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Lami'al "Moonflower" La'natah Lmanel

Lami'al is a Lorath Lmanel, working for the LSDF as a shaman holding the rank of major. They are a part of Lorath Matriarchy.

Character Logo or Sprite Lami'al “Moonflower” La'natah Lmanel
Character Picture
Species Lorath, Lmanel Age 461)
Weight 289.6kg (638.4lbs) Height 264cm (8'8“)
Affiliations Lorath Matriarchy, Lmanel Caste, LSDF
Occupation Shaman Organisation LSDF
Rank Major Home Lor, Lae Mannd
Theme Rob Dougan - Beautiful Things




Psychology - With a strongly sunny disposition Lami'al is quick to try and make friends with a smile and straight-forward exuberance. One to openly speak her mind, she is quick to say exactly what she thinks in casual company, a trait which is somewhat hampered by a deep mischievous streak, lending to teasing and playfulness which at times comes at the expense of others. Her time in the wilds isolated from social connections has intensified and invigorated her desire to be sociable removing much of her hesitation preferring instead to take advantage of things in the moment.


Affiliations and Beliefs

A born daughter of the Matriarchy Lami'al feels connected to all citizens of the Matriarchy believing it is her duty to do what she can to do her part and contribute to the well-being of all whom she believes to be doing the same. To this end she looks favourably upon all lorath with rare exception, as well as those helashio, humies, or otherwise who do their part to contribute so long as they continue to pull their weight.

Like most Lmanel, Lami'al maintains a hybrid faith most closely grounded to the natural world, those who have come before her, and the shamanistic observances and practices which tie them together and to the Goddess and God. She practices rituals and observances for the Goddess, the God, and the natural world in equal part, giving her worship and respect. As such Lami'al can usually find some aspect of the Lorath Faith to draw upon in almost any situation, as well as draw upon her balanced faith for strength. As a practising shaman, Lami'al also has ties within the Lmanel shaman circles giving her contacts with varying ties to the central church as well as varied fields of expertise.

Attached to the La'natah clan, Lami'al has contacts available to her in several cities on Lor as well as a few branch relations that have chosen to remain on Nyli III. While not having maintained any deep connections, shared history, and a shared name are usually enough to engage on amiable terms and work out exchanges of favour if needed.


Primarily fluent in Ly'thir, Lami'al also has extensive familiarity with Ci'kesa due to her study of the faith along side her shamanistic training. Though less comfortable with it, Lami'al has also picked up the commonly used humie dialects as a trade-tongue able to identify and to some degree mirror the cultural flavors of the sub-cultures found within the Matriarchy's borders.

Unique to Lami'al is a personal runic script following the rules of Lorath calligraphy, but designed to create unique written characters to indicate an idea, a feeling, an event, an intent, or any number of memories or thoughts which are enshrined by her as most important to her personally, which she has developed over the years. This script has been refined heavily since becoming a shaman incorporating influences and new insights from her mentors. Though meaningless to others who may attempt to read it, she uses it to record her most personal observations as well as uses it extensively in her practice of spellcraft.



Originally born from the Lorath Matriarchy's supplemental cloning project Lami'al entered life in the body of a young adult after a virtual upbringing experiencing a childhood and early life that never really was. Intended to be just another of the many clones like herself produced to expand the Matriarchy's population as they expanded to the stars and weathered the hostilities that had come with their broadened horizons, she ended up being one of the last clones decanted in the facility situated on the eastern continent of Lor. Introduced to her adoptive family just before the moonfall crisis, Lami'al was lucky enough to be shepherded onto an evacuation ship in the final moments before the fragments of the moon collided with Lor's surface.

Evacuated to Nyli III with the majority of Lor's populace, Lami'al soon volunteered to join the LSDF and trained to earn a position in the newly forming LSDF survey corps with the task of traversing the scarred and broken landscape of a post-impact Lor to discover first hand what the extent of the devastation had been. In the years that followed Lami'al worked to survey the planet, travelling from the least affected regions into the heart of the devastation on many occasions, as well as providing security for scientific missions to the surface as well as contributing to the assembly of infrastructure needed to begin the process of healing the planet's atmosphere and biosphere.

As the planet recovered Lami'al transitioned into the role of a fairly well respected wilderness ranger, remaining in the moon devastated eastern hemisphere Lami'al worked from an outpost on the edge of the impact zone and spent many of her days venturing deep into the scarred, but recovering wilderness. Her days were spent documenting, managing, and observing the flora, fauna, geological, and weather of the area while providing both navigational and security aid for research teams deployed to the region. Her occupation became a fairly mundane and rote role, taking trips deep into the un-reclaimed scarred lands with her fellow rangers as well as patrolling the then still under construction barrier walls to ensure the safety of those who worked to contain and attempt to address the difficulties that the scarred lands had brought upon their home.

Though remembering the specifics is difficult for her, Lami'al became keenly aware that her job became much more difficult following the Exodus, new animals, weather patterns, and strange substances and formations becoming common place in the brutalized landscape that comprised much of Lor's eastern hemisphere.

During a mission culling an excessive population of narrshra'am2), a sudden electrical storm rolled in, and she was separated from her squad in an effort to ensure they got to safety and was nearly trampled by a herd of mutated fel'sibur3). Cut off and injured in the ensuing chaos, Lami'al was able to maintain irregular comms contact with her distant squad while struggling seek shelter from frequent lightning strikes, flash flooding, and the difficulty of dealing with her gradually worsening infected wounds. After a time of wandering in the torrential downpour, Lami'al found herself in a relatively dry, sheltered outcropping beneath the roots of a tree.

Here, partially delirious, exhausted, injured, and alone she was approached by one of the smaller narrshra'am. Initially frightening it off with unintentionally inaccurate fire from her hi'kid, she was repeatedly approached over the duration of the storm of the storm, and the following days by the creature. Initial interactions involving Lami'al talking to herself and personifying what she initially considered to be a mindless scavenger, progressed into periods of delusion, mania, and fixated interest in the unusual animal, coming to appreciate the way it used broken branches, long bleached bones, skulls, and even flat stones to augment its otherwise pitiful translucent form.

Several days into the unintentional co-habitation with the narrshra'am, Lami'al was awoken by a fever dream by a chorus of angry chittering to discover that her unlikely companion was in the process of attempting to fend off a small group of rroci'ti4) which had emerged from the floodwaters to scavenge for easy food. As she struggled in her feverish weakened state to pull her hi'kid into her hands, Lami'al was struck by the observation that the narrshra'am was not simply defending itself but, actively working to keep the advancing rroci'ti from reaching her. Forced to accept that it wasn't simply protecting a food source, as she likely could have been killed by it long before that moment, Lami'al struggled into an upright position and with as much care as she could manage in her delirious state.

A short sequence of shots, many less accurate than she would care to admit, were enough to either kill or drive off the encroaching rroci'ti, providing a moment of relative safety and food for the narrshra'am which had risked itself for her sake. Muttering a prayer of thanks both to the Goddess and her unlikely protector, Lami'al once again passed into unconsciousness.

Awakening an unknown time later, she was immediately struck by a strange sensation as well as a notable shift in her perception. Confusion shifted to worry, then panic, and slowly understanding as she took in her situation, the narrshra'am having extended several pseudopods, visibly stretching to keep itself at a distance as it explored and interacted with her infected wounds. Fascinated Lami'al watched the wisps of the toxic byproduct of the narrshra'am swirl over her skin, mixing with her blood as it passed over wounds that hadn't quite sealed. In a moment of brief lucidity Lami'al realized that her only hope at survival was to attempt to bond with the animal which had become her unlikely companion in the wake of the storm, as thunder and rainfall filled the air Lami'al offered a heartfelt prayer to the Goddess, the God, and Lor herself as she dredged up all she could remember of what she'd been taught about the aspectation process.

When Lami'al next awoke she initially assumed that she'd awoken from a convoluted nightmare. She felt good, relaxed, comfortable, free from the constant shivers and tremors that she had expected. It was only as she opened her eyes to perceive the ceiling of partially unearthed roots that she realized that unfortunately it had all been very real. Movement was easy, but in other ways difficult. While her wounds had finally closed properly and pink, healthy flesh indicated that she was well on her way to an eventual recovery, other discoveries were less heartening. Her right hand had been petrified, and a battery of sharp pains when she moved her forearm indicated that the petrification had proceeded unevenly up her forearm. Investigation uncovered other areas of her body that had been turned to stone, luckily none vital, as well as the discovery that she had lost vision in her left eye. Most startling of all, however, was the plumes of rose colored vapor that escaped with every breath.

As she came to terms with the price of her ordeal, Lami'al became aware of the comforting, pillowy sensation of the naarshra'am that cradled her body, it's toxic vapors seemingly having no effect on her, and the distinct feeling of relief that radiated from the creature brought her a surprising peace of mind. Gently stroking the smooth, gel-like surface of the naarshra'am with her unpetrified hand, Lami'al allowed herself a smile for the first time in what felt like a life-time before fumbling with her low-powered comms in an attempt to arrange for hazmat and an evac.

After a lengthy debriefing process, initial medical treatment, re-acclimation, extensive surgery, and several difficult months in observational quarantine Lami'al was finally cleared to re-integrate among her peers. During her time of psychological leave following her release into the Matriarchy at large, spurred by her experiences Lami'al sought teaching from Lmanel who held a deep connection with the wilds working hard to deepen her own connection to the natural world around her while also learning to perceive and harness the mystical gifts that the natural world provided.

Along with her foray into traditional Lmanel shamanistic practices, Lami'al enrolled in a remote curriculum geared toward providing her with a better understanding of molecular biology and chemistry focusing on naturally produced compounds and byproducts in an effort to better understand the results and consequences of her aspectation. Motivated to better herself not only in her chosen career but also to expand her horizons academically Lami'al found her life dramatically changed as she returned to the moon-scarred lands with new pursuits as well as a companion she had never known she was missing.


Recently having been approached by an a superior in the LSDF, Lami'al was asked if she would apply her skills on the frontier rather than the home front to serve the Matriarchy in securing its borders and learning more about what lies beyond. Though reluctant to leave the scarred wilderness that she called home, her desire to ensure a safe and prosperous Matriarchy bolsters her spirits as she departs to places that she has never seen before.








Theme - List the source of your character's abilities here. This can include Martial, Gadgets, Artificial Intelligence, Cybernetics, Racial, Mutations, Psionics, Spellcasting, and more.



List the character's inventory here. The following mini-headings are a guide, and can be added/removed as usual.



* 1 Rank Pin Set







Describe your character's financial situation here. Think about your character's sources of income, and living expenses.
Some adjectives: Wretched, Squalid, Poor, Modest, Comfortable, Affluent, Wealthy, Aristocratic.
Update this section as is necessary.

OOC Notes

If you have any other OOC notes, such as reference pictures, extra links, or extra music, leave them here as you see fit.
Decanted at an effective physical and mental age of 34, and has been actively working as a citizen of the matriarchy for 12 years giving her an effective age of 46
commonly 'narshies' or moon jellies
large herd herbivore mammals with heavy rough keratinous plates armoring their bodies.
large semi-amphibious crustaceans
consuming it