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Sargasso is a coastal city with two islands linked together by bridges. It is located on a moon colony of the planet Traveller, and is part of the Unity Protocol.

As a colony-moon of Traveller, Sargasso is an island in an ocean with 70% of its population centred on its main city. Originally, the moon (T-05) had a large concentration of bacteria-rich water under its rocky crust, just above the mantle. When terraforming and colonisation efforts began, the moon was given more mass from a nearby asteroid belt, a ferromagnetic, liquid core was added to the moon, and a network of artificial gravity generators deep under the planet's surface, allowing less mass to be necessary for 1G of gravity all throughout the planet.

Once a sterile ocean was placed on top of the planet, the subterranean ocean was bored into and propagated throughout the ocean, giving it a rich amount of ocean life, which kickstarted the ocean's biological life, then left to multiply and settle. After twenty years of work and a population of plants, animals, and fish had grown, the planet-colony was complete with 70% of its surface covered in water, and a balmy sub-tropical climate.

Sargasso City itself is sixty years old, founded on an archipelago and home to many species which prefer aquatic or tropical conditions. In particular, the area is a favourite of Sourcia species, as the humid conditions and abundance of edible and notably tasty1) bacteria in the water are attractive to Sourcia.

Records and information about Sargasso and its citizens are kept at City Hall.

Sargasso's main population includes most forms of human-derived people, Sourcia, and other species who are suited to a sub-tropical or aquatic environment.

  • Greasehearts are found primarily in Southern Palms and Barrier Island.
  • Mindeyes and Hagbloods are found primarily in Central View and North Shore.
  • Maidenhands and occupy Ogonori Island and North Shore.
  • Oddbodies are spread around, but concentrated in South Palms and Ogonori Island.
  • Sourcians and Crudes can be found on Barrier Island and Ogonori Island.
  • Other aquatic species can be found in the bay.

In general, the attitude in Sargasso is quite laid back, but fiercely loyal of what they have thanks to how prosperous the region is. Crime is present in small amounts, but local politics seems dirty thanks to how often the mayor and opposition, Rex Tannerman and Dianne Proctor trade barbs and insults. Common offences include illicit drug trafficking, public drunkenness, vandalism, and petty theft.

Notable People

The following player character and non-player characters are natives of Sargasso:

  • Counsellors, Politicians and Elected Officials - Sargasso has a love/hate relationship with their public officials.
    • Rex Tannerman - A Greaseheart man in his sixties with silver hair and a silver tongue, Rex is the current mayor of Sargasso, having being a former United Defence Directive sergeant prior to entering politics. Rex strongly believes in arming the public in case of another 'gosh-darned Kaiju attack comes from the bay', strong trade tariffs, and business protection against foreign interests.
    • Dianne Proctor - A Mindeye woman in her forties with a family of four, Dianne is the current opposition candidate for Mayor of Sargasso. Her election platform is founded on free love, union power, and a stronger UDD presence in Sargasso to combat the usual Kaiju threat rather than deregulating weaponry. She isn't fond of superheroes or vigilantes either.
    • Edmund Holt - Generally seen as an enjoyable waste of space, this Oddbody man holds Sargasso's parks and recreation portfolio. Usually quiet in the chambers, but often keen to talk about his mild daily life in Sargasso's wilderness and beaches during sessions. He's very fond of swimming in Little Arkham, and appears to have gills under his arms.
    • Desmond Devilfish - Though he has no known source of income, no job, wears a gumboot stretched over his head with eyeholes cut out of it, and may be legally dead in Noir, Desmond Devilfish2) is elected by the Drill Plains, and preaches nonsensical policies such as 'mandatory harmonica lessons for fish men' and 'regulating the flow of algae going upstream', he is a politician(?) with a clear(?) but nonsensical mandate.
  • Businesspeople
    • Johnny Longhands - A frequent trader at the Night Markets with a permanent outlet at Wayward Mall, Johnny Longhands is a Greaseheart trader whose claim to fame is keeping all of his logistics organised and streamlined as much as possible, letting him import any product, from anywhere, with ease. The difficult can be delivered immediately. The impossible takes a bit longer.
    • Lina Rarius - The primary proprietor of Lina's Palace in the CBD, Lina is a well respected Greaseheart businesswoman who used to be something of a town flame in her prime. Lina is said to have a little black book containing the names of all the people who owe her a favour. She has competition over in Barrier Island from Harumi…
    • Harumi - A mysterious woman with an unspoken past but a cheery image and demeanor whose self-named club specializes in…exotic tastes and services. Despite her taste in dress she never works the club herself, and the bizarre array of devices and inventions that end up incorporated into her club indict either she's an advanced engineer, or has access to some high-end laboratories.
    • Seiren Isbala Owner and main genius mind of Galacta Candy, this oddball inventor has a penchant for crossdressing when he isn't coming up with new confections or wild contraptions. On occassion, he fights monsters and works on a defense network for the town.
  • Celebrities
    • Aoi Tanaka - A big-band, and big name Maidenhand musician who enjoys working with other musicians as much as she enjoys her big band to deliver a diverse range of music. She was named Sargasso Community Radio's #1 muse for stuck bands, and enjoys helping garage bands get their act together and giving them pointers.
    • Luca Pavone - Gaining fame by repelling a Polygon invasion on Ferros Block, Luca is regarded as a superhero by the people of Sargasso. However, Luca is usually shy of the public eye, and downplays the importance his ongoing contributions to Sargasso's safety. He isn't fond of interacting with Rex Tannerman or Dianne Proctor…
    • 45.6C.65.6E.61 'Elena' - A Sourcian woman who frequently appears on Sargasso's morning television talk shows and commercials. Being a former film star, she uses her waning star power to peddle humidifiers and other Sourcia-friendly products to daytime television watchers. She also has a branded line of gourmet slime “Elana's Delight” on the market.
  • Other
    • The Crone - An old Hagblood woman with stringy white hair and milky eyes, living in Witchwood with the company of her pet cat. Crone is a lecturer at Sargasso Magician's Academy, offering lectures specialising in bodily control, misdirections, pacts and contracts, and culinary arts3). She is a frequent poster of odd jobs, as her cat keeps finding ways to get lost.

With its bacteria-rich ocean, Sargasso's primary income stream is through organic matter cultivation and collection arrays dotted throughout the ocean and on the shores of islands. Processable matter includes plankton, seaweed, krill, and algae. Export products from this industry include fertilisers, food products, vitamin supplements, and biofuels.

A secondary source of income for the city comes from fishing. Care is taken via judicious monitoring to avoid overfishing and other environmental problems which arise from fishing. Another secondary source of income is a fruit industry in the Southern Palms, growing bananas, apples, corn, and sugar cane, assisted by the genetic engineering work of Blossom Laboratories.

In addition, a tertiary industry has sprung up involving the breeding and cultivation of the common slime. Driven primarily by demand from Sourcia.

Common Occupations

The following occupations are synonymous with Sargasso's residents.

Name Type Description Pay per annum Notes
Algae Worker Agricultural/Industrial Works with, collects from, and maintains algae collectors. Transports algae to business. ¤4300000 to ¤6500000 Diving Suit operation skills favoured.
Brusher Civic/Environment Exterminates extreme pests, such as Kaiju mites, hostile slime colonies, zombies, boomvines, lover's embrace kelp, and foul tempered rodents. ¤3800000 to ¤8700000 Highly dangerous, weapon skills favoured. Militia and medical assistance available.
Diving Suit Mechanic Industrial Fabricates, maintains, and recycles parts from diving suits. ¤5000000 to ¤12000000 Always in demand, highly technical.
Marine Biologist Science Monitors ocean flora, fauna, chemicals, and environment. ¤4000000 to ¤7000000 Can range from reading data from probes, to field work.
Odd Jobber Local A go-to person for handyman tasks, furniture transportation, and more. You name it, they'll know someone who can help. ¤800000 to ¤10000000 Highly varied work, never dull!
Ocean Ranger Civic/Environment Controls pest species, maintains marine environment, punishes poachers and illegal fishing. ¤5700000 to ¤8100000 Diving suit and combat experience required.
Slime Farmer Agricultural Cultivates and extracts common strains of slime for consumption. ¤2000000 to ¤8000000 Seasonal, dependent on Sourcian demand, quick to start up.
Tourist Trap Operator Commercial Runs tourist-friendly attractions in Sargasso's beaches and rainforests. ¤1500000 to ¤5400000 Seasonal. Fast moving and highly competitive on season, laid back off season.

The buildings around the city are built for the balmy weather and climate. Most housing and establishments are built upon thick stone pillars festooned in colourful graffiti, providing elevation against floods and looking snappy in a riot of colours. Foundations are hardy and power lines and utilities are handled primarily underground and threaded through the pillars instead of overground due to storm winds damaging the power lines and creating hazards.

Shops and stores supported by pillars often have a plaza area beneath the building where they may let customers make purchases for commonly sold items on the ground level. Customers willing to look for more can head upstairs into the shop from ground level via stairs, and walkways between shops just over the street level connect commercial areas together. Stores are locked with roller shutters when the day's over. Glass store fronts at ground level are uncommon in flood prone areas, due to how fragile it can be in a natural disaster and how difficult it can be to clean.

The general style of artwork around the city can be described as brash, created mostly by Greaseheart artists using welded steel scrap and spray paint. Within the pavement, stone works, and building pillars, geometric patterns are often carved into them upon construction, and drainage channels are carved deep into each side walk to ensure that water flows back into the ocean. Common colours associated with Sargasso are neon pink and cyan.

In flood prone areas, there are poles twelve feet tall with the first foot off the ground being solid, while the remaining eleven are made of a fine mesh, with a steel cap on top. These structures, called Flood Poles, are made to drain water during floods by pumping flood water into the pole, through a separate series of pipes to the regular storm drains, and into a reservoir further inland or back into the ocean.

Getting around Sargasso is simple, and cheap. Most of the transport infrastructure was laid down by the Unity Protocol. The highways stretching through Sargasso are fitted with sound barriers to reduce noise pollution.

There are freeway bridges between North Shore and Central View over the Sargasso River, and a bridge from North Shore and Barrier Island. There is a bridge between Barrier Island and Ogonori Island, and from Ogonori Island's southernmost point there is a freeway bridge to Southern Palms.

Sargasso Busses

A fleet of soft topped, open cabined busses drive around Sargasso, with the goal of transporting goods, services, and people around Sargasso. Blue busses are intended for transporting people, green busses are used to transport goods, yellow busses are intended for school routes, and grey busses are privately chartered for events.

Depots on high ground are dotted around town, and the routes cover most of Sargasso, looping around each major neighbourhood. Some services cross between districts, and chartered services to the outside fringes of Sargasso are available too, leaving on a three-day schedule. During floods and other adverse weather, the busses are parked at the depot for maintenance and repairs.


Running throughout Sargasso is the subway system. Each station is ventilated, drained, spacious, staffed by helpful Units, and well lit. Posters and commissioned graffiti murals are present on some stations to break up the monotony, adding colour and vivacity to otherwise dreary task of commuting. Sometimes, subway lines pass through underwater tunnels, giving stunning views to the ocean floor and its denizens on clear days.

In the advent of flooding, the Subway is sealed shut with spaceship-style blast shutters, and commuters are evacuated to higher ground via evacuation tunnels dotted throughout each line at 250 metre intervals which lead to higher ground and flood safe houses.

There are three lines of Subway operating, with the Northern and Southern lines overlapping in Central View. Fares are reasonably priced, and take commuters a long way.

  • Northern - Goes between Northern Shore and Central View.
  • Southern - Goes between Central View and Southern Palms.
  • Island Line - Goes between Barrier Island and Ogonori Island. Has one station in common with the Northern and Southern lines each.


The most interesting feature of Sargasso is the abundance of zipline transportation from building to building, or building to ground. They are intended to transport goods from building to building in the advent of a flood. Occasionally, daredevils in a hurry take the ziplines themselves to get from building to building.

Ziplines start from elevated positions, and go towards the coast or downhill. Ziplines heading inland are usually placed from building to building to create the downward slope necessary.

Diving Suits

Surplus diving suits intended for industrial operations such as algae farming and marine biology are dotted around the beaches in tourist locations. Blocky models of diving suit are older, suited to ocean pressures and long distance walking, while sleeker, more recent designs allow wearers to swim like fish.

Their use as what amounts to toys is given a degree of oversight and control. Suits are fitted with tracking beacons, and unique identifiers stamped on various inner parts of the suit. Suit chassis and their parts are sometimes stolen and chopped up for use in crudely made power armours.

Sargasso is divided into five districts, with five neighbourhoods within each one. At minimum, every district contains schools, supermarkets, a police station, a fire station, a local hospital, subway access, a government management branch, a species council or two, and the resources and infrastructure necessary to create or obtain a job which generates a personal income suitable for living. If all else fails, there's usually an odd job or two somewhere in town that'll pay good money, few questions asked.

Each neighbourhood holds two areas of interest, usually areas well-known and to locals and notorious enough to have been put on the map.

:!: For GMs Each neighbourhood and their locations can serve as plot hooks for adventures and other roleplaying.
Let these prompts be your starting points, and diversify from there.

A large island north-east of Sargasso's bay, Barrier Island was the first island of Sargasso's bay to be developed. A bridge to North Shore is on the northern point of the island, while the bridge going south leads to to Ogonori island.

  • Wayward Mall - The northern neighbourhood of Barrier Island is a cosmopolitan, though seedy part of the island, boasting the largest appetites for casual flings and peep shows. Butterfly Way is the most notorious side street, boasting many pleasures for the adventurous4) sort. Fort Grenadier is a military port used by UDD forces for aquatic combat training. Soldiers can often be seen running up and down the beach and swimming in the bay.
  • Mt. Cartwheel - The tallest point of Barrier Island, named after the horizontal carousel which is situated on top of the mountain: Cartwheel. From Cartwheel, people can see 360 degree views of Barrier Island and Sargasso. Within Mt. Cartwheel meanwhile is Devil's Depths, an extensive cave network with subterranean real estate. The unexplored caverns are a popular tourist attraction for the rumours of mysterious ruins underneath the mountain, and an alleged criminal hideout.
  • Middleton - Situated between Flatirons Hill and Mt. Cartwheel, Middleton rests between the mountains. Home to the Sargasso Magician's Academy, the forest parks around the valley are the ideal place to train the recruits with minimal collateral damage. Barrier Island Spaceport is also situated between the mountains, giving new arrivals and travellers the best access to the northern and southern parts of the island.
  • Flatirons Hill - Flatirons Hill5) is the neighbourhood covering the south portion of the island. The largest tower in the Anvil is Ferros Block, an iron façaded apartment building with a solid granite foundation, and trendy living. The local pub, The Heroes Armaments is the perfect place to unwind and tell stories, serving hearty meals and cold drinks in the brash ambience of the ideal adventuring traveller.
  • Dripton - The southernmost point of Barrier Island, Dripton is a tourist area with glitzy and welcoming appearance. Its primary attraction is the Night Markets, run by crafty locals and travelling merchants alike. Nearby is the Glowing Cove, a beach home to a bioluminescent kelp visible at night. Local noodle bars scoop it up to make glowing noodles and other foodstuffs. Its an acquired taste for travellers, given the resemblance to cherenkov radiation.

Named after a Maidenhand seafood dish which uses a particular type of kelp which grows wild in the waters near the island, Ogonori Island is the second of Sargasso's islands to be inhabited, residing south of Barrier Island, and east of Southern Palms.

  • Plainview - The northern tip of the island has the best view of the ocean, and a long stretch of pristine, ocean-facing beach called Whitesands. The sand has the texture of sugar and is alabaster white. Further south down Plainview is Longbog, a stretch of dark tidal flats known to be a favourite spot for mudlarks or trapping unwary tourists. Worms are known to wriggle in the muck, making it a favourite for fishermen to venture in and grab some bait.
  • Ameshi Corner - A primarily Maidenhand-occupied district, Ameshi Corner's side walks are bristling with fruit trees. Blossom Laboratories is a premier plant geneticist agency, capable of creating boutique plants and responsible for the Corner's fruity look. Asuka's is the primary retailer for enlarged fruit, with grapes the size of basketballs and apples as big as sedans being common purchases - either for bulk catering orders or sheer novelty.
  • Gotwick Ridge - The tall point of Ogonori, Gotwick is a neighbourhood divided by the ridge into Bayside and the Oceanside. Bayside residents are known to own tamed, dangerous animals as pets and work animals. Oceanside has most of its available space taken up by a sub-tropical safari park, host to the animals used by Bayside. The people who own the parks hire beast masters raise and handle them, then find the ideal owner later.
  • Little Arkham - Everyone goes mad over the fishing here. Little Arkham is said to be the creepy part of Sargasso, with the abandoned Pearson's Sanatorium being a reminder of a darker time in Sargasso's history. Meanwhile, Gull Jetty is the premier meeting spot for fishing trips into the ocean, but they may end up getting hooked into something worse by the local aquatics. Reports of missing persons are frequent, and those who return aren't quite right.
  • Vulcanshore - Chiefly industrial, Vulcanshore boasts enough manufacturing and distribution power to feed the demands of Ogonori Island and Barrier Island combined. Forgesters' Refinery serves as the primary alloy fabrication plant for Sargasso, towering above and below ground. Their biggest buyer is Fort Swordfish, the largest UDD presence between the islands, and put on the map for the big reputation of their daring flyboys and cigar-chomping marines.

The oldest part of Sargasso, and where the first buildings were erected, North Shore is the top of the town. All the important decisions flow from here. To the south-east over a bridge is Barrier Island, while to the south-west and over the Sargasso River, you can get to Central View.

  • Shakershore - The eastern part of the northern landmass, Shakershore is the gateway to Barrier Island. Generally regarded as the trendy part of town for new arrivals by land, Hawthorne's Bar is the melting pot for tourist and local alike, in a chilled, minimalist ambience and decoration. The Hightide Beach is home to fortnightly surfing competitions, with waves reaching between two and fifteen metres in height. Surfers are known to risk life and limb to look cool.
  • Featherwell - Located up in the hills north-east, Featherwell is a laid back part of Sargasso, away from the worst hustle and bustle, but close enough to anything exciting for the elderly population of Windsweet Retirement Village. Most of the folks there are veterans from various conflicts around the Aleph Cluster. Featherwell is also home to the Sargasso Weather Bureau, an observation post responsible for observing and reporting the weather to the rest of Sargasso.
  • CBD - The central business area of Sargasso at the southernmost point of the North Shore, the CBD is home to the City Hall, where the majority of Sargasso's civic decisions are made, and where its Councils come together to discuss the direction of the bustling city. The most famous street in the CBD is Commercial Lane, which boasts the largest selection of commercially owned chain shops, and the headquarters of said chain shops and conglomerates.
  • Hellion Overlook - Over in the Northwest, Hellion Overlook is a primarily industrial slice of land. Salty Pete's Gunsmithy is the meeting place for gunsmiths of all persuasions and types to trade ideas and designs. Not far away to test new guns is Camp Centre-Mass, a fully-featured, long distance shooting range which is often host to contests between military or police units. Centre-Mass also features an indoor training course with obstacles.
  • Delta North - At the 9 o'clock of the North Shore is the quieter corner of Delta North. The Sargasso Rainforest stretches westwards along the river, offering a popular hiking trail boasting tropical scenery. Interposed in the river meanwhile is the kilometre-long Hydroelectric Dam. Currently superseded by tidal and solar power, but the dam still generates electricity as an export, as well as providing stunning views into Sargasso's bay down the river.

Serving as the transnational area between the uptown and the downtown, Central View is home to most of Sargasso's middle class and suburbia. Up north of here is North Shore over the Sargasso River. Down south and through the trees is Southern Palms.

  • Delta South - On the southern side of the river is the primary residential area of Sargasso, boasting the highest population density. The Walled City is the densest place of them all, with so many people living together in such close buildings that where one person's apartment starts and ends is subject to debate. Unsurprisingly, the Sargasso Courthouse gets a lot of property bounds complaints from the tenants within the Walled City, along with other legal matters.
  • Bay Grove - With a stunning view into the bay, Bay Grove is considered one of the best places for beach side business. The business here flows from the tourists, who come from Central View Spaceport, a fully featured space station, also the primary cargo spaceport of Sargasso. After arriving, the best place to grab a hot meal and a bed for the evening or a week is Lina's Palace, serving alcohol, warm food, and companionship if you have the money.
  • Redfield - An unintentional ghetto, many of the less humanoid aliens congregate in the neighbourhood of Redfield. The Municipal Swimming Pool is home to many water-derived and other strange-atmosphered creatures, using the old pool's buildings as a climate controlled living spaces. Those able to overcome the mnemonic and topological hazards can buy from Escher's Bazaar, where weird alien artefacts sell for absurd prices, no questions asked, and no refunds.
  • Iorex - A religious district populated by laymen and high clergy alike, Iorex bristles with shrines and cloisters to various faiths and belief systems across the galaxy. The enormous Allcathedral is a haphazard, but lovingly created basilica where many faiths congregations are together under a common roof in devotion. In addition, the Sargasso Police HQ is nearby, ready to spring out at a moment's notice with deadly force against wrongdoers.
  • Briarpatch Mountain - Named after the thorny blackberries which grow all over the mountain, Briarpatch Mountain presents hikers with a hazardous trek. The Rosen Grotto is said to be host to the prettiest flowers in Sargasso's outdoors - surrounded by the sharpest thorns and stingiest insects. On a plateau is the Hermit's Hovel, home to a dangerous loner psionic who has surrounded their home in a thorny wall. They prefer not to talked to or sought out.

The agrarian and open part of Sargasso, Southern Palms is mostly forested, and most of its space is taken up by agriculture. North of the Palms is Central View, while a long bridge heading east over the bay leads to Ogonori Island.

  • Agrary - A primarily agricultural neighbourhood, Agrary feeds Sargasso, while sending the extra produce off-planet for trade. The huge fields of bananas, apples, corn, and sugar cane called the Sweet Fields are host to music festivals in nearby paddocks, and festival goers usually pilfer a banana or two. Also nearby is the Psion's Retreat, a getaway in a field host to psychic gatherings and discussions. Woe betide those who disturb their daily rituals…
  • Drill Plains - This flat stretch of land was formerly an underground mining operation. Now, it has been left mostly fallow, but residents of Sargasso find a use for the place as a thrashing ground for Drill Tanks at the Drill Derby. For those who need a place to get a drink watching the drill tanks, a glass of stout in the Miner's Hole is the perfect place - a pub accessible via stairway into the ground, or a mineshaft elevator. They're still digging, too!
  • Sticks County - The most populous area of the Palms, Sticks County is known for its motoring enthusiasts, garage mechanics, strong moonshine, and friendly - if intense - people. The Trailerstack was a ship junk yard re-purposed into a trailer park by the locals, who live amidst the hulls of old spaceships. Not far from there is Cletus', the best place to get a steak of questionable origins, and drinks with a little of everything, including glaucoma.
  • The Quiet - A notorious stretch of beach and grassy plain with the occasional gnarled palm tree, The Quiet is an eerie place where few stay around for long. The Sargasso Graveyard is a neglected part of town, overstuffed with the dead. This makes the place a hotspot for rookie reanimators to pilfer corpses for the next army of undead. Bloodsucker's Lagoon meanwhile is a fenced off lagoon, brimming with horrible leeches the size of a man's forearm.
  • Witchwood - Known for being a very old part of town, Witchwood has many old mansions which used to belong to influential families of old. People allege that ghosts haunt the Old Villas, former homes of CEOs and magnates who went out of business and turned on each other. Meanwhile, the Drunk Pines is a notorious bootlegger's forest, thick woods concealing misdeeds easily, as stills can be found off the beaten path. Every few weeks, a still explodes in the forest.

Surrounding Sargasso, and in the middle of it is the ocean. It is large, and wet, and can be accessed by walking into any beach and strolling into the water. Diving suits can be hired, and an industry is made of underwater hiking tours, with lots of aquatic scenery visible.

  • Sargasso River - The one-kilometre wide river which flows from a mountain to the west into the bay east, this enormous stretch of water is protected by the Bacteria Filter in order to preserve the purity of the cultivatable algae within the bay. Fish are still able to swim up the river to spawn with a ladder.
  • Sargasso Bay - The middle of Sargasso is home to the Bay. Resting in the lowest point of the bay is the Aquahub, a small village intended for entirely aquatic races who are native to deep water, and need the intense pressure to survive. It can be reached via subway, or hiring a diving suit and walking there.
  • Deepwater - Out in the east, the water goes deeper and deeper. In a crevice near Ogonori Island is a Research Facility run by a mysterious skincare company. They might be letting on more than they know, since there is an exclusion zone enforced by the company's aquatic killdrones.
  • Barrier Bight - Just north-east of Barrier Island, the Bight is a stretch of water with a few Offshore Platforms dotted around. These are the homes of wealthy hermits, or warehouses for sensitive material. There is ample space for upstarts to commission new offshore platforms, if they have the money.
  • Ogonori Reef - South-east of Ognori Island is a sprawling coral reef, blasting with fish, life, and colour. In addition, large Fields of Kelp are a frequently cultivated area, since they make the tastiest ogonori. Divers and farmers have found evidence of unknown ruin amongst the kelp, though…

Sargasso has something of a gourmet algae subculture amongst Sourcia!
real name unknown
Her cookies are delicious. Try some!
or undiscerning
known colloquially as The Anvil
  • location/sargasso.1483758100.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/01/06 22:01
  • by luca