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“Paris” is a Maidenhand, working for Harumi's Club as Chief of Security in Sargasso.

Character Logo or Sprite “Paris”
Species Maidenhand Age 32
Weight 150lb Height 5'8“
Affiliations Harumi's Club
Occupation Security/Performance Organisation Harumi's Club
Rank N/A Home Sargasso

Paris is slim and good looking like almost all of her race, she has dark skin and light pink hair with toned flesh.

  • Face and Eyes - Oval face, with pink almond shaped eyes, strong brows, full lips, small-ish nose.
  • Hair - Long, midback, starts straight and falls down into curls.
  • Body - Maidenhand slim with wide hip ratio.
  • Distinguishing Features - Delicate pink feathers sticking out behind her ears against her head, and on the back of her hands and forearms.
  • Voice - Optional link to a voice sample, or a description of the character's voice.


Fighting - Being a maidenhand, Paris is trained in traditional maidenhand arts and techniques, as well as learning from her opponents and guests.

  • Fighting - Ability themes are described in bullet points.
    • Ability - Describe the character's ability here.
  • Performance - Ability themes are described in bullet points.
  • Entertainment:

Psychology - Paris is a somewhat impulsive individual with a showboating streak who can rein herself in when neccessary, she seeks out a challenge enthusiastically and with Harumis training has learned to suffer consequences for her rash decisions.

  • Likes - Fighting, rolling in the hay.
  • Dislikes - The thug look, grabby hands.
  • Goals - Get stronger, get paid, get lucky.

Personality - Teasing, confrontational, flirty. Paris has played up the sexuality of her character in Harumi's service to fit her role, but retains her aggressive mindset and proactive measures.

Affiliations and Beliefs

Paris is fulling involved in maidenhand cult worship, and stands ready for the day the Goddess calls them to war.


Basic, and Maidenhand.

Paris started working for Harumi some time ago, and is one of the earliest employees in Harumis service. Her nature and physical attributes made her suitable as a director of security, elevating her from simple muscle as the organization expanded. She indulged in the entertainment side at first only as busy work, but has taken quite well to it and sometimes does her own shows.

  • Fighting
  • Dancing
  • “Entertaining”

OOC Notes

  • character/paris.1520063407.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2018/03/03 02:50
  • by jimmy