
(This is quick and fast.)

This page serves as a guide and brief look into the existence of cloning withing the WS setting. These technologies are used to either produce replacement parts in the event of health crises or accident, or to allow continued life in the event of accidental death.

Broadly cloning comes in two flavors which are for simplicity's sake labelled “Fast” and “Slow.”

Fast cloning is achieved through machines that use the genetic material of the intended person to be copied to rapidly assemble a body through means of biological 3D printing, vat growth, etc. This process achieves quick, reliable results for those who want to get the copied, or in some cases revived individual on their feet again.

Slow cloning on the other hand is achieved by using the genetic material of the source to alter an embryo which is then allowed to develop, grow, and age. While this process can be sped up through the application of chemicals and medical nanomachines, the process typically takes several weeks to grow a fully developed body making it drastically slower than even the slowest methods employed by the the “fast” variety.

For the average civilian consumer the fast method of cloning is all that would be required to get on with their life in the case of accidental death. For those who practice the magical arts, the need for the “slow” method is a requirement as the assembly methods used in “fast” cloning fail to generate the cellular connection to the universal magical forces that allows a being to harness and exploit magical energies.

I'll deal with this later.

If it applies to clones too, I can see an underground slave trade involving cloning talented casters for their talents to groom a clone into a bodyguard, soldier, etc.

  • guide/cloning.txt
  • Last modified: 2017/02/26 22:46
  • by eistheid