Table of Contents

Deil'an "Tranquil" Korin

Tranquil is a Fyuunen, working for the Lorath Self Defense Force as a Curate. They are a part of Lorath Matriarchy, working on the LSDF Val'ta.

Character Logo or Sprite Deil'an “Tranquil” Korin
Character Picture
Species Lorath Fyunnen Caste Age AGE
Weight 302lbs Height 7'4“
Affiliations Lorath Matriarchy
Occupation Apostle Organisation Lorath Self Defense Force
Rank Curate Home LSDF Val'ta



Korin is a well-built man with a calm, dull demeanor regularly, earnest and straightforward in his dealings.


Theme - Deil'an is an Inquisitor, and as such taps into the realm of the divine in order to bring his judgement upon Lor's enemies. His primary focus in this is channeling energies through his armaments.


Psychology - Write a paragraph or two about your character's worldview, thought process, and psychology here.



Personality - Describe your character's personality in one paragraph here.

Affiliations and Beliefs

Describe your character's positive affiliations, such as societies they belong to, contact groups they have, or organisational and occupational ties.
You may also list any belief systems the character follows.
You may also list enemies in a new header if your character has made any!


List the languages your character is capable of speaking, reading, and writing. All characters are fluent in a dialect of Basic.
All synthetics can speak Machine, but they may have different codecs or protocols, which can serve as dialects, or new languages entirely.



Write about your character's life, upbringing, and any notable events in two to four paragraphs here.


Write about your character's current experiences here, and how they are moving into their intended plot. Keep this section up to date with major plot events. Big changes can go under subheadings


Describe your character's skills here. Read more on Skills Guide for skill areas. Starting characters usually have 4 to 7 skill areas, with the following skill levels available for distribution:
Expert (1 Skill may be assigned as Expert)
Advanced (Up to 2 Skills may be assigned as Advanced)
Intermediate (Up to 3 Skills may be assigned as Intermediate)
Basic (Up to 4 Skills may be assigned as Basic)

Character skills may improve, or new skill areas will be available

Skill Area [Skill]

Describe your character's skill here, and their level of competence within the square brackets. Competence levels include Beginner, Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert, and Master.
A skill area listing is not necessary for representing daily tasks at Beginner level. For example, the Vehicles skill doesn't need to be added to your character's biography if they will only use it to commute to work.
If they get involved in a car chase though, a GM using these guidelines is unlikely to rule in the character's favour over someone with the Vehicles skill.

Basic Skills


List the character's inventory here. The following mini-headings are a guide, and can be added/removed as usual.









Describe your character's financial situation here. Think about your character's sources of income, and living expenses.
Some adjectives: Wretched, Squalid, Poor, Modest, Comfortable, Affluent, Wealthy, Aristocratic.
Update this section as is necessary.

OOC Notes

If you have any other OOC notes, such as reference pictures, extra links, or extra music, leave them here as you see fit.