makes physical contact with that she is left alone long enough with (from hours to weeks, depending on its complexity) she can form again without having to scavenge. Unfortunately, generating these objects (particularly high energy technologies like advanced weapons or computers) takes a great deal of time, energy, focus and effort during which Naudue is vulnerable which could be better spent pursuing her objectives. As such, Naudue has a preference to take what she needs from others.
In evolutionary terms, a contemporary Sourcian such as Rebeka would be considered ape-like in comparison to Naudue: Less intelligent, mechanically inferior and functionally obsolete.
All to come.
- Lalah's visual character design is a nod to both sansei_muramasa and Seiryuu, both maids (Lalah's first appearance was dressed as a maid).
- In spite of this, she's actually very flat-chested to turn the maid trope on its head, which was revealed when the uniform came off that she was padding.
- Lalah's name is a reference to Gundam's Raraa Sunn/Lalah Sunday as the sacrificial lamb of the original show's second arc.
- Lalah actually began as a one-shot NPC but the interest other players had in her character made her a permanent fixture.
- Luca, Mog, DocTomoe, Eistheid, BornOnboard, DoshiiJun, LunarRabbit and BlindGardener all agree Lalah is best girl.