
This is an old revision of the document!

Cultured from the first human experiments into the potential of their minds, Mindeyes have the strongest psionic potential of the different groups of humans. Theirs is a solemn lot, and a Mindeye is often counted on to be stable rock of mixed crews, and for good reason.

Through their powers, Mindeyes reach a threshold of individualistic power and advancement that often enables them to be the faces of things - ambassadors, salespeople, spokespersons.

Family life for a Mindeye is a mixed affair - relationships between parent and child are distant, whereas relationships between partners is extremely close-knit.

Mindeyes try to either keep themselves busy or to clear away all unwanted distractions from sight. This often manifests in things that seem plain at first, but has many delicate, hidden intricacies to it. It is faux-minimalism.


Mindeyes keep their fashion simple and to the point, but often employs advanced weaves to keep their fabrics extremely durable. Solid colours with one or two ornaments and single-breasted jackets are common, often avoiding white1)

Architecture & Aesthetics

Mindeyes prefer Structural Expressionist and Bauhaus architecture, but failing that will settle for anything with clean lines and a simple shape. The most key element to a Mindeye's home is a meditation space, somewhere they can truly focus and isolate themselves. As such, homes tend to flow around such a space when smaller or completely isolate them when large space is available.

Mindeyes have sleek designs with very light colouration (usually at most a pastel palette) that seem very impressive to the eye. Unfortunately, their dedication to faux-minimalism leads to sometimes obtuse user experiences.

Tech Focus

Mindeyes enjoy using technoloy that they can interface with their psionics easily, but heavily dissuades the use of neural amps or other psionic-boosting tech. Oddly enough, they also have the best technology base for sound and the canceling thereof, mostly due to having the need for privates spaces.


Mindeyes, while sometimes capable of magic use, generally dissuade its teachings among their kind, especially when psionics is much more convenient. Mindeyes who can harness both magic and psionics effectively are commonly referred to theurges.

Theurges are very rare, given the Mindeyes's overbalanced inclination towards magic, and a friendly rivalry Hagbloods discouraging the study and practice of magic further. Theurges are often feared for their disproportionate power and mastery, and often they're urged not to stay in one place for too long.


Mindeye psionics, of course, are highly refined on a cultural level. Similar to magic, there are schools of thought pertaining to psionic use. Generally, psionic talents tend to be a bit more innate in their skewing towards one discipline or another, but it's not unheard of to learn and practice multiple disciplines.

  • Infusion - Infusion is akin to mixing carbon into iron to make it into steel. It allows one to pour their psionic energies into themselves or objects to make them sturdier, stronger, deadlier, and so on.
  • Cognition - Psionics pertaining to mental affairs fall under this category. Mind reading, forceful invasion, creation of a mindscape, and ranged thoughtcasting are all Cognizant abilities.
  • Manifestation - Unlike magical summoning of Weird Things or other such creatures, this relies on the production of protoplasm to create a being out of pseudomatter, effectively living shadows to obey one's will. Oftentimes, a focal emotion for the being will be put in place to give them a stronger purpose. Simple emotions work for simpler goals, but complex emotions yield far more useful and varied creations. This is often a last resort of a psion on their death throes to put a creature made of vengeace into the world.
  • Kinesis - Kinesis is the ranged projection of psionic energy, manifesting in a variety of ways, including to the manipulation, ignition, phasing, and more of objects.

Mindeyes prefer to let others handle major agriculture and have very little to do with agriculture as a whole.


Mindeyes are of the sort that keep mostly impractical, aesthetic gardens for therapeutic or honorary purposes.


They prefer small companion animals, the largest being cats and rabbits, but generally anything that doesn't make too much noise is fine by a Mindeye.


Mindeye cooking is very artistic at its heart, built like a bouquet of flowers. Simple preparation, focus on a key flavour with one or two supporting flavours around it. They strive for innovation and shy away from more crude methods of cooking.

What is the commonly shared belief system through the species?

Core Tenets

The main focus of the religion.


Are there any sort of rituals the culture goes through to celebrate the advancement of one through life and religion?
What are common traditions the culture holds? Is it annual, or based on some celestial alignment, or based on weather conditions, and so on.

Birth and Death

How do they celebrate birth? Do they mourn the dead? Etc.
This section is used for showing some of the varieties of subcultures, subfactions, or subgroups present within a culture that one might encounter, or

that the designers may desire for the setting.

Even in the future, white clothing is impossible to keep clean.
  • culture/mindeyes.1504143308.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/08/30 21:35
  • by moogle