
Inorganic life-forms

Not to be confused with synthetic or artificial life-forms, inorganic life-forms are naturally occurring organisms composed of synthetic or inorganic materials which exist outside of the common patterns of known organic matter (A large pool of carbon based compounds found within natural and engineered terrestrial and aquatic environments – such as cellulose, tannin, cutin, lignin, proteins, lipids and carbohydrates).

  • Structol - A naturally forming crystalline mineral metalloid with self-replication and adaption properties similar to those of organic micillium. Structol is widely cultured into a variety of different forms including programmable crystals, polymorphic alloys and complex moving protective materials. In 'the wild', a given colony is only a single form but in technical application a machine or tool can consist of many very different strains either cultured, bred, engineered or manufactured for a wide variety of different purposes.
  • Phaeus - An often symbiotic parasite, maesus is a sort of naturally formed crystalline with structures similar to diamond or other advanced carbon allotropes. It is especially noteworthy for its computer-like function, acting very similar to neural networks or living brains - though elements can be transplanted from one to another provided an instruction-axiom-decoder is present to render the differing standard of information readable. Naturally, they tend to infest organic life, bonding with central nervous systems in “heavy ocean” deuterium seas in gas-giants or the massive compression forces of deep water based oceans. In doing so, they grant limited neurological enhancement and the capability to socialize and network akin to bees.
  • Maesus - An advanced form of phaeus, Maesus is a type which concentrates and replaces the brain in the organism it occupies. It is capable of very skilled genetic manipulation of its host organism and is usually quite large, around the size of a fist or larger. Maesus is generally regarded as capable of cognizance and reasoning similar to that of humans. Civilizations of maesus are commonly regarded to be insular 'Happiness Boxes', acting as a single large often city sized interconnected minds with physical bodies only to serve the exterior needs of this form.
  • guide/evolution/inorganics.txt
  • Last modified: 2016/09/18 09:49
  • by osakanone