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Man's Best Friends

MBFs are a synthetic race of beings derived from dogs and engineered to be very intelligent and fiercely loyal. While they can't talk and are rather diminuitive in stature, they are very adept with technology and weaponry (although you can get one to help around the house). They're somewhat humanoid, at about two feet tall with proportional arms and legs.

Abilities Shortlist

  • Can lift up to 500lbs
  • Bones of carbon.
  • Marrow of nanomachines.
  • much cute, very bork
  • Cannot communicate in any language verbally
  • Does at least have identifiable emotions when barking, growling, etc.
  • On-par or better-than-human intelligence, but is usually restricted based on the job. Expect clever thinking.
  • Minds are synthetic, and theoretically any synthetic mind can be transplanted into an MBF.
  • They can spacewalk without an EVA suit, and in fact don't need to breathe.
  • Produced fully formed from the line, and programmed with all the essential information that that particular unit requires.
  • An expectancy of 20 years, with regular care and love.

Body Type

The Man's Best Friend body tends to be somewhat sausage shaped, but not noticeably so. The entire figure is designed to invoke as much of that “D'aww” factor that affects so many humans as possible.


MBF limbs are proportional to the body, being about 1 foot in length for both the arms and legs, give or take a few inches. MBF hands are two-jointed, allowing for rudimentary dexterity, but have tacky pads on their fingertips, allowing for a little more grip. Their feet are similarly dextrous, with tacky pads and two-jointed nubbins. Both the hands and the feet have the capability to be magnetized for spacewalking or gripping metallic objects.

Average Height and Weight

MBFs are around 2 feet tall on average and weigh up to 75lbs mostly due to the density of their internal systems.


MBF skin is a matte latex material. It is resistant to changes in heat and cold, and is sealed against the elements and outer space.


MBF fur tends to be short and have a very solid quality to it, although sometimes it is less sleek and more silky, depending on the breed. The colour and pattern, of course, is determined by the template dogs used in any particular MBF.

The MBF heads usually resemble a corgi or terrier head, with a bit of crossbreeding with other breeds. In other words, engineered for cute. Ears are as you'd expect, either perky and high or floppy and low. Their noses, again, what one would expect from a dog - dark, wet, cute.


MBFs have large pupils and just as large irises, as dogs usually do. Unlike their template, MBFs have vastly greater visual capabilities, being able to see in full colour and with additional scanner capabilities to help them identify the world.


The MBF mouth has the full range of teeth one would expect from a dog, with a few added features for flexibility. The teeth are a carbon blend dyed white to look the same as regular teeth, and the flexible, flat tongue can extend to a foot out for use as an additional limb, to reach hard-to-get objects, or “reasons”.


An MBF's sense of taste is highly refined and can also be used to identify chemical makeup of objects.


MBFs can only speak in barks, whimpers, yips, and generally any noise a dog can make.




Where it is, what it's like, how big it is, whether it splatters nicely.


What they eat, how fast they digest it, how well its digested.





With strangers
With Familiar
  • species/mbf.1466981065.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/06/26 18:44
  • by moogle