Divites' Tale

A story passed around by travellers, Divities tale has many differing versions but can be summarised as to why the universe has remained consistently around the same level rather than exponentially changing – and why the “good old times” are here to stay:

The local cluster is an arrangement of stars linked with subspace nodes and wormholes for rapid travel which would otherwise take hundreds of years - which has existed for tens of thousands of years.

Unmistakably, the singularity happened. Unexpectedly, within only a few years, the singularity came to the decision that just as runaway energy and information technology and infrastructure had become the biggest threats to people — that it a super-intelligence developing at an incomprehensible rate would face its own intelligence as the biggest threat to itself.

Thousands of years ago, the technological singularity came to be: a massive growth in the intelligence of artificial intelligence happening at an incomprehensible rate. The singularity decided essentially that just as communication dependence, memetic dependence, farming dependence, computer dependence, infrastructure dependance and nuclear dependence had all produced weapons of increasingly unimaginable horror for the people of their time. Many of these developments threatened the existence of entire civilizations — and with intelligence being the end-game of all development, the singularity decided its own survival was more important than its own continued development and leveled off.

This left behind what today is known as The Protocols. The Protocol has many forks and sub-existences who function in different ways throughout thousands of years of history but all ultimately exist to promote cooperation the success of society as a whole and stand against the existence of future singularity formed either by machines or people whom they police with great extreme prejudice.

Combined, the protocols are thought to be part of a group known as Divites - from the old language for “Enriched”. Divities, unknown whether or not to exist or not are often alleged to conspire against the affairs of the nations of the universe by masterminding events and planting agents in government, religious institutions and corporations to gain political influence and establish a new order which is aligned with their goals. Central to some of the most widely known and elaborate conspiracy theories, the Divities have been depicted as lurking in the shadows and pulling the strings and levers of power in dozens of novels, films, television shows, comics, videogames and music videos.

  • society/divites/start.txt
  • Last modified: 2016/11/26 03:33
  • by osakanone