Zaa'Thu "Haste" Lmanel

Haste is a PC played by Padme

Zaa'Thu “Haste” Lmanel
Species Lorath Lmanel Caste Age 30
Weight 110 Height 5'4“
Affiliations Lmanel
Occupation Forager/Surveyor Organization TBA
Rank None Home Lor
  • Face and Eyes - Turned up nose, thin jaw, notable cheekbones and strong set brows over large, excitable eyes.
  • Hair - Pulled back and lands to the lower back/butt cheeks.
  • Body - Pale pinkish milky skin.
  • Distinguishing Features - Greenish genetic tattoos that look like ribbons falling from her collarbones and spread towards her shoulders and breasts.
  • Voice - Natalie Portman in anything.


Theme - Shapeshifting — Loner

* Racial Traits - Some aspects of Haste that come with her Lmanel past are extremely beneficial in her duties as a surveyor for the Matriarchy. The most integral ones are listed below.

  • Shapeshifting - The ability to shift some of her body parts into that of the animal she has bonded with. This entails shifting her legs into oversized talons of to grow wings from her back.
  • Enhanced Senses - She has the enhanced senses that are a reflection of her bonded animal. She has sharpened eyesight and hearing while her sense of smell is almost unchanged. She is capable of spotting things near and far as well as listen for sounds as low as a whisper and as far as a distant animal going through brush.

Psychology - An avid learner and inquisitive, Haste is quick to understand and absorb information. She is one that lives closely entwined with her bonded animal, like the majority if not whole of the Lmanel.

Haste is very young and very likely to have her views warped as she lives out her life. What is happening to her in this time of her life will help decide how the rest of her life plays out, if only she knew that. Despite this, she is disciplined in what she does and has a way of building successful habits, already.

  • Likes - Spices, Bonding, Memories of her aspectation ceremony, eggs
  • Dislikes - Cold water, Arguments, Loud noises, Bright lights
  • Goals - Live fully through her bonded animal. Learn how to bond completely.


  • Shapeshifting - Melds with her bonded animal by taking on certain body parts.
    • Transformation

Personality - Haste is of an understanding of the transience of life. She respects the things that happen to her and what they mean to herself and others. She notices the ripple effect of actions and likes to avoid problems that could arise. She is hospitable and warm while remaining independent and capable.

Affiliations and Beliefs

Haste is a Shamanistic Idealist like many, many of the Lmanel and lives the life surrounding the shaministic ideals of the Lmanel people.


  • Ci'kesa
  • Ly'thir

She grew up surrounded by animalistic family, community, life. Went through aspectation ceremony already in which she followed her bonded animal until being right on them. As she looked on, she noticed the bird's prey and caught that instead. She ended up feeding the small mouse to the bird and was bonded since then to the mottled grey bird, shaped like a sea hawk and with the aggressive nature when hunting of an eagle. The bird possesses unnaturally large talons and is made for quick strike attacks.

She was taken as part of an exploratory mission with her family, having little choice in the matter as she was so young at the time, she never protested. When her parents were asked recently to survey planet TBA, she fell in love with the nature of the plane. She went along with them on the research ship and was accidentally left behind. She was prone to wandering off and did so just at launch. A vessel is being sent back after the exploration ship re-docked. She is on the part of the planet already surveyed by her family, though not all of the planet was learned about. A good 60% of the planet is still a mystery.

Hand to Hand [Intermediate]

She is more than capable of holding herself up in a fight as per her training growing up, Haste is an adept fighter and an accomplished one, at that.

Survival [Intermediate]

She has been trained to and has enjoyed living off of the land around her. She can forage, learn directions with no tools, find water, and more.

Medicine [Intermediate]

She can't stitch someone up, but she can do just about everything else related to first aid and helping the sick or injured. She has never witnessed anyone die.

Concentration [Advanced]

She is very capable of atypical amounts of willpower and mental fortitude because of her close ties with shaministic ideals and what concentration is necessary for bonding with an animal.

Senses [Advanced]

Haste has piqued senses due to her bond with her familiar. She is able to smell and learn things through touch normally, but all other senses are heightened such as eyesight and hearing.

Animals [Expert]

Because she is so close to her animal species, she is especially able of working with animals and it is her best trait. She works well with most animals save for rabbit-like creatures. She loves bigger animals and quad-pedal creatures are ones she usually grows quite affectionate of.

Below are the inventory items of Haste.



  • Sheer Summer, Winter, Spring, and Fall dresses
  • Thick Summer, Winter, Spring, and Fall dresses
  • Boots, high
  • Boots, low
  • Oversized belt


  • Bottles that can attach to her waist's oversized belt.
  • Pestle and mortar


  • An unknown gemstone bracelet that shines opalescent in the light.
  • A circlet she oftentimes wears of pale gold and light silver jewels.


She comes from an affluent family, though has no finances on her own.

OOC Notes

Not open for adoption

Created by Padme.

  • character/zaa_thu_lmanel.txt
  • Last modified: 2018/05/28 03:24
  • by padme