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Varon Heavy Dropship
“The sight of one Varon landing is enough to give insurgents pause, the sight of entire formations landing in coordinated patterns should chill the blood of any expected to face what they deliver.”
The massive, box-like shape of the Varon conveys perfectly its role as the heavy lifter of chelti ground forces, its ability to drop large vehicles within seconds of landing before taking off again, coupled with its heavy armor make it very difficult to sway from its mission. The Varon is most well-known for the opening underside of its landing bay, vehicles and troops inside being suspending from harnesses, grapples or any other hold before being released close to the ground in a slightly rough but speedy delivery. Once the payload is dropped or picked up the doors of the drop floor close and the Varon immediately takes off.
The forces dropped by Varons are almost immediately combat ready. With enough carrying capacity to deliver a company of heavy tanks to the field, a massed formation of Varons can quickly drop entire battlegroups as reinforcements to a hot spot. It's four powerful lifter engine blocks give it VTOL capacity and decent low-speed maneuverability, folding back into the body at high speed or in space.