
This is an old revision of the document!

Riik FiSaash

Summarise your character's largest points in one sentence with a format similar to this:

Riik is a Rolaan, working for himself. They are residing nowhere in particular, drifting from place to place to job to job.

Character Logo or Sprite Riik FiSaash
Character Picture
Species Rolaan Age 11

Riik is a desert rolaan with a sandy scale palette, with his band around his neck. He wears long shawls and shorts cutting off just before the knee. His shawls are long horizontal stripes. Riik also wears a veil over his nose and mouth for religious reasons. He keeps many baubles and small trinkets and pockets on a bandolier partly hidden under the shawl, as well as an assortment of magical rings on fingers and toes.

  • Face and Eyes - Riik's face gives off the impression of wilyness and has eyes that sparkle with a truthful energy. His eyes are an amber colour.
  • Band - His band is of shoddy make, of iron on one half and tin on the other, poorly kept together by magic twine.
  • Body - Riik is a scrawny rolaan with poor dietary habits. His main body is a sandy yellow while his stomach is a soft gray.
  • Distinguishing Features - Riik casts magic with his feet and tail, leaving his hands open to other pursuits.
  • Voice - Not found.


Theme - List the source of your character's abilities here. This can include Martial, Gadgets, Artificial Intelligence, Cybernetics, Racial, Mutations, Psionics, Spellcasting, and more.

  • Theme - Ability themes are described in bullet points.
    • Ability - Describe the character's ability here.

Psychology - Write a paragraph or two about your character's worldview, thought process, and psychology here.

  • Likes - Your character's likes.
  • Dislikes - Your character's dislikes.
  • Goals - Your character's short or long term goals. Optional.


Characters with skills and abilities in spellcasting can start knowing a few spells. They can be committed to memory, written in a book, or manifested some other thematic way. Describe how they learn and prepare spells, and their source of power.
This section can also be used for Psionic abilities.
This section can be omitted from the character biography if your character knows no spells, psionics, or other magic-like abilities.
  • Spell Name - Describe your character's spells in bullet points.
    • Subspells from a root school, an item in an array of spells, or variants can be listed like this.

Personality - Describe your character's personality in one paragraph here.

Affiliations and Beliefs

Describe your character's positive affiliations, such as societies they belong to, contact groups they have, or organisational and occupational ties.
You may also list any belief systems the character follows.
You may also list enemies in a new header if your character has made any!


List the languages your character is capable of speaking, reading, and writing. All characters are fluent in a dialect of Basic.
All synthetics can speak Machine, but they may have different codecs or protocols, which can serve as dialects, or new languages entirely.
Write about your character's life, upbringing, and any notable events in two to four paragraphs here.
Write about your character's current experiences here, and how they are moving into their intended plot. Keep this section up to date with major plot events. Big changes can go under subheadings
Describe your character's skills here. Read more on Skills Guide for skill areas. Starting characters usually have 4 to 7 skill areas, with the following skill levels available for distribution:
Expert (1 Skill may be assigned as Expert)
Advanced (Up to 2 Skills may be assigned as Advanced)
Intermediate (Up to 3 Skills may be assigned as Intermediate)
Basic (Up to 4 Skills may be assigned as Basic)

Character skills may improve, or new skill areas will be available

Skill Area [Skill]

Describe your character's skill here, and their level of competence within the square brackets. Competence levels include Beginner, Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert, and Master.
A skill area listing is not necessary for representing daily tasks at Beginner level. For example, the Vehicles skill doesn't need to be added to your character's biography if they will only use it to commute to work.
If they get involved in a car chase though, a GM using these guidelines is unlikely to rule in the character's favour over someone with the Vehicles skill.

Basic Skills

  • Basic or Beginner Skills - Can be listed like this.
List the character's inventory here. The following mini-headings are a guide, and can be added/removed as usual.


  • Item


  • Item


  • Item


  • Item


  • Item


  • Item


  • Item


Describe your character's financial situation here. Think about your character's sources of income, and living expenses.
Some adjectives: Wretched, Squalid, Poor, Modest, Comfortable, Affluent, Wealthy, Aristocratic.
Update this section as is necessary.

OOC Notes

If you have any other OOC notes, such as reference pictures, extra links, or extra music, leave them here as you see fit.
  • character/riik_fisaash.1492216163.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/04/14 20:29
  • by moogle