Spellock Guns

Magitech guns (colloquially known as Spellocks) are a somewhat rare way for mages and nonmages alike to augment their abilities. Spellocks are often completely mechanical, made of magic-resistant metals to resist warping. The bullets, however, are always magical. The guns are almost always custom made, as there are severe difficulties in mass producing a perfectly stable carrier for the rounds.

Spellocks use one standard of magic bullets though calling it a magic shell would be more accurate. Most of them are handcannon sized, but more often than not people prefer them larger due to built-in shell storage or other useful features. Spellockss are a very difficult device to make on account of the necessity of high quality craft materials to build one. So while very few standardized models exist, the majority of custom-built ones are colourful and suit their user. An incredibly small percentage have the capability to multi-load the shells on account of the volatility of magical discharges and the precaution necessary to handle them. The shell design is based on a patent from PA26, but the patent has long since run out. Since the design hit all the right buttons (ease of storage, use, manufacturability) it endured, and now manufacturers have open season on it.

  • technology/spellock_guns.txt
  • Last modified: 2017/01/30 16:12
  • by moogle