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Lorath Self Defense Force

The Lorath Self Defense Force, or LSDF, is the space military arm of the Lorath Matriarchy people. The LSDF is composed of members from all three major Lorath houses, as well as having some Helashio members. Due to events which have taken place in the Matriarchy's history, the LSDF has opened its ranks to the species which comprised their allies' military forces.

Notable ships fielded in the LSDF's history were the LSDF Reclaimer, LSDF Trishka, LSDF Akahar, LSDF Val'ta, and the LSDF Herald.

History of the LSDF

The LSDF was founded in 545th year Post-Exile after the Lorath Matriarchy made contact with a belligerent technologically advanced interstellar empire. During the initial attempts at peace talks between the Lorath and this empire, the Lorath chose to provide for their own defense, making a new multi-role, space-capable military organization necessary for the Lorath. The Lorath went to work to quickly build up the new force, as upper level Lorath began to feel that the empire would not and/or could not fully comply with the treaty provision that the empire would defend Lor if needed.

Initial support for the LSDF was centered in the Occhestian Connate Government, and a large number of the LSDF initial members were drawn from its divisions. Unfortunately, due to the Occhestian revolt, a sizable portion of the LSDF's capabilities were reduced, until the Fyunnen caste stepped in to fill the gap.

Over the years, the Lorath Self Defense Force had found itself working alongside the Lorath Matriarchy's allies and their military forces in a mutually beneficial joint endeavour. Due to their closest ally's peacekeeper forces being mainly geared toward police actions, the LSDF had found itself to be the spearhead of any dedicated military action. Over their years of work with their allies, between the years 546 Post-Exile and 549 Post-Exile, the Matriarchy had poured ample funds into the Lorath Self Defense Force, and had increased the combat capability of their military forces to hopefully be able to endure assaults from the many threats present in their home sector of space. Toward the end of their time in their home multiverse, the LSDF had opened its ranks to members of their ally's defunct peacekeeper forces, in hopes of absorbing their numbers during a sharp decline in the might of their ally.

Fleet Arrangement of the LSDF

Dedicated to the protection of the Lorath Matriarchy, the majority of the Lorath Self Defense Force fleet was stationed in the Lor, nyli, and Hici'emi systems. However, due to the persisting threat of their enemies the Lorath Matriarchy had directed the LSDF to conduct border patrol operations, as well as an expedition in the northern portions of mapped space to secure a possible fall-back location for the Matriarchy.

LSDF Fleet Strength

Prior to the Second Exile the Lorath fleet was composed of:

Non-Warship Classes

Starships Not In Service

  • 357410 wh_ki_shipyard - Number increased in accordance with Wh'ki functionality over one month.
  • 60 nufei_shipyard - Doubled the number of Nu'fei to secure recently colonized star systems.

Ships/Craft Assigned To Shipyards As Standard Craft

The following ships are not exclusively in service to the LSDF and can be commissioned by authorized affiliates to the Lorath Matriarchy.

Ranks of the LSDF

High Officers
Rank Rank Equivalents Sleeve, Collar, Cap, and Shoulder Patch Rank Design
Supreme Admiral Fleet Admiral
Admiral Admiral
Vice Admiral Vice Admiral
Rear Admiral -
Command Officers
Rank Rank Equivalents Sleeve, Collar, Cap, and Shoulder Patch Rank Design
Commodore Captain
Commander Commander
Sub-Commander Lieutenant Commander
Lieutenant Lieutenant
Junior Officers
Rank Rank Equivalents Sleeve, Collar, Cap, and Shoulder Patch Rank Design
Sub-Lieutenant Sub-Lieutenant
Ensign Acting Sub-lieutenant
Cadet Midshipman / Cadet
Warrant Officers
Rank Rank Equivalents Sleeve, Collar, Cap, and Shoulder Patch Rank Design
Chief Warrant Officer Warrant Officer 1st Class
Warrant Officer Warrant Officer 2nd Class
Junior Warrant Officer Warrant Officer 3rd Class
Enlisted Soldiers
Rank Rank Equivalents Sleeve, Collar, Cap, and Shoulder Patch Rank Design
Major Superior Petty Officer
Sergeant Major 1st Class Petty Officer
Master Sergeant 2nd Class Petty Officer
Sergeant Superior Soldier
Trooper Soldier 1st Class
Corporal Soldier 2nd Class
Soldier Soldier 3rd Class

Modern Uniform Rendition Circa YE 33

Classic Uniform Rendition Circa YE 27

  • lorath_matriarchy/group/lsdf.1493365438.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/04/28 03:43
  • by eistheid