
Nurse Er'red Nny'ust Fyunnen

Er'red is a ships chief medical officer on the LSDF Val'ta by process of elimination. He also acts as eye candy for some of the ships crew, and puts up with uncalled for flirting with strained stoicism.

{{}} Nurse Er'red Nny'ust
Race Lorath, Fyunnen Age Mid-40s (appears mid-twenties
Weight 85kg Height 181cm (6'0“)
Affiliations Lorath Matriarchy, LSDF Val'ta
Occupation Nurse Organisation LSDF Val'ta
Rank Ensign Home LSDF Val'ta
Theme TBA
  • Face and Eyes - Er'red has a softly curved face with a pointed chin and pale blue eyes with an icy glare.
  • Hair - Platinum blonde, shoulder length bob cut with a side fringe hiding one eye, modest red highlights.
  • Body - Moderately toned with a soft bit of fat hiding powerful muscles beneath.
  • Voice -


Theme: Medical, humanities

  • Medical - Being a trained nurse, and having to learn on the job enough to almost make him an honorary doctor, Er'red is a highly skilled medical attendent. Tucked safely away into the medbay
    • ? -

Psychology: - Er'red at first appearance is a cold, calm individual with a poised bearing that can occasionally flash into hot anger and punching. Further proding can reveael a high-strung individual with unresolved trauma and sister issues.

  • Likes: Moss gardens, shiny rocks, being appreciated, fruity drinks.
  • Dislikes: Infantry, being annoyed, unprovoked flirting, infantry, moss thieves, infantry.
  • Goals: Go out into deep space away from family, get married one day to a nice strong girl.

Er'red does not know any spells or rituals.


Affiliations and Beliefs

Er'red is an modern Xiaah follower and believer in the Lorath Goddess, taking his spirituality, place in the universe, and sustained existence from easy belief in their existence.



Er'red speaks Lorath fluently, and Trade adequately.


Basic Skills

  • ? - ?



  • Sexy AF LSDF Officer Uniform


OOC Notes

  • character/erred_nnyust.txt
  • Last modified: 2017/12/20 00:43
  • by jimmy