
This template is for companies. All companies should be made under the Company namespace, as in

Introductory Blurb to company

^Established|DATE|^Type|FIELDS(manufacturing, agriculture, conglomerate, etc)|
^Headquarters:|  LOCATION  ||
|Affiliate Organizations:|  ORGANIZATIONS  ||
|Societal Affiliations:|  SOCIETIES  ||
|Chair Persons:|  PEOPLE  ||
|Company Slogan:|  SLOGAN  ||
|Company Mascot Species:|  IF APPLICABLE  ||

==== Company Code ====

==== Design ====
What goes into designing the company's product? Is it a team of creative minds, or one genius, or one "genius" taking the ideas of a team of creative minds? How does it go from concept to product?

==== Production ====
How does the company produce product? Do they rely on large factories, or small workshops? What's the workflow usually like?

==== Distribution ====
How the product is distributed, what the storefronts (if any) look like. Digital only? Analogue only?

==== Marketing ====
How does the company usually get the news out for their product? What's their primary marketing strategy?

===== Holdings =====
=== Distribution ===
Where it's distributed.
=== Territory ===
Do they have any land/air/sea/space holdings?
=== Production Facilities ===
Do they have any production facilities?
  • guide/template/company.txt
  • Last modified: 2016/08/29 16:33
  • by moogle