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Lorath Physiology

The lorath are a monotreme species notable for their white hair, grey skin, black feathered wings on their back, and golden eyes.

Abilities Shortlist

  • Impregnation leads to the formation of one or more egg which is laid by the female and incubated until the child hatches.
  • Lorath develop quickly (iirc the turlista twins could speak fluently within a year of hatching).
  • Lorath live to approx 2501).

Body Type

General shape and size of the body, impression a general member of the species leaves on the viewer.

Lorath have a humanoid body with two arms and two legs, as well as a pair of wings emerging from their upper back.


Two arms, each one starting at a shoulder connected to the torso, a single elbow and wrist connecting to a hand with four fingers and a thumb.

Two legs starting at the hip travelling down to a knee, then ankle attached to a plantigrade foot with five toes of descending size from the inner most to outermost. Thigh muscles are notably well developed and are universally quite large.

A pair of black feathered wings a ball and socket joint connects them to the back near the shoulder blades, each one featuring a structure much like the arms with an 'elbow' and 'wrist' joint. Long fused 'fingers' form support for the wings. Notably in most of the population the wings are much too small to provide flight and could safely be considered vestigial.

Average Height and Weight


Lorath naturally have smooth nearly hairless pale grey skin. Due to their prolonged time spent beneath the surface of their planet all lorath are born with a sensitivity to sunlight which irritates their skin in direct contact.


Hair grows on the tops, sides, and back of a Lorath's head, keeping off of their ears and the majority of their face save for their eyebrows. Male lorath are capable of growing full beards.

Lorath have two evenly spaced eyes on the front of their head flanking a bridge which leads down to their nose, a structure with two nostrils. Beneath this is a single mouth typically sealed by lips, which contains a set of teeth and a short prehensile tongue. On the left and right side of the head slightly below lorath eye level is an ear the exact shape of which is determined by the individual's caste.


Lorath have fairly good sight, with three color receptors and a separate set of cells for low light monochromatic vision. Their eyes have an iris which is typically golden in coloration restricts the light allowed to pass through the lens to be interpreted by the retina of the eye.


Sixteen molars, four canine, eight incisors? Short prehensile tongue, salivary glands, lips, cheeks.


Lorath have a wide range of nuanced taste, however they are unable to detect capsaicin and it does not interact to any great effect with their physiology.



As a whole Lorath sensory perception is comparable to that of humans, the primary difference being the Lorath's inability to taste capcaisin


The Lorath skeleton is notable for its composition having formerly been a hollow light weight structure comparable to that of avian species, however over time the density and composition of their bones has changed making them incredibly durable relative to bones of a comparable weight. The most obvious deviations in the Lorath skeletal structure however are visible in their pelvis, and femoral bones which are larger than human counterparts, and the additional limb structures of their wings.


Anything of note here?


Lorath brains are located in their skulls. Notably Lorath learn incredibly quickly and remain mentally flexible throughout the course of their lifespan with an extremely small population of defects and illness as a result of the Lorath eugenics and medical programs. Lorath brains are better able to deal with psychoactive compounds than most species and can tolerate doses of many compounds which would be lethal for humans.


Lorath are omnivorous eating a wide variety of organic matter sourced from plants and animals as well as select mineral compounds2). Metabolism is comparable to humans? Lorath due to the presence of high quantities of psychoactive compounds present in almost all flora and fauna on their planet have an impressive tolerance for such substances.


Resistance to viral, bacterial, parasitic, and foreign material exposure was emphasized in the Lorath breeding program making the Lorath hardy against both diseases native to Lor as well as those which are compatible with their biological chemistry that is encountered on foreign worlds.


Lorath are as a whole a relatively intelligent species with a cultural emphasis on understanding lending to millenia of schollarly development in conjunction with their species wide eugenics program which has cultivated the species to be capable of rapidly assimilating, understanding, and applying new knowledge. This is most apparent in the rapid technological advancement of the Lorath from an information age society to an interstellar superpower in only half a decade of their time.


As a whole Lorath have a community-centric outlook working toward the betterment of the Lorath people as a whole and taking pride in their work knowing that they build a better future not only for themselves but more importantly for the future generations to come. This leads to the Lorath being a very tight knit and self-inclusive species, seeing themselves as being part of a while rather than individuals.

Interactions with other sentient species in their history however has bred a distrust into the Lorath that causes them to display a cooly polite front toward other species.


With strangers
With Familiar


Magic has been a large part of the Lorath's society since it's early conception, being viewed as one of the Goddess' gifts and carefully cultivated, studied, and maintained. As such magic is fairly prevalent in Lorath society and is experiencing a renaissance after a brief 'drought' in which the Lorath people were cut off from magic.


Due to the eugenics program of the Lorath ensuring physiological consistency, only the Occhestian caste are capable of naturally manifesting psionic abilities, however Lorath medical science is fully capable of enabling psionic capability in those not born to it.

Mutations in the Lorath population are extremely uncommon due to the species wide eugenics program, medical screening during gestation, and widely available gene therapy. In the unlikely even a mutation occurred and was identified the Lorath would most likely correct it with medical procedures and corrective gene therapy.

500 Albion Standard Years
salt for example
  • species/lorath/physiology.1489192034.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/03/10 19:27
  • by eistheid