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Lorath Body Modification System "Sculpt"

Sculpt is a programmable compound which allows for cosmetic and functional changes to cartilage, muscle, neurology, and tissue. These changes are permanent until a reversal dose is administered and can be subtle or enormous in scope. Sculpt is marketed as a voluntary recreational procedure.

Sculpt was introduced to the market by the Lorath Matriarchy in the fourth quarter of Post-Exile 553

An artificial programmable nano-compound, known commonly as “Sculpt” among users, particularly popular among the modern hobbyist body building scene. Outside of it's largest niche the compound is particularly well known for it's recreational effects, as well as flexibility in the hands of a talented designer or “Sculptor.” Frequently thought of as an expansion upon the concept of Kaserine, at least by the laymen consumer market, Sculpt is designed to modify the body with much more creativity, using nanosurgical techniques, genetic modification, and continued self-sustaining nanomachine treatment, the Sculpt treatment package is a distinctive departure from established biological modification techniques.

While frequently compared to Kaserine in end results, the actual function and process of a Sculpt treatment is a distinctive departure from the rapid changes produced by Kaserine. Sculpt propagates in the host body without making immediate changes, replicating and distributing itself throughout the body over time using available material found within the user body. The nano-compound only activates when medical nanomachines configured to monitor the user's metabolism detect that the host is in a state of sleep, or sedation, at which time they induce a medical coma via induction of alpha-wave behaviour within the user's brain, while also regulating the user's autonomic functions. Once the user metabolism is stabilized by the nanomachine compound, the structural component of the compound begins making modifications.

Should the modifications be extensive, they may take multiple sleep cycles to accomplish with the nano-compound directing the host body to seek out whatever resources are needed for completion via artificially induced hunger. Depending on the needs of the change, this hunger might not be satisfied by traditional quantities or selections of food items. To help address this a companion product line exists providing nutrient solution packages for a myriad of intended 'Sculpt' results, some nutrient packages include materials not conventionally considered as a component of standard nutritional intake. These more exotic nutrient solution packages are clearly labelled as a component of a 'Sculpt' treatment, raising consumer awareness to prevent potential poisoning cases due to consuming toxic quantities of substances that user physiology would be unable to metabolize without 'Sculpt' in their system.

The effects of the compound can be range from the relatively minor effect of permanently changing hair color, to more major effects such as changing their skeletal structure, musculature, or tissue distribution, and may even be used to superficially imitate the physical structures of various species.

Due to the possibly drastic changes made possible by the compound, it is recommended that precautions such as having extensive photographic recordings, a 'cure' dose coded to their initial state, as well as a genetic backup be made of the original body be made prior to treatment. If reversal of the treatment is desired, an additional treatment would be required to reverse alterations made by the initial treatment. Without a base template for reversal procedures the process would prove to be quite difficult, due to the need to have a reversal dose sculpted, with user memories of their features proving as sub par for a precision procedure.


Drawing a marginal framework of function from kaserine, 'Sculpt', while universally marketed, is a formula devised by the Lorath Matriarchy pharmaceutical industry, using Lorath medicinal technology. Within a 'Sculpt' dosage designed for inducing alterations a payload of Lorath Induction Drugs, Lorath Suppressive Drugs, and lorath_medical_nanomachiness are delivered. Dosages and configurations of the three active components are adjusted on a basis of intended results.

Supplemental compounds to support the 'Sculpt' process largely consist of high calorie density dietary supplements, and flavored liquid solution formulas with nutrient suspensions. Some support packages are provided in IV infusion form, or even in the form of orally ingested or infusible Pico-Jelly.


At the heart of the 'Sculpt' process is a dual-approach which aims at altering existing tissues, while also imprinting new instructions upon specific portions of the user's active DNA, while preserving RNA read/write and DNA chain production to avoid the production of damaged DNA in target tissues, avoiding the introduction of defect or cancerous growth.

Nanomachine compounds selectively alter the cells and tissue structures present in target areas of the user, for the purpose of implementing immediate changes, this is largely considered the most simple portion of the procedure, effectively functioning more as a micro-surgical procedure than a fundamental alteration of the user. What produces the hallmark of 'Sculpt' usage however, is the manipulation of the user's active DNA, altering specific genes for precision results, with the altered genes propagating through the use of altered RNA and continued replication of 'Sculpt' configured nanomachines within the user's body, which continue to carry out the process until a halting dosage is administered, or a reversal dosage is administered.

Notably, this does produce an alteration of DNA that can be sampled from the user, however, due to the targeted functions of 'Sculpt' these DNA alterations do not carry over to the user's reproductive cells, preventing the passing of altered DNA to potential offspring, and also serving as a source of unaltered DNA for sampling purposes for identity confirmation. Users are however encouraged to actively update their recorded DNA records with government agencies, medical providers, and other organizations which may rely upon an up-to-date genetic record.

Configuration & Packaging

Configuration and marketing of 'Sculpt' dosages is carried out by several different avenues, each of which tending to a specific consumer market. Dosages are available for injection, oral ingestion, insufflation, and even as externally applied topical treatments.

  • Mass Production: Minor alterations are mass-produced by various agencies within the Lorath pharmaceutical industry, and are made available to the user ready for immediate use. Packaged with instructions, images 90% accurate to intended end results, a single-use DNA sampling and reversal-dose encoder kit, and the treatment induction dose, the mass produced 'Sculpt' dosage is a mainstream solution to minor body modifications. Packaging for this format of dosing is a 'Gashapon' style plastic capsule, enabling the purchase of mass production doses from vending machines, which are able to actively configure a dose to a mass production template prior to vending.
  • By Order Production: Unlike the mass produced counterpart, the 'By Order' variation of 'Sculpt' is a special service provided by the Matriarchy's pharmaceutical industry. At a generous mark-up of price, a user can use a complimentary software application to create a composite image of their desired physical alterations, along with a request form of internal modifications and/or anatomical function alterations. Communication takes place between the end user and a customer service engineer to determine the attainable outcome which can be reached. Once determined as achievable, a custom developed 'Sculpt' package is assembled for the user, which contains the induction dose, reversal dose, care instructions, nutrient compound supplements, and vouchers for medical practitioner follow-up.

    An option is available to frequent users, for the purchase of a dosage configuration and manufacturing device, which can be networked to a licensed pharmaceutical manufacturer, which can instruct the device as to appropriate dosage configuration to yield a desired result, allowing for a dose to be manufactured on the spot for the user, to avoid the hassle of delivery. This production unit is distinctively comparable to the Lorath designed medical nanomachine 'Standard Service Unit' for nanomachine production, however, repackaged for consumer friendly usage.
  • Designer Production: With a touch of scarcity and luxury, the designer produced variation of 'Sculpt' is isolated to production by licensed specialists which operate regulated storefronts. These storefronts vary from boutique atmospheres, to more seedy establishments. What stands as common between the luxurious and the sleazy, is the licensing process from the Matriarchy, and the certified equipment which is made available to the designer by the Matriarchy for the purpose of 'Sculpt' production.

    With the red tape of certification, license fees, down payments, extended payments, operator fees, per-dosage fees, compound resupply fees, and the knowledge requirements to operate the equipment properly, the scarcity of designer production is something that is kept intact. For the purpose of ensuring continued customer involvement, and to maintain a favorable profile, sub par designers are barred from receiving production rights, maintaining a level of quality control, which protects the end user, however, beyond the process to approve a designer to work in the field, the Matriarchy has minimal involvement in just what the designer is permitted to produce, so long as they maintain a level of quality that protects the brand.
  • Supplementary Support: Available at grocery markets, convenience stores, pharmacies, vending machines, and mail order, the supplementary support materials for a 'Sculpt' treatment are readily available for end users. Nutrient compounds, minor pain killers, Pico-Jelly infusion devices, Lorath Nutritional Supply Pack infusers, and DNA record update packets, among various other products, are sold at a low price, allowing for an ease of entry into the use of the 'Sculpt' compound, and service.

Structural Cosmetic

Cosmetic effects of 'Sculpt' are diverse, with the capacity to alter pigmentation, tissue composition, skeletal dimensions, and an assortment of other features, the structural alterations available are largely left open-ended, with limitations only placed by the needs of internal organs, neurology, and quality of life.

Functional Internal

With proper treatment, a user is able to modify internal tissues, this includes musculature, vascular systems, and anatomical features such as the inclusion/exclusion of organs and their functions.


Due to the degree of impact of 'Sculpt' upon the physiology of the user, a requirement was made for 'Sculpt' to be able to alter the neurology of the end user to support required changes to the autonomic nervous system to maintain function of altered organs, changes to the cerebellum to maintain proper muscular control, and similar alterations to maintain neurological compatibility to altered biological features. As a byproduct of this requirement, a degree of neurological alteration is also made available to the end user, an option which is made available with a high degree of caution.

Side Effects

Common side effects may include, but not be limited to:

  • Insomnia
  • Acid reflux
  • Irritability
  • Vertigo
  • Headache
  • Altered appetite
  • Disassociation
  • Excessive or reduced perspiration
  • Neuropathy
  • Mania
  • Anemia
  • Vascular irregularity
  • Fainting
  • Fever
  • Hypothermia
  • Involuntary tics

These, among other side effects, are able to be regulated through the administration of Matriarchy manufactured Induction and Suppression type drugs, and supplemental nanomachine treatment.

Largely a consumer item the use of 'Sculpt' as a product was met with initial skepticism and slow sales as only the truly adventurous were quick to pick up the product. Word of mouth, coupled with a lack of horror stories in the media as a result of the use of the compound following initial release did much to quell unrest among the public. This proven reliability and the observably desirable results among citizens resulted in a rapidly growing market as it became common place for citizens to take the time to dress up their physical form as much as their outfit.

Especially popular was the knowledge that with a few simply precautions one could go from the fantastic back to their familiar self reliably negating worries that some users had about loosing their sense of identity. This allows a consumer to potentially hit the town and live out a fantasy while being able to return to work shortly there after without the social stigma of radically altering their body.

The heart niche of the market so far has largely focused on those who wish to improve body image, particularly with those who desire a chiselled musculature or favourable contours. While this has allowed many people to attain their dreams they do draw some criticism from purists who argue that the dedication and effort required to attain changes is often more important than the physical results.

More elaborate changes have been adopted by smaller crowds looking to stand out from the average user making them popular for parties where one desires to make a flashy, glitzy, and memorable impact.

At least, the aforementioned has been the way in which the media outlets of the Lorath Matriarchy have painted the history, and progression of the 'Sculpt' compound, some individuals citing even the word of mouth in regard to the product as a well executed marketing endeavor executed by the socialist economy which fuels the Matriarchy's consumer goods operations. Unknown to the user market, the Matriarchy pharmaceutical industry has gone through lengths to permeate the market with paid users, for the purpose of establishing the street credibility of the product.

It has been noted that while this compound is popular in minor use among the populace, and more extensive modifications have proven to be popular with thrill seekers in more adventurous groups, the compound has also proven popular with more illicit practices, as it is much easier to kidnap someone who does not look like the initial victim, or to sell someone into slavery when they look like an idealized fantasy. Within the Lorath Matriarchy, social service agencies have made sure to implement an awareness campaign, reminding the consumer base as to the proper procedures and regulations for extended contract servant personnel, to discourage such use of the product.

While the nano-compound is extremely flexible in design, hard coded safeties exist that prevent changes that would be immediately or eventually fatal to the user making it a poor tool for assassination.

:!: Pricing is listed for foreigners. For citizens of the Matriarchy all prices are reduced by 75% :!:

Due to the wide variety of effects possible a general idea of pricing is given rather than firm figures, with the rule being that more impressive results feature a more impressive price tag.

  • Mass Produced: Varieties at this level go from as little as 10 for a gashapon capsule, upward to 300 depending on the complexity of the change.
    • Examples may include; eye color, hair color, skin tone, nail color, nail shape, plumage, scales, fat deposits, musculature development, shoulder width, hip width, secondary sexual characteristics, primary sexual characteristics, and facial structure.
  • By-Order: Produced varieties at this level usually have a much higher price tag starting at 100 and going as high as 2,000 for products with similar function to mass produced products. More drastic changes to body type can be ordered at this level starting at 1,500 and ranging upward to 6,000. These changes are likely to be immediately notable and are likely to produce results that will make an individual appear as another species.
    • Examples may include; eye pigment with unnatural features such as bio-luminescence; glowing, sparkling, or partially prehensile hair; extra digits on hands and feet; vanity limbs such as small wings, or vestigial arms; tails; metallic growths; and, altered skeletal structure.
  • Designer Produced: These varieties usually start at 7,000, and as a result even the most basic product will have a much higher level of detail and will largely outshine a lesser product, and likely any natural counterpart. These costs have no effective upper ceiling apart from what the user is willing to spend. A good rule is to add on around 800 for each change on top of the initial, and a tenfold multiplier should be applied for any change that is extreme in any way such as additional functional appendages, or entirely unique body layout.
    • Examples may include; additional functional eyes; functional limbs; new organs; redundant organs including multiple heads; advanced tissue types; tailored organs; entirely custom physiology; full conversions to animal forms; etc. Here the sky and your pocketbook are the limit.

Support Kits

  • Mass production level support kits can usually be found in most Lorath stores and cost 50.
    • These are recommended for any change, and required with the purchase of any 'Sculpt' product with an activation time of more than one night providing supplies for up to one week of transition.
  • Additional supplies are provided in packages designed to cover one week intervals each. A supply pack containing nutrient packs to fuel the process, as well as other resources that may be needed they usually cost 20.
  • By-Order kits usually cost about double and usually come with their order they cost about 100.
    • Stores usually supply the nutrient packs needed for longer procedures. Depending on the expense of the resources a weeks worth can cost between 25 and 40.
  • Designers usually supply their own care kits, often complete with personalized touches for the customer. Though prices may vary between boutiques each is usually around 500.
    • Additional supplies can be purchased directly from the boutique to cover longer transitions. Naturally these are the most expensive and often contain rare materials, however for less extreme applications the price can drop significantly. Usually however they cost 200.

Created on 11/22/2015 by Eistheid.

Original concept by Eistheid, with a large amount of help from doctomoe to complete the item.

  • lorath_matriarchy/technology/lorath_body_modification_system_sculpt.1496468666.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/06/03 01:44
  • by eistheid