
Objective Interpretation

Not influenced by feelings, interpretations or prejudice, objective observation is based purely on determined facts and is unbiased, if uncaring. It deals purely with the universe as a system of relationships and patterns rather than cause and effect and looks to determine a rule of pattern, not a rule of action causes outcome.

A fact is something which has really occurred or is actually true and can be verified and demonstrated to correspond with a past experience. This creates a battery of references which can be repeated through observation or experimentation to determine new information.

Technically speaking, a fact is a way in which the actual world must be in order to make a proposition in order to determine what is true about the world.

The definition of what truth is can differ from objective system to objective system as ultimately a system of observation and thus determination is still involved which is limited by its capacity of observation, knowing and determination.

In this sense, objective interpretation may be accurate, but it will not always be the same as the systems used to observe or the models used to determine information and patterns from the objective interpretations may differ exponentially.

Other species may come to different outcomes, even if they all use objective interpretation. Importantly, they generally will not preference any pattern over any other pattern unless it contradicts a motivation and as such are very poor at making observations about things which do not relate to their core motivations, drives, function or purpose.

Objective minds particularly often have a very strange understanding of time and how different systems relate to one another and are very good at making observations but very poor at understanding why a single outcome in their observation may be of “importance”.

As such, many species driven by purely objective reasoning may emulate subjective reasoning in an attempt to better understand minds of a subjective nature, such as people.

  • guide/characteristics/objectivity.txt
  • Last modified: 2016/11/27 00:19
  • by osakanone