
Interface Hive

The Interface Hive is a structure designed to be enclosed around the pilot to provide a safe atmosphere. The protective hive consists of points and joints arranged in a polygonal form comparable to a honey-comb (see Structural Meshing). The Interface Hive is designed to be one size fits all, as the hive is able to stretch, tighten, loosen, provide motion feedback, soften and even harden all for protection of the pilot. Within each “honey comb”, a liquid based display screen screen and protective cushioning are suspended beneath a gel sheath which provides comfort for the pilot. The protective hive can be isolated and ejected in a basic emergency, on pilot command.

An interface Hive does not necessarily have to be in a body-glove configuration and can become a cockpit. The Interface Hive acts as a pilot control area to a unit using the Moveable Frame System and can be anything from a body-glove to a starship bridge or fighter cockpit.

  • lorath_matriarchy/technology/movable_frame_technology/interface_hive.txt
  • Last modified: 2017/06/26 22:33
  • by eistheid