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WSO has a wide variety of consumables for characters to enjoy. Here's a few.

  • One-Stop Restaurant Franchises - One-Stop is responsible for creating, marketing, supplying, and managing the fast-food franchises One-Stop Sandwiches, Billy Boy's Burgers, and Angel's Hair Noodles.
  • Drum Lager - An uncommon form of beer often made in craft beverage circles, Drum Lager is beer made from the grains of Drum Grass and mixed with nutty flavours for contrasting taste. The beer itself is heavy and dark with minimal head, and is capable of fermenting itself without additional yeast. For this reason however, it cannot be brewed in the same tanks as regular beers, as it can cross-contaminate.
  • Pearl Cola - A refreshing carbonated cola beverage, made with kola nut extracts and the processed juice of Elrath Pearl berries for added zest. Comes in a black can with red and silver accents.
  • Sledgehammer - Made with some Punchwood liqueur, coffee liqueur, rum, and a bit of milk to soften the blow, the Sledgehammer is guaranteed to shut up the bar's 'tough guy'. Omitting the milk makes a 'gripless' sledge, and adding crushed ice makes a 'chilled'.
  • Pick Me Up - A chemically activated concoction very popular in cold regions for its innate warmth and reliability. Often served and stored in a little barrel.
  • Dentist's Delight - A traditional treat made from caramel, honey, chocolate, and crushed toothberries in layers. It's crunchy, chewy, stringy, and can be bought prepackaged from any reputable supermarket or confectioneer.
  • Galacta Candy - Galacta is not a specific candy, but an entire company that develops wild candies for the diverse, discerning public.
  • Felsal Felicity Fantasies - A cereal originating in the Felsal kingdom of Balance, it is marketed toward adult buyers and boasts a content of high purity Ingenue which is contained within the hollow square grain based cereal.
  • FuckFlakes - An Aleph System cereal intended for couples on the morning after, though largely coated in sugar giving the corn based flakes a white glaze, the company claims to include potent aphrodisiacs and stimulants to pave the way for a pleasant morning after. Some critics have questioned the veracity of these claims suggesting a placebo effect and the natural proclivities of passionate couples. The late night and magazine based advertisements promote a serialized campaign with the tagline, “An orgasm in every bite.”
  • Man Grits - The man cereal for men, Man Grits are an Aleph System native product aimed at the male sex, particularly those with a fragile sense of masculinity. The product features boisterous claims that every portion of the cereal is manly in some form or another using exaggerated words such as “DESTROYED!” and “PULVERIZED!” as well as phrases like, “BEATEN INTO SUBMISSION!” when describing the manufacturing process, and providing promises of assured manly prowess. In reality the cereal is rather cheaply made and sub-par nutritionally, yet still maintains a die-hard following.
  • Hotshot - Sold over the counter as a legal stimulant in shiny red foil, this caffeine-heavy, cinnamon flavoured chewing gum is often used by couriers to stay awake and alert on the long hauls. It is sold in packs of six, or economy packs of twenty. Abusing Hotshot is known to burn out and kill pilots with caffeine intoxication, and its consumption is regulated or monitored in military bases or private hauling companies.
  • Ignition Keys - A commonly sold brand of filtered tobacco cigarettes throughout the aleph_cluster, manufactured in the Kingdom of Albion. They stand out from other brands with the image of a rocket ship on the packaging, atop an outline of car's keys. It isn't uncommon for collectors to gather unopened packs or cartons of limited-run Keys. In the past, a packet of Keys were included in an Albionite soldier's rations to take the edge off.
  • Ingenue - A powdered drug from The Balance Coalition with aphrodisiac, stimulating, and sensory enhancing effects. It is often paired with another substance to reduce tolerance by increasing sensitivity. It is popular amongst the social elite (due to its high price), particularly the very bored and especially the sadomasochism crowd. A staple of trophy wives.
  • Prisma - Sold as a cured leaf and buds, then ground up and vaporised or smoked in rollies for its cannabinoid effects1), Prisma is considered a gateway drug to other illicit substances. The haze generated by Prisma treats the imbiber to a scintillating effect when the smoke is struck by bright light, making it difficult to keep discreet. The effect has given rise to 'haze raves'.
  • Zakmoz - An alien drug locally translated as 'Zakratri Mozurtu', shortened to Zakmoz by humans. It is created by harvesting the pheromone glands of an insectoid alien monster, and processing it into a yellow liquid extract. It is sold in tincture bottles and on blotting paper for direct contact with the tongue. Zakmoz is a very strong aphrodisiac, producing euphoria and hypersensitivity especially when paired with ingenue as well as serious loss of inhibition and some diliriant effect. Those using it tend to be incredibly affectionate, initiate sexual activity aggressively and without prompt and often assume any kind person is a close friend or family-member. Zakmoz also makes users particularly suggestible with limited hypnotic effect, producing trusting dependant behavior. Zakmoz is particularly known for its terrible withdrawal symptoms and lasting side effects caused by the breakdown of its ingredients which impair liver and kidney function, producing “the mother of all hangovers” and potentially permanent damage. The recommended safe dose - if there is one at all - is one droplet or 'square' of Zakmoz on the tongue, no more than twice times within twenty four hours. For obvious reasons it is popular with organised criminals and the particularly sadistic.

Mostly THC and CBD, plus others.
  • index/consumables.1493816574.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/05/03 09:02
  • by osakanone