
"Cherubim" Antimatter Munitions Launcher

Designed by the High Priest of the Lorath Matriarchy at the time, Velor Tomoe Tur'lista, the “Cherubim” is a chemically-propelled anti-tank rocket launcher still in service with the LSDF today. Designed specifically to fire the 85mm Antimatter anti-tank rocket in its title, it is compatible with other S-class ammunition types.


  • Electric ignition liquid-fuel rocket.
  • Extensive missile guidance modes
  • Primarily an Anti-tank weapon, other ammo types available
  • Five foot backblast area

The appearance of the weapon resembles the public perception of a “rocket launcher” for the most part, a tube construction 1.27m(50“) long with a loading breach in the rear to insert ammunition. A targeting device is attacked to the side of the launcher appearing as a somewhat bulky scope. The shoulder rest sits to the rear of the tube, with a grip to the front with trigger. On top of the weapon is an interface panel for selecting guidance modes, and target information.

Included with the manual interface on top of the weapon is a neural interface port for suitably augmented soldiers. The weapon comes equipped with dumb-fire, laser, and psionic guidance for compatible soldiers. Along with the stock stock scope, the Cherubim also has hardpoints for three more attachments such as range-finders, flashlights, laser sights and other such targeting aids.

When the Lorath first encountered significant alien threats in Elsewhere, they felt the danger of imminent assault and quickly developed a variety of weapons to overcome their apparent technological inferiority. The Cherubim was the product of a fast production cycle to create a weapon to negate superior armor in the most efficient manner while making it easy to put into production. Antimatter-based explosives were selected as the primary warhead for such a weapon and thus the Cherubim was created.

Development of the weapon was carried out during the second stage of negotiations with their first alien contact.

  • Make range-finder built in with laser system?
  • Apparently this thing has art but I don't have it
  • Might need to make a separate page for S-class ammunition? Lorath ammunition pages are still awful.
  • lorath_matriarchy/weapons/antimatter_munitions_launcher.txt
  • Last modified: 2018/07/02 00:03
  • by jimmy