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TAEC-0005 Star Seeker

Lorath Matriarchy “Star Seeker” interstellar exploration craft.

The Ltoh Lyykyh, more commonly known as “Star Seeker” to those outside of the Lorath species is a pre-Exile vessel design and the first FTL capable Lorath starcraft. It was designated as a long range exploration craft made for scouting the stars near to the Lorath home system.

The original “Star Seeker” was created from the ashes of the failed 0001, 0002, 0003, and 0004 Trans-Atmosphere Exploration Craft projects. When the 0005 accomplished it's goal of space flight as well as the first successful use of Lorath near FTL engines in the 543rd year Post-Exile, it was dubbed with its title Ltoh Lyykyh in recognition and preparation for its journey beyond known Lorath space. A mission that in the 545th year Post-Exile would inadvertently lead to half a decade1) of turmoil for the Lorath people.

The original reasoning for the creation of the TAEC-0005 vessel was to facilitate the exploration of space beyond the obstructing haze that blankets the Lorath Homeworld, and to seek out new prospects for conquest and discovery that may exist in the reaches of space. This mission would be undermined by the interception of the first “Star Seeker” on an interstellar mission by a technologically superior belligerent imperialist nation.

This unexpected encounter would prove a turning point in the history of the Lorath as a people, as well as prompt an overhaul of the Matriarchy space program leading to a brief surge in the “Star Seeker” line's production before being retired in favour of more sophisticated starship models such as the Zahl-class. Due to its age the TAEC-0005 lacks many of the standardized components and technologies present in pre-Exile and current Matriarchy starcraft, however it is also the progenitor of many Matriarchy design habits such as, modular construction.

Dimensions and Crew Compliment

  • Organizations using this vessel: Previously Lorath Space Exploration Division - Occhesta House, LSDF.
  • Type: Medium range scout vessel.
  • Class: Ltoh Lyykyh (Star Seeker) TAEC-0005
  • Designer: Lorath Occhesta House Aerospace Division in cooperation with the Fyunnen House test teams.
  • Manufacturer: Lorath Shipyards - Occhesta House Space Exploration Division, LSDF.
  • Production: Highly limited production based on the need for off world information and exploration.
  • Crew: 4
  • Maximum Capacity: Maximum of 8 humanoids.
  • Appearance: The “Star Seeker” when viewed from a profile view appears quite thin in relation to its length. The external colour is mainly shades of grey, apart from its underbelly which as a result of the design calling for re-entry capability is a deep black.
  • Length: 36 meters.
  • Width: 30 meters.
  • Height: 4 meters.
  • Decks: 3
  • Mass: 23,586KG2) with a bare payload.
  • Maximum Speed, sub-light: 0.177c
  • Maximum Speed, faster than light: 1.001c
  • Maximum Speed, atmosphere3): Mach 3.1 4) sustained flight.
  • Atmospheric Escape Speed: 48,280km/h5)
  • Range (Distance): 5 Light Years
  • Range (Support): One Month for active crew operations, six years in cryo-stasis.
  • Lifespan: Untested.
  • Refit Cycle: Irregular. The TAEC-0005 is not regularly used by the Lorath Matriarchy or LSDF, and is typically only refit with new technology and parts when a mission suitable for the ship is determined.

The layout of the TAEC-0005's bridge is that of a simple cockpit designed for the presence of two pilots in most circumstances. A pair of additional seats with control consoles exist for circumstances that may require the full crew of the vessel to take an active hand in the control of the vessel.


Engineering access for the vessel is located in the aft sections of the TAEC-0005; this area is a 3m x 3m6) square room with a ceiling clearance of 3m7). Located within this section at the far back is the vessel's main fusion generator access panel through which maintenance upon the primary fusion core systems are performed. Further control panels and display monitors allowing monitoring and adjustment of the vessel's systems are located on the walls to either side of the room providing a clear and uncluttered means of controlling the ship systems reducing the need for fine motor skills in emergency situations.

Quarters and Living Area

For the purposes of housing the crew, the quarters and general living area is located in the central section of the TAEC-0005 situated to either side of an unobstructed corridor linking the cockpit and engineering sections. Located in the living quarters are four bunk-style beds which are configured to allow for easy conversion into stasis pods if required. Additionally a refrigeration unit, a cooking heating coil, a microwave oven, and private computer access allowing for communications and entertainment are present providing basic living amenities for the crew while in transit.

Cargo Sections

The TAEC-0005 features two separate cargo storage areas, one located in the upper section of the vessel and the second located in the belling of the vessel. The upper section of the vessel is typically reserved for crew belongings as well as necessary in flight equipment. Conversely the storage in the belly of the vessel is most often used for optional equipment, or devices intended for special operations.


The TAEC-0005 is primarily comprised of an amorphous diamond-like carbon allotrope moulded into large structural components locked onto a central structural skeleton intended both to keep the crew protected in the event of incidental impacts and to facilitate the rapid exchange of damaged or parts intended for upgrade. Apart from the main body the TAEC-0005 features a dense heat resistant ceramic coating designed to endure the rigours of atmospheric re-entry.

Power System

Power for the TAEC-0005 is supplied by a central fusion-core style reactor which provides the vessel's various systems with power while also serving as the primary engine system for the vessel.

Environmental Systems

For the purposes of keeping the crew alive and comfortable during their journey the TAEC-0005 is equipped with a temperature control system as well as an air pressure regulation system. In addition the vessel is equipped with water recycling, organic matter re-composition and capabilities, as well as a ship wide stasis device in the event of catastrophic emergency8).

Air Recycling System

For the purposes of maintaining air quality during its journey the TAEC-0005 is reliant upon a series of genetically engineered bacteria cultures which are placed within the air filtration pods located in the lower cargo, living, cockpit, and engineering sections of the vessel. These cultures function much like cyanobacteria capturing carbon from the atmosphere and provide the crew with a continuous supply of oxygen.

Airlock System

For the purpose of disembarking and embarking the TAEC-0005 when in space two airlock systems have been installed. The first is a hatch style airlock located on the upper hull of the vessel which includes an extendable polymer docking tunnel. The second airlock is constructed on the port side of the vessel and is intended for boarding and disembarking when the TAEC-0005 is grounded.

Escape Pods

The living area of the TAEC-0005 has been designed to function as an emergency escape pod, allowing for up to three days of normal life support, or five years maintained stasis. The launching of the escape pod is achieved by uncoupling twelve sets of structural docking clamps present between the cockpit, engineering, and cargo sections.

Primary Propulsion

Functioning as the main power system, the TAEC-0005's fusion power plant provides both power in its idle state, as well as propulsion as an early form of Lorath made fusion-plasma propulsion.

Secondary Propulsion

For in-atmosphere flight the TAEC-0005 is equipped with a combined system of SCRAM-jets and basic jet engine propulsion which performs in atmosphere and trans-atmospheric operations.

Interchangeable Systems

During its development the designers intended for the TAEC-0005 to be capable of modularly removing and exchanging almost every component of the vessel. This principle was considered valuable as the need to change out and exchange components with alternate systems in a short amount of time or the capability to incorporate entirely new systems to the vessel was demonstrated in the early development cycles of its predecessors. As such systems including the computers, engineering interfaces, drive systems, navigational systems, crew living are components, cargo section components, and even hull sections are designed to allow for rapid removal and replacement with minimal impact upon surrounding portions of the vessel.

Ice Cream Dispenser

Originally intended as a morale boost for the members of exploration missions, the simple chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry9) integrated ice cream dispenser in the crew's refrigeration unit present aboard the original TAEC-0005 vessel would earn a reputation of infamy. The chagrin of the Lorath oppressors at the inclusion of such a device in the ships schematics would be emulated by Matriarchy development teams and this humble component would find itself incorporated into many future Lorath star craft designs as a quiet protest to the design sanctions placed upon Matriarchy vessels.\

Sensor and Computer Systems

Computer Systems

The data storage and processing needs of the TAEC-0005 are accomplished by the use of a brain-like “neuro-gel” pack system, the precursor to the fully fledged Lorath Neural Processor Pack. These devices built to mimic the protein based memory and thought based processes of a Lorath served to control the systems necessary for the TAEC-0005's operation storing the bulk of the vessel's data while also conducting basic ship processes. Interaction with the gel packs is done through telepathic communication with the vessel's systems through the use of a Lorath Neural Interface System, voice commands, or tactile controls when time is not an issue. A secondary magnetic hard drive storage system serves as the TAEC-0005's emergency backup systems with hardened cases designed to survive circumstances which may damage or destroy the gel-packs.


The sensors provided to the TAEC-0005 include infrared scanning, UV scanning, microwave radar, thermal imaging, laser sweep scanning, electromagnetic scanning, psionic wave detection, and light pulse based sonar.


Intended primarily as an exploratory vessel the TAEC-0005 was not equipped with weapons.

Lorath years
3,797km/h / 2359mph
10ft x 10ft
a ship wide freezer
human equivalents used for ease of communication
  • lorath_matriarchy/starship/star_seeker.1493079892.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/04/24 20:24
  • by eistheid