
This is an old revision of the document!


Established PA226 Type Supermarkets, Convenience Stores
Spacecraft and Aftermarket Parts
image pending, and stuff
Headquarters One-Stop HQ
In Aleph Cluster, orbiting Albion
Affiliate Organisations On Albion York and Peldt Packaging
Zippy Logistics and Distribution
Jotun Parts Fabrication
On Sargasso Greene Steelworks
Hammerstone Industrial
Wright Foods Incorporated
On Donalbain Mining Section Theta
Orbiting Albion One-Stop Megamart
One-Stop Secondhand Spacecraft
Orbiting Traveller One-Stop Qwik-Med1)
One-Stop Servo
Societal Affiliations Planet Albion, Unity Protocol
Chair Persons Dominic Greene
Greta Alruco
Joh van Peldt
SloganOne Stop, for all your needs.
Mascot Zippy the Quickie

One-Stop is a convenience store and transportation conglomerate operating throughout the Aleph Cluster, providing convenient consumables and other goods throughout a chain of distributors ranging from space station sized trade halls, to corner shops stocking the essentials. In addition, they are responsible for designing, manufacturing, and assembling personal spacecraft seen throughout the Aleph Cluster, after entering the market for aftermarket spacecraft parts and upscaling.

Co-owned by Gruppen Tanhauss
  • company/one_stop.1480329663.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/11/28 05:41
  • by luca