Chelti Creation Guide

Chelti are a hardy race of hard-bitten survivors and wanderers, commonly living among other races in clan estates and peaceful ghettos, sometimes more peacefully than others.

  • Chelti are short-lived, fully grown at 8, average life expectancy on the homeworld of 13, natural death by early twenties
  • Chelti fight. They fight each other, other races, animals. They fight for survival, sex, honor and their families. Chelti do not have the mercy of dying from shock, they will fight until the light leaves their eyes.
  • Chetlti are hard mode. Often the underdogs in technology and lacking any OP abilities apart from sheer guts and bravado, chelti are not for those seeking an easy cruise through life. If you want your character to fight tooth and claw for everything they have, and don't mind resetting to a close relative faster than other races, chelti may be for you.
  • Chelti are blank. Psionically chelti appear almost as inanimate objects to other species, however this is a defense mechanism from their homeworld where some creatures are known for hunting through such. They are able to read and feel emotion from each other and as a group in close proximity.
  • Chelti see the world differently. With their sharp eyes seeing partly into the UV and IR spectrums beyond human vision, chelti see more colors than humans could ever imagine and have a wide field of view. It does lead to some interesting conversations about what to humans would be a blank wall. Their ears are sensitive and partly directional.

Chelti have four names given to them by their clans. Their individual name. Their mothers name. Their fathers name. Their clan name.

Sample Male Names
Sample Female Names
Sample Clan Titles

These names define who they are within their society and who they are sired from, very important in chelti culture. When dealing with outsiders, it's not uncommon for chelti to adopt a more easily pronounced name for the sake of their coworkers.

Sample Adopted Names
Jay, K (Cult name), Finch, Mister Snuffles, Octopus, Coyote


Homeworld chelti grow up upon a death world, many areas of which are still wild and untamed. They are likely to be hardy, hard-bitten survivors used to danger and extreme environments. Their mindset is probably one of protectiveness to their clan and planet if their own desires don't overshadow these.


Starfarer chelti grow up among the many mining stations, outposts, and spacestations throughout the colonial reaches. while tough, they are used to hard labor and extreme environments, usually less so nature and its dangers. They are very spatially aware and most likely to serve as voidsmen in the chelti fleets, trading or otherwise.

They are often traders, pilots, starship crew, and miners.


Colonial chelti grow up on the seized planet of the reaches, sometimes contending with primitive (or otherwise) natives resentful of their presence. They grow strong through climate adaption, hardy living conditions, and threats from natives and wildlife alike.

Colonial chelti are probably more aware of aliens than other chelti that don't deal with them often, and are more inclined towards farming, small-craft trades, guides, pathfinders, and self-sufficiency.


Fargoers seek out peaceful societies among other races, living under the laws of the land, more or less, and securing some clan stock away from the wars and tides back home. If all else should fail, some chelti will survive.

Fargoer chelti are usually the friendliest with alien races and the easier to approach, having some knowledge of local custom but occasionally clumsy. They are often drawn towards high-strung or dangerous work as the blood of Seloca sings in their veins to them.

Fargoer chelti often work as bounty hunters, repairmen, cleaners, farm hands, and other jobs of easy intake, high danger.


Nomad chelti come to our universe fleeing another, it was quite a surprise for both Native and Nomad to find each other. The Nomads flee horrors they can no longer remember, looming threats on all sides constantly threatening to engulf them. They cannot remember the names or the likes, but they remember the fear. They remember hate.

Nomad chelti may find themselves a mixture of the other upbringings, but can have a higher ratio of Pilgrims, warriors, voidsmen, and refugees.

Chelti will stand roughly six foot on average at adulthood, growth slowing drastically after that. They have tough skin, often of dark hues, and hard callus-like segments of armored skin in strategic places on the upper chest, forearms, thighs. Their faces have short, flat muzzles with four nostrils, and long teeth varying between sharp and pointy. Their eyes are large with predatory slit irises.

They appear lean and wiry in comparison to humans, but can grow taller than most humans with age. Their legs are long, they have two knees, one reversed giving them a look somewhat like that of a canines hind legs, although rather than being Digitigrade they have fully formed feet and toes. The feet have one prominent grabbing claw each.

  • Senses - Chelti see, hear, and smell sharper than many other races. Their sense of smell is directional, their eyes see colors humans can't even imagine, and their hearing catches quite a bit.
  • Agility - Chelti, being lean and with muscles that have more in common with a wound spring than a pulley, are able to run, jump, and climb with unusual dexterity.
  • Survival - No matter where they are, chelti are usually living a somewhat dangerous existence. Being in tune with nature and their surroundings is a part of living to them.
  • Guts - Chelti are often filled with unshakeable belief in themselves. Leading them to actions most other races would consider suicidal. But then, most other races usually aren't as capable of surviving such actions, either.

Chelti expansion of their sphere of control has a lot of influence in modern chelti upbringing, with their sudden explosion into space meaning almost every chelti exposed to foreign cultures is either themselves an explorer or adventuring colonist, or the direct descendant of such.

The mutlitude of wars against native peoples on their colonized planets, and other galactic powers in such a short time have made some chelti naturally mistrust aliens.

  • It might be wise to start planning at least one close relative for your chel, partly because of the highly social nature of chel among themselves, mostly because there are no re-life mechanisms for chelti and being able to quickly control a relative maybe a few levels lower than your sadly departed main will get you back into the action much faster.
  • Advise your GM before attempting any kind of death-defying stunts to make sure you can get away with it. You'll never get a bad reaction if you ask your GM if you can make a set of improvised body armor from the contents of a bathroom, duct-tape, and a good thick holy book or two.
  • The prevailing public opinion that chelti are bullish rogues with no points in subtly is blatantly false and a result of bad posting by their creator. Feel free to come up with cold calculating bastards who rig the game for their enemies to have no chance of escaping, never mind winning.

This is where you link anything that would be helpful for potential players to take a look at.

  • ccg/chelti.txt
  • Last modified: 2018/03/02 18:13
  • by jimmy