Signe Vollandotter

Signe Vollandotter, a canine-featured Maidenhand, works at Harumi's Club as a bartender and maid. She is a part of a local canine-type posse and lives in Sargasso.

Signe Vollandotter
Character Picture
Species Maidenhand Age 46
Weight 65 kilos Height 1.75 m
Affiliations Dogone Posse
Occupation Barmaid Organisation Harumi's Ckub
Rank N/A Home Sargasso
Theme N/A
  • Face and Eyes - Signe has a heart-shaped face with high cheek bones and violet-red eyes. Her nose is big, and round at the tip.
  • Hair - Signe keeps her shiny strawberry locks in a a pair of braids toward the low rear of her head. She sometimes makes them into pigtails.
  • Body - Signe is lean and muscled, with powerful thighs and arms. Herr mocha skin is contrasted with pink and light blue tattoos of ribbons, tribal marks and an occasional Celtic cross. She's not too worried about makeup, but sometimes goes for pink, blue, black or violet eyeliner. She keeps her nails trimmed and colorless. She favors lipstick. Signe has soft, filling C-cup breasts. Her hips appear wide because of a narrow waist.
  • Distinguishing Features - Signe has four canine features.
  • Her feet are dog-like, with (armored) footpads and short claws. The claws are meant for defense.
  • Her floppy dog ears have fur similar to her hair. Yes, her hearing is suitably enhanced.
  • She has male, not female, sex organs.

• Her canine teeth are longer and sharper than a human's.

  • Voice - Signe speaks with a deep voice, with a hint of smoke behind her native accent.

Psychology - Signe is a simple woman with simple desires. She is not a woman of any particular fortitude or strength, but she has seen many types of people and situations in her life, so she doesn't get vexed or flustered easy.

Unless someone teases or taunts her. She becomes very physical then, and has no issue tossing someone on their head. Rudeness is intolerable, though playful teasing might bring its own messy rejoinder.

  • Likes - New people and stories, alcohol, boys and girls, cuddling.
  • Dislikes - Rudeness, mean-spirtedness.
  • Goals - N/A.

Personality - Signe is slow to anger and quick to joke or smile. She's a great listener (hence tending bar is good) she wants to make people feel emotionally lighter than when they came in.


Signe keeps up with her posse, as she has no known blood relatives. She works at Harumi's, but her attachment there is new.


Signe can speak Basic and several of its dialects. She knows a little Machine.

Signe was born in Sargasso, but did not know her blood relatives. She was raised by her posse before entering military service. Her career was typical for someone classed as a chaplain, lasting six years (leaving the service at 26). She saw no direct combat, but she did class into hand-to-hand trainer, something she never gave up.

On the outside, she earned a couple of counseling certificates. She did social work for about six years, during which she found her canine posse again and reintegrated.

At age 34, she knew she needed a change. She could be a prostitute, even a good one with rich clients, with her listening and personable skills. However, the thought of catering to such well-heeled people did little for her. She missed soldiers, workers, people who had problems but also futures.

A posse member got her a job at a bar. She hasn't looked back.

As she's new to Harumi's, she hasn't partaken in the place. She serves drinks, occasionally tosses someone out, and otherwise does her job.

Communication [Expert]: Signe focused on interpersonal communication as a chaplain, social worker and bartender. She accurately reads people, is easy to talk to and listens especially well, picking up cues and pulling on threads. She knows crisis communication techniques, can administer professional counseling and knows how to encourage.

Fitness [Advanced]: Signe prides herself on her physique. She works out each day, sometimes twice a day, in a mix of strength, metabolic conditioning and martial arts. She eats cleanly, and tends to make her own sweets. She rarely drinks alcohol.

Hand-to-hand [Intermediate]: Signe classed into empty hands instructorship in the military and pursued it after getting out. She's more into takedowns and holds now, but regularly practices other forms during her exercise regimen. She also practices weapons takeaways.

Bartending (Culinary [ntermediate] + Domestic [Intermediate] + Leadership [Basic]:) Signe has tended bar a long time. She's been the maid, the server and the mixer. She keeps things tidy, neat and efficient. She mixes some mean drinks and some fun ones, but she is no mixologist, leaving that to people more interested in it. She's there for the customers' woes, not their livers.

Archaic weapons [Basic]: Signe does keep a collapsing baton on her. Just in case skulls need serious cracking..

Pinpoint desires: Signe has a way of seduction and worming into a person's head that leaves them heady and wanting more. She notices the cues, signs and other tells that indicate what a potential partner could want. Her canine senses also play into this.

• Racial, mutation.

Fertility: Signe is unusually fertile. It is unknown why, but it was not tested by her posse or in the military, but some doctors have told her this.

• Racial, mutation.


  • Collapsing 40-centimeter baton.


  • A motorcycle of no great flashiness or expense.


  • A large room at her posse's dormitory.


  • Red waiter's key.
  • Beer key.


  • Gold ring topped by a big opal (left ring finger).
  • Blue steel ring (right ring finger, posse dorm RFID key).
  • Black upper right arm steel bangle with a light grey wolf's profile on it (signifies her posse membership).
  • Patinaed silver upper left arm bangle dotted with flatly inset with bight yellow topaz discs about 0.5 cm wide.


Signe has a large (75 square meters) room at the posse dormitory, as befitting her age and time in the group. It's a modest studio, with a couple thick black curtains to create “walls” for the restroom and bedroom.

She has sticky-tacked on the walls photos from her chaplain and social work careers, art from some regulars she bought at a market and a shadowbox or her military career.

She doesn't cook too much, but her kitchen has some stock and is kept tidy like her studio in general. She keeps a small bookshelf, preferring the library. Her bed is her one vice, a big and fluffy king-size affair clad in black sheets. It is made only on workdays.

OOC Notes

None at this time.

  • character/signe.txt
  • Last modified: 2018/05/01 01:55
  • by jun