OS-500A Space-Harrier 'Springtail' (WIP)

Light, affordable, durable and with reasonable all-round performance characteristics, the Springtail is OneStop's intermediate intersystem spaceharrier. Ideal for delivering people or equipment, it can be thought of as a recreational vehicle with wide capabilities for adaption for a large number of different profiles - made possible with a balanced light reactor and reliable engines as well as aerospace performance in a class of ship usually strictly meant only for spacefaring. Stranger still, the vehicle fits within the legal standards of a road transport vehicle and can actually be driven on public roads in some of its configurations - meaning even if stranded, engines or damaged or simply wishing to conserve fuel, move without requesting air-permission or relocate without being spotted, the Springtail can still operate.

Particularly, the springtail can mount custom armor plating, a wide variety of extension options behind and beneath its hull and features a highly modifiable interior. First time buyers or those able to demonstrate an owner's licence brought from a first-time-buyer recieve discounted repairs and upgrades from OneStop as an affiliate as well as discounted access to public transportation infrastructure such as warp-rails, mass-drivers and space-gates. This makes the Springtail ideal for light businesses.

It is not unusual in many cases for the ship to be rented on credit rather than brought all at once. It is considered an ideal first ship.


  • guide/starships/os-500a.txt
  • Last modified: 2016/12/04 01:39
  • by osakanone