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Ei’Ika ‘Lili’ Illiago Occhestia

Commissioned in service to the Lorath Matriarchy through the Lorath Self Defense Force, Ei’ika is a Lorath of the Lorath Occhestia Caste caste, assigned as a field technician.

Character Logo or Sprite Ei’Ika ‘Lili’ Illiago Occhestia
Character Picture
Species Lorath (Occhestian) Age 28 Lorath Calendar Years
Weight 108 Lbs / 98 Kg Height 5’10 Feet / 1.78 Meters
Affiliations Lorath Self Defense Force, Lorath Matriarchy
Occupation Field Technician Organization Lorath Self Defense Force
Rank Ensign Home Lor, Occhestian Housing District C37
Theme Rob Dougan – Miscellaneous (Instrumental)



Ei’ika is an adult female of the Lorath species of the Occhestian caste. Her skin is eggshell white, her frame is slender in majority aside from a well-established hip structure. Her gait is strong but measured with disciplined posture.

Mental & Social

Psychology - Born, raised, and living in the Lorath Matriarchy, Ei’ika shares many of the ideological, philosophical, and theological beliefs held by her peers. There is a strong devotion to the Matriarchy not only as a government, but as an ideal. Family and social obligations come before personal interests. Comforted by her beliefs and society, Ei’ika can be considered a content person, glad to participate in what the Matriarchy asks of her, as well as her own endeavors to better society through her work. She has a sensible life-and-work balance, no fears that would be considered irrational amongst the Lorath cultural disposition, and her aspirations remain focused on career advancement first, and personal interests second and while being second there remains the desire to pursue her own interests such as hobbies, social connections, and eventual establishment of her own family unit.

Personality - Fastidious, result-driven, inquisitive, outgoing, curious, justified, and cautiously indulgent.

Affiliations and Beliefs

Ei’ika is part of and in service to the Lorath Matriarchy, faithful devotee to the Lorath mother Goddess, and is commissioned as an officer in the Lorath Self Defense Force.


Ly’thir (Current modern universal Lorath dialect)

Ci’Kesa (Current modern formal Lorath dialect)

L’uri Syti (Occhestian Dialect)

Beginner understanding of Zeh’Mebi (Fyunnen dialect)

Pre-Modern Lorath Dialect


Machine code languages appropriate to the Lorath Matriarchy, and associated corporate entities



Born on Lor, in an Occhestian residential district, Ei’ika had a typical Occhestian upbringing in the fashion of a hybridized nuclear family unit and State operated institution guided development plan. Only aspect of her upbringing which could be considered out of common trend was the insistence of her parents on maintaining Ei’ika’s schedule, so she would spend half of her time at home, and half of her time away in a State operated educational facility. If not for tutoring provided by her family, such an upbringing would have been seen as a hinderance and even a handicap.

What came of Ei’ika’s upbringing was a keen understanding of social obligation and duty. It was a concept that was built in her by her father, with a degree of insistence that she join the clergy for service, devotion, and status. Ei’ika’s mother however encouraged the young Occhestian to follow her interests. By her own choice, Ei’ika’s interests went in line with her focus on service; industrialization, modernized operations and designs, and bringing the Lorath body to par with such expectations. There was no form of social status nor prestige to her chosen position, but there was a need, as Ei’ika’s chosen path rapidly placing her into the workforce in her sixteenth year while still conducting her studies.

Family was still of great importance to Ei’ika, yet work was something she enjoyed as well, and her enjoyment was also her prosperity. Her State allocated compensation for labor was considered above-average for her age, her labor resulted in an improved housing allocation to her family. As the tips of her hair touched to her jaw, she reached her twentieth year. She was considered an upstanding employee, an excellent academic, and was not of ill standing in her community, but the real issue was, she had no standing in her community, outside of work and study she was a nobody, and it was something she thought held her back, however it was also something which kept her in grace.

During the twentieth year of her life, a schism took place. A break between the Occhestia and the rest of Lor. Details of the incident are lost to her memory, and lost to much of the Matriarchy, aside from the etchings of words on glass slides. It was an ideological divide, brought on by foreigners, and how they should be dealt with. Those who wanted to practice a concept of ‘might makes right’ and do whatever was possible because they could, were the ones which left with their caste elder. Loyalists, socialites, those with ties deep into the hierarchy which had been created within the Occhestian caste, they turned their back on the Matriarchy. It was only with time that the schism mended, but during that time, a vacuum was present in the Matriarchy; a desperate need for a new group of innovators and thinkers had arisen, and with that, Ei’ika suddenly became a ‘somebody’.

New opportunities presented themselves, possibilities which were just outside of her grasp when there were others which were ahead of her purely by social merit. Opportunity presented advancement, as her work became increasingly important. New technologies became common in the Matriarchy, needing new machines, and people to maintain them, and teach their use to those who would operate them. It was easy for Ei’ika, but not enough to keep up with foreign entities which had conspired against the Matriarchy. What Ei’ika knew was that the worker had to keep up as well, and it led her to her next academic and professional pursuit, the research of cybernetics and robotics.

Holding a supervisory role within a manufacturing complex, Ei’ika spent her off hours in study, applying herself to another degree, while mixing her formal studies with hobbyist tinkering, it was admittedly a summary of her years before the number of her qualifications, and her accumulated productivity documentation added up to flag her for the attention of the Matriarchy. Attention, and [s]conscription[/s] commission came the way of Ei’ika, which resulted in her being integrated into the Lorath Self Defense Force, where she continued to apply her expertise for the security of the Matriarchy, all the way up to their transition from elsewhere, to where they came to be.


Currently, Ei’ika has been given the assignment of assisting in monitoring a new asset within the Lorath Matriarchy, and a standardization audit of outpost manufacturing equipment. This is something Ei’ika has considered a detour, as she had submitted her application into the Capital University medical research program, something which she held an intense excitement for, since their tenured professor had recently moved on to other projects, which allowed for a new curriculum to be put into effect, one she had every hope of enjoying.


Master Skills

Expert Skills

Advanced Skills

Intermediate Skills

Basic Skills



Certifications: LSDF Ensign, Micro-Circuitry Technician, Cybernetics Technician, Advanced Micro-Robotics Technician Mechanical Technician, Wave and Particle Behavioral Analyst, Industrial and Commercial Hardware Technician and Engineer, Cyborg and Android Behavioral Analyst



Weather Gear

Workout Clothing and Undergarments

Accessory Items


Ei’ika possesses a small pouch of polished stones, half of which are semi-precious gemstones, the other half being precious ores.

Ei’ika’s remaining financials are accounted for by the Lorath Matriarchy’s productivity allotment program, which has allocated her the appropriate income suited for an Ensign in the Lorath Self Defense Force.