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Aeon-Kurz generators themselves are a leading energy source, giving rise to faster-than-light travel and nightmarish weaponry the likes of which the universe has never seen. They unfortunately alter space and their operation and destruction has grave consequences on spacetime.

Aeon Kurz generators (AK Generators) work by using electromagnetic fields to set specific gauge-bosons (sub-atomic particles which carry the fundamental forces of nature, like electromagnetism or gravity).

These particles align themselves naturally into a grid or lattice, not unlike a sieve, trapping photons into the gaps like a tiny circuit.

When aeon particles carrying entropy strike the lattice, the lattice vibrates and that energy is passed onto the photons (gauge-bosons mediating electromagnetic force) which can then become an electrical circuit to recover the energy as usable electricity. The size of the lattice dictates its amplitude. The number or resolution gauge-bosons in a given space is the wavelength.

If one were to consider this mechanism to be a pump, wavelength would be the number of holes capturing water drilled into its surface and the amplitude would be the suction of the pipe.

Generally, larger generators have larger lattices, resulting in much higher suction, distorting the positions of the transdimensional energy. Higher precision generators have a much higher efficiency rating, though they are more expensive to produce.

Different generators in the same space will compete for charge. The lattice with the largest amplitude will always pull the most, even going so far as to deprive available energy from others.

  • guide/physics/aeon/reactor.1480318156.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/11/28 02:29
  • by osakanone