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Chelti General Information

Chelti are a somewhat humanoid-shaped space-capable species whose biology resembles that of marsupials, and they seem to fill a similar role in their natural environment. Confusingly possessing short lifespans and rapid gestation cycles indicating their species evolved from a prey animal, their large claws and often aggressive outlook indicate a predatory nature.

On the galactic scale chelti are relatively reckless expansionists, their wide reach belied by their largely thin hold over it. With their home system desperate for resources, and being subtly encouraged behind the scenes, chelti factions have moved rapidly through systems exploiting as many resources as they can; often at the expense of any less-advanced native lifeforms on planets they control.

Historically they have been very warlike in the galactic scene, having had many of their early contacts characterized by aggression towards them, which in turn has affected their society immensely.

Abilities Shortlist

Development and Life Expectancy


Chelti are born in a state that humans would consider incredibly immature due to the narrow nature of the mothers hips, making their size a matter of necessity to be born at all. Born in litters often between three and six, these jellybean shaped critters are often shared between family members pouches as they start to age and develop.


Past the jellybean stage of life, and out of the pouches, chelti normally reach this stage by their first standard year. Capable of limited self-propulsion at first, this is about the equivalent to a human infant. By this point the child is placed into the clan creche, and raised with their cousins by their aunties and uncles.

It should be noted that 'Auntie' refers to any female significantly older female relative, including the mother, being translated from a word that's more a title than a simple relation.

Young Adult

Young adults mature relatively quickly, being two or three years old, growing takes place rapidly, growing between three to four feet in the space of three to four years. Young adults by this point are released from the creche and put to work for the clan in apprenticeships.


By age five chelti have reached their psychical maturity, growing to six of seven feet tall and reaching full legal rights within chelti law. It's at this stage that their headcreasts begin to flush.


Elders are the few chelti who survive long enough to reach physical degradation. Elders do not linger long, and so are treated as almost revered figures in chelti society, enjoying a short retirement phase before often passing away quietly with a thoughtful ceremony on their passing.

External Traits

Body Type

In general chelti are lean of form with wide shoulders and narrow hips. Dog leg knees, and plated headcrests. Their eyes are large, and slit pupils.


Relatively long, thin, and wiry, with pronounced claws upon fingers and toes. Thick callus growths on the inside of their arms and thighs.

Average Height and Weight

Averaging around six feet at adulthood at age twelve, growth will slow going up to about eight feet tall at full maturity at about mid twenties.


Often shades of brown, darker and black, up to lighter and dusky. Some individuals may have a slightly yellowish tinge.


Fur is thin and sporadic, appearing lightly upon the back and in strategic areas.

Eyes are larger than a humans, often with large brows and high pronounced cheekbones. The snout is blunt, almost flat but pronounced on the face with four nostrils and a long mouth filled with a variety of teeth.


Vision is excellent, able to see somewhat into the infrared and ultraviolet wavelengths, chelti see in at least two more base colors than humans, resulting in them describing colors very different from humans.


Teeth vary depending on sub-species, but most commonly they are saw toothed, with molars in the back for dealing with more inanimate food. Tongues are extremely long and dexterous Going up to a foot and a half out of the mouth.


Possessing an extremely long tongue, taste is a strong sense. Able to stretch a foot and a half out at adulthood, the tongue is long, slim, and prehensile. Used for licking things, and people they like.


Chelti are often slightly high-pitched when using human speech, however when speaking their native languages noises can range anywhere from barks and chirps, to whistling birdsong.

Internal Traits



The chelti skeleton is light, with surprisingly flexible bones that heal quickly but not supernaturally fast.



Where it is, what it's like, how big it is, whether it splatters nicely.


What they eat, how fast they digest it, how well its digested.




Comparable to humans, although often noted as with far less self-preservation instincts.



With strangers
With Familiar




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